



今天,国务卿安东尼·布林肯(Antony Blinken)在约翰·霍普金斯大学高级国际研究学院(SAIS)发表演讲,阐述了拜登政府在当前这个历史转折点——后冷战时代接近尾声,为影响今后世界格局而进行的激烈竞争刚刚开始——对美国外交力量和目标的看法。 



  • 首先,我们正在重新确立和深化联盟和伙伴关系,同时建立新的伙伴关系。这包括北约。随着芬兰入盟和瑞典即将入盟,北约比以往规模更大、力量更强、更加团结。此外,还包括七国集团。我们已将七国集团转型为世界上最先进民主国家的指导委员会,并将与世界各国的重要双边关系提升到一个新的水平。

  • 其次,我们正以创新和相辅相成的方式,跨越问题和大陆,将我们的联盟和伙伴关系紧密联系在一起。这一点已在我们为支持乌克兰、确保普京的侵略在战略上不断失败而建立的联盟中得到了鲜明体现。而且,我们已形成战略融合并将其转化为相应的行动,其中包括AUKUS、四方(Quad)机制以及在戴维营与日本和大韩民国所宣布的内容。

  • 第三,我们正在建立新的联盟来应对我们时代最为严峻的挑战。我们与七国集团一起筹集了数千亿美元,以缩小全球基础设施差距;我们召集了数十个国家来应对导致全球粮食危机的当前和长期因素;我们正在制定人工智能规则;我们还在化解全球合成药物滥用危机。我们不仅与各国政府合作,还与公民社会、私营部门、学术界和公民,尤其是青年领袖展开合作。

  • 最后,我们将新老联盟团结在一起来加强对于应对全球挑战至关重要的国际机构。我们为联合国提出了积极愿景,包括扩大联合国安理会,以纳入更多不同地域的观点;我们正在推动多边开发银行的振兴和改革,以应对气候变化、新冠疫情、通货膨胀和沉重债务等极端风暴;我们正在多边机构中参加竞选并赢得了领导职位,以确保在谈判桌上推进我们的利益和价值观。






Secretary Blinken Outlines the Power and Purpose of American Diplomacy in a New Era in Speech at Johns Hopkins SAIS

SEPTEMBER 13, 2023

Today, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken delivered a speech at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) sharing the Biden Administration’s view of the power and purpose of American diplomacy at this historic inflection point — the end of the post-Cold War era and the early days of fierce competition to define what comes next.

The Secretary shared the Biden Administration’s vision of a free, open, secure, and prosperous world and described how our efforts to reimagine and revitalize our unmatched network of allies and partners have put us in a position of strength to meet the defining tests of our era while delivering for the American people.

There are four key elements of this approach:

  • First, we’re renewing and deepening our alliances and partnerships, and forging new ones. This includes a NATO that is bigger, stronger, and more united than ever with a new member in Finland and Sweden joining soon. It also includes a G7 that we’ve transformed into the steering committee for the world’s most advanced democracies and critical bilateral relationships with countries from around the world that we’ve taken to the next level.

  • Second, we’re weaving together our alliances and partnerships in innovative and mutually reinforcing ways across issues and continents. It’s been on vivid display in the coalition we’ve built to support Ukraine and ensure Putin’s aggression remains a strategic failure. And we’ve shaped and translated strategic convergence into consequential actions — from AUKUS to the Quad to the announcements made with Japan and the Republic of Korea at Camp David.

  • Third, we’re building new coalitions to tackle the toughest challenges of our time. We’ve mobilized hundreds of billions of dollars with the G7 to close the global infrastructure gap, rallied dozens of countries to respond to the immediate and long-term drivers of the global food crisis, are shaping the rules of the road for AI, and addressing the global synthetic drugs epidemic. We are working not only with governments, but also civil society, the private sector, academia, and citizens, especially young leaders.

  • Finally, we’re bringing our old and new coalitions together to strengthen the international institutions that are vital to tackling global challenges. We’ve offered an affirmative vision for the UN, including expansion of the UN Security Council to incorporate more geographically diverse perspectives; we’re making a push to revitalize and reform Multilateral Development Banks to deal with the perfect storm of climate change, COVID, inflation, and crushing debt; and we’re running and winning seats to leadership positions across the multilateral system to ensure we’re at the table advancing our interests and values.

Fellow democracies will always be our first port of call, but we are determined to work with any country – including those with whom we disagree on important issues – so long as they want to deliver for their citizens, contribute to solving shared challenges, and uphold the international norms we’ve built together.

We are leading with diplomacy in this new era — humble about the scale and scope of our challenges at home and abroad, but confident about the resonance of our affirmative vision, our enduring and unique capacity to do big, hard things and build broad, inclusive, and effective coalitions. And most of all, we are confident in the power and purpose of American diplomacy.



