
05.12 周五 • TING TING DISCO at BBB

BBB BAR 酒吧 2023-07-09

Ting ting disco 成立于2015年。由主理人 DJ Lucy 以派对模式进攻台北与上海各大小酒吧和俱乐部。2017年起开始在中国各大城市巡回。2018年已完成东南亚及东北亚巡回。2020年,随着DJ/制作人的加入,Ting ting disco 品牌衍生了新的线上音乐制作与发行能力,用更高效的方式整合国内外音乐作品,输出更丰富的音乐体验。

Since 2015, leaded by DJ LUCY, Ting Ting Disco has been well known for presenting great parties in all sorts of bars, pubs, clubs, and venues in both Taipei and Shanghai. In 2017, Ting Ting Disco started to play music in other cities in China and go on tour in Asia contiguously. In 2020, it brings more than just parties - releases.








从业10余载⾄至今,05年游学欧洲主修多媒体设计,期间接触并深 爱上电⼦子⾳音乐与现代视觉艺术传达;归国后不久便为推⾏行更新 锐的派对概念及⽣生活⽅方式⽽而放弃了更为安稳的⽣生计⼿手段;并与 圈中好友共同策划、执⾏行多场跳舞派对,更多次为时尚杂志及 国际会晤担任嘉宾DJ,良好的⼝口碑与⼲⼴广泛的涉猎使之⼈人⽓气快速攀升,迅速活跃在各⼤大⾳音乐节及各重⼤大派对舞场,收获掌声不断.

从舒适的CHILL OUT/LOUNGE到浓烈的FUNK DISCO; 从涌动 的HOUSE到凌厉的TECHNO,在他的混⾳音中起伏得格外别致与 不凡,你只需⽤用⼼心感受,便能体会融⼊入Youga奉上的美妙时光.

Got deep touch with electronic music when he had study tour in Europe,He gave up the stable livelihoods for the implementaAon of cuBng-edge dance party concept aDer his returning, and he plan and perform many dance party together with his circle of friends, he also as a guest DJ at lots of magazine and internaAonal meeAngs; Aider range of music studied under and good reputaAon make his popularity rapid rise, also makes him turning into the major music fesAvals and major Party dance in Beijing quickly,harvest the big applause conAnued.

The comfort level CHILL OUT LOUNGE and the strong precipitaAon FUNK DISCO ;all kinds of cuBng-edge HOUSE rhythm to the solemn sharp TECHNO, he has come in handy, never have cliché and repeAAon in his mix show, just use mind and body feelings, you will see the look quite different.


DJ Lucy 对于新鲜事物的好奇心,永远让他觉得不满足。从原先电影专业跨行到DJ,创作对于他而言没有绝对、更没有边界。DJ Lucy 的音乐风格来自于他乐观且充满活力的性格,所涉及的音乐种类非常广阔,从Hip-Hop、Rock、Punk到Indie Rock、Jazz,在不同音乐风格中切换,有节奏的掌握听众情绪。在现场,你会发现DJ Lucy 是没有规则的、不按剧本走的音乐创作者,有时候是环境氛围牵引著他的音乐路径,或者,是他像幕后导演一般,掌握著每一个人的情绪走向。



The music style is mostly Techno and House. The ever-changing melodies and increasingly heavy rhythms will sink you deeper and deeper, only to suddenly lift up when you immediately fall into the abyss, creating an unexpected musical experience.

