
SZ kicks off projects for high-quality development 深圳开工高质量发展建设项目

Zhang Yu ShenzhenDaily 2023-09-18

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SHENZHEN announced the beginning of the construction of 266 projects at a conference centering on high-quality development yesterday, a day after Guangdong Province held a conference on the same theme.

The projects, the city’s first batch of key projects for 2023, will involve a total investment of 329.53 billion yuan (US$48.57 billion), with a planned investment of about 53.56 billion yuan this year.

A view of illuminated Futian CBD. File photo

The conference, attended by the city’s top leaders, featured the arrangements for the year’s key work while highlighting the theme of high-quality development, demonstrating Shenzhen’s resolution and swiftness to take the lead in pursuing high-quality development.

According to Shenzhen Party chief Meng Fanli, the conference underscored the city’s firm determination to make every day count with a strong sense of responsibility as well as the spirit of not slacking for a moment.

He pointed out that this year marks the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and it is highly significant and of great responsibility to have a good start.

Meng urged efforts to vigorously advance the current key work in 10 aspects, which covers boosting confidence, stabilizing growth, warding off risks, promoting innovation, expediting modern industrial system development, fostering market entities, attracting investment and talents, invigorating reforms, achieving fruitful results in opening, and improving people’s livelihoods.

According to Meng, it is imperative to focus on development with more powerful and effective work, make every effort to create the best development atmosphere and entrepreneurial ecosystem with optimal policies and services, continuously gather more industries, enterprises, capital and talents to shape new drivers and advantages for development.

The 266 projects mainly cover the industrial sector, infrastructure, public service projects and property development.

In the industrial sector, 96 projects with an investment of about 186.42 billion yuan include the Yanluo Intelligent Connected Vehicles Industrial Park, Phase I of the Pinghu Intelligent Manufacturing Park and the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation Industrial Park.

The 70 infrastructure projects include the renovation project of the Yantian-Baguang Expressway, the ecological corridor project of Guanlan River’s main stream and Phase I of the Zhoushi Road renovation project.

The 70 public service projects include the science and education building of Shenzhen Children’s Hospital, while the 30 property development projects include Phase I of the urban renovation projects of the Tanluo Village area and Huanggangcun.

Editor/Shao Jingfeng

WeChat Editor/Claudia

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