
11.24 周五 · Elastic People pres. Jeremy Cheung香港的雀跃律动

BBB BAR 酒吧 2023-12-29

Jeremy16歲開始學習Djing至今已超過20年。他喜歡嘗試各種風格的跳舞音樂完美融合,其中包括House、Techno、Minimal、Acid、Electro、Progressive、Rave、Trance  , Balearic, Soul, Indie Dance, Disco 等等。Jeremy 終生熱愛各種音樂,憑藉他對各種曲調的深刻了解,每次都能帶來震撼人心的 DJ 表演。

他經常為香港頂級地下俱樂部演出,其中包括 Oma,Mihn 和 Social Room。除香港外,他亦曾於世界各地多間頂級會所及場地包括在巴黎,柏林,倫敦,布拉格,上海,北京,成都,廣州,深圳,澳門,台北,首爾,馬尼拉,吉隆坡,新加坡,曼谷,河內,胡志明市,巴里島和蒙古等許多城市演出。

Jeremy 也是在香港官方場地裡DJ set演出最長的紀錄保持者,總共是15小時。

Jeremy Cheung(HK)


曾经的 Echo Inc. 唱片店老板,ByeByeDisco 厂牌成员。十余年唱片从业经历积累了丰富的聆听经验。目前策划主持Elastic People、record:eep 等活动。

Kai.f has spent much of his time doing what a lot of music lovers surely envy him for: digging through crates and crates of vinyl records. Founder of ECHO INC. - one of the very few vinyl stores managing to sell dance music records in a country where few people cherish vinyl let alone play it in clubs, Kai.f is as singular a figure in China’s dance music scene as he is important to dance music vinyl records in China.As a DJ, Kai.f feels comfortable breaking genre boundaries and incorporates Techno, House and Minimal into his sets as eclectic asy the many records he has on sale.


Kaize  Club白兔驻场DJ、Club HAZE驻场DJ 摩登天空LAB驻场DJ 硬件电子乐队海淀人(Hi electro man)主创成员之一。DJ风格从早期的Chicago House转变为现在的Minimal House,善于用精准的Groove递进把控舞池,并以玩具设计师的身份经营着自创的玩具品牌Kaize Toys。

Member of the ground-breaking electro house band Hielektromen. With roots in disco and Chicago House, his deep style gets the dance floor grooving. He is also a toy designer, running the brand Kaize Toys.


出⽣于澳⻔的葡萄牙⾳乐⼈,迄今已有 10 余年电⼦⾳乐场景经验。2012 年他移居北京,从那时起就成为北京地下电⼦⾳乐的中⼼⼒量。时⾄今⽇,Nigls 仍活跃在电⼦⾳乐底下舞台及锐舞派对,狂热的舞池经历让他能够很好的理电⼦⾳乐美学,并将其融⼊于⾃⼰的 DJ Set。他喜欢将不同的⾳乐⻛格融合并延伸,让这些⾳符迸发碰撞出⽆限可能性。拥有强⼤的 House 和 Techno 基础,Nigls 喜欢探索宏⼤的⾳景和它们的变体:Dub, Minimal, Acid, Electro, Breakbeat。


