
Park symphony promotes eco-friendly lifestyle 首场公园交响快闪音乐会倡导绿色生活

Wang Jingli ShenzhenDaily 2023-09-18

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AGAINST the backdrop of a blue sea and green lawn, Shenzhen’s first Park Symphony and Green Concert for Earth Day was successfully held at the Bailupo (Egret Slope) Book Bar of Shenzhen Bay Park in Nanshan District yesterday afternoon.


Don Rechtman from the U.S. directs the Shenzhen University Chamber Orchestra to perform the song “Main Title” at the Bailupo Book Bar of Shenzhen Bay Park in Nanshan District yesterday, the city’s first Park Symphony and Green Concert for Earth Day. He was among 10 citizens selected to act as conductors at the event, which was aimed to promote eco-friendly lifestyle. Photos by Liu Xudong


The event was jointly held by the Shenzhen Vitalization Symphony Development Foundation, Shenzhen park management center, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra (SZSO), Tencent Music Entertainment Group, QQ Music and other charity organizations. Shenzhen Daily offered media support for the event.


Shao Bing, deputy director of SZSO, said at a ceremony prior to the art performances that the park symphony offered citizens hanging around the park a chance to feel the breath of spring through music.


Golysheva Emiliya from Russia plays the piano at Shenzhen’s first Park Symphony and Green Concert for Earth Day at the Bailupo (Egret Slope) Book Bar of Shenzhen Bay Park yesterday.    


The art performances were officially kicked off by SZSO, creating an aesthetic scene for citizens to join a feast for the ears at the book bar of the park.


“SZSO brought audiences with green-themed pieces to promote low-carbon lifestyle and also encouraged the public to protect the planet ahead of the Earth Day [a worldwide event that occurs annually on April 22],” said Shao.


Later, Russian young pianist Golysheva Emiliya played Chopin’s the Waltz in C-sharp minor Op.64 No.2, wowing audience with cheers, yells and applauses.

随后,来自俄罗斯的青年钢琴家格列舍瓦•艾米莉亚(Golysheva Emiliya)为现场观众弹奏了肖邦的《升C小调圆舞曲》,迎来现场观众的阵阵欢呼与喝彩。

Emiliya, who has been living in Shenzhen for almost five years, said it was a wonderful performing opportunity.


“I chose the song which I think is very suitable for today’s event because it is a short piece and everyone including those who are not familiar with classic music could enjoy it,” said Emiliya, adding that the park symphony is a good form to bring people and nature together.


In the last session, the Shenzhen University (SZU) Chamber Orchestra brought a set of music pieces including “Main Title,” theme song of “The Game of Thrones” at the big lawn outside the book bar.


Residents direct the Shenzhen University Chamber Orchestra to perform the song “Main Title” at the Bailupo Book Bar of Shenzhen Bay Park in Nanshan District yesterday, the city’s first Park Symphony and Green Concert for Earth Day.

A total of 10 citizens directed the SZU Chamber Orchestra to perform the song “Main Title,” bringing the event to a climax. The 10 people were selected from 52 applicants registered for orchestral conductors before the event.


Don Rechtman, one of the 10 selected citizens who knew the event from Shenzhen Daily, said that “I like being here because I have done little conducting in China as I couldn’t speak Chinese but this gives me a chance to do it, which I like doing. I like this event because this gives greater experience of exposure to the symphonic form to more people. Music is a multi-cultural language and events like this help enrich people’s lives and feelings.”



In this park music tour, citizens not only enjoyed the wonderful music but also looked at the vast blue sea to have an immersive experience of the park’s natural environment and get close to the nature.


He Jialong, one of those taking part in the music event, said he was attracted to the event as it’s held at a natural environment and it’s really good to enjoy the nature while cooperating with professional musicians as a conductor.


The event is aimed to create an interesting scene for citizens to join the park symphony, mobilize people to participate in the environmental protection activity through symphonic music, and improve the overall environment of the earth through green and low-carbon living. The event attracted over 1,000 citizens on site, according to the organizers.


Editor/Yang Yunfei

WeChat Editor/Claudia

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