

普赖斯 美国驻华大使馆 2023-04-08
















U.S. State Department Spokesperson Ned Price Delivers His Final In-Person Daily Press Briefing

In a statement released on March 7, 2023, Secretary Blinken announced that this month, Ned Price will step down as the State Department’s Spokesperson.

Ambassador Burns said on Twitter, "As @StateDeptSPOX Price steps down, I send my congrats for his stellar work at the @StateDept podium.  As a former spokesperson, I admire all he’s done to advance our public diplomacy."

Spokesperson Ned Price said on Twitter," [March 13] was my final in-person press briefing. One person stands at the podium, but briefing requires assistance from many more. Thanks to my colleagues for the teamwork and to the reporters who ask tough and necessary questions every day. I’m grateful to have had this opportunity."

On March 13, 2023, Ned Price delivered his last in-person daily press briefing as the Department’s spokesperson. During his tenure, Ned conducted more than 200 briefings – providing people around the world with accurate, timely information. Thank you for your service, Ned. 

U.S. State Department Spokesperson Ned Price says...

At the top of the March 13, 2023 Department of State Press Briefing, Spokesperson Ned Price comments included the following excerpted points…

MR PRICE: Good afternoon. Now, if you’ll bear with me, I have only seven or eight toppers to get through today.

No, actually, I only have one. As many of you may have surmised, this will be my last on-camera briefing. And so, with your forbearance, I want to spend just a couple minutes offering some parting thoughts.

As I was thinking about what to say, I took a look back at my first briefing on February 2nd of 2021. I realized in doing so just how much has changed over the past couple of years.

First, that briefing was only 38 minutes long. (Laughter.) Could you imagine? I know many of you have pined for those days.

Here’s what else has changed: You were all so polite, you were introducing yourselves, you were limiting yourselves to a single question, to being judicious with follow-ups. I’ve since pined for those days.

And looking out on this room now, there are now many more of you than there were on February 2nd of 2021. Now, perhaps that has something to do with the fact that we’ve lifted the COVID capacity limits. But, again, it’s my last briefing, so let me think for just a moment that it has more to do with making this room the place to be for foreign policy reporters.

Let the transcript reflect there was no laughter. That’s great. (Laughter.)


For full transcripts of this press release: https://www.state.gov/briefings/department-press-briefing-march-13-2023/ 

