

2017-07-22 同济大学设计创意学院


The Doctoral Forum in Design is an academic event for doctoral students. The forum is an initiative founded by Tsinghua University, Jiangnan University, Hunan University, Tongji University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and National Cheng Kung University. It aims to provide a platform for design research for doctoral students and to enhance the quality of doctoral education. The 6th Doctoral Forum in Design will be hosted by Tongji Univesity College of Design and Innovation during the Tongji Design Week in October 2017.



As the academic week of the Shanghai Design Week, the Tongji Design Week will begin on October 9. It consists of a variety of exciting events ranging from international conferences, forums, and seminars to exhibitions and workshops. Among all the activities, Emerging Practices Design Research and Education Conference 2017(EPC 2017) is the key event, which will be held on October 9-10. This doctoral forum will be held immediately following EPC 2017 on October 11 as an important extension of the conference.

今年,新兴实践会议的主题为“社会世界”(The Social World),从社会的视角来探讨复杂的社会技术系统,持续关注DesignX议题。这一主题将成为本届高校设计研究博士论坛的关注点之一,同时,我们更期待,来自各大院校的博士生们为大家呈现博士教育中设计研究的深度与广度。

With the theme of “The Social World,” EPC 2017 will explore complex sociotechnical systems by inquiring into the goals, needs, and approaches of such systems from the social perspective.The discourse around this theme of EPC2017 can be continued as one of the topics of the doctoral forum this year. In the meanwhile, we hope that participants—with their doctoral studies carried out in different universities—will be able to depict the horizon and the depth of design research in doctoral education.


  1. 基于博士课题的交流:论坛邀请目前在读且已经开题的博士研究生们汇报自己的博士课题研究,从选题、立论、研究方法与验证等角度介绍各自设计学博士学位研究的重点与难点。

  2. 专家点评与评奖:论坛将邀请六所发起院校的嘉宾、第六届“新兴实践”设计研究与教育会议参会嘉宾作为专家团,对参会发表的博士研究进行有建设性的点评。本次博士论坛将选出全场最佳陈述及最佳墙报设计,并颁发证书。

  3. 语言:书面材料及报告文件要求双语,口头陈述以中文为主,在保证无语言沟通障碍的基础上进行更深入的讨论。对于采用英语的发表人,我们将为其提供展示材料的中文翻译服务。

  4. 墙报展示:我们会邀请参加发表的博士研究生制作一张介绍自己研究课题的竖版墙报(主办方提供墙报模板),届时在会场上展示,让更多的参会者了解到博士生们的研究成果。

  5. 博士生之夜:在论坛当晚,“博士生之夜”将为来自各个院校的博士生提供深入交流的机会,便于更好地分享设计研究的经验和成果,促进年轻研究者之间建立联系形成研究社群。


What will happen?

The one-day event consists of various activities to share knowledge and to facilitate doctoral candidates to foster the research network.


1. Communication based on the doctoral study:The forum invites doctoral candidates to present their doctoral studies, introducing the key points and the difficulties of their research in terms of the topic,argument, research methods, evaluation, etc.

2. Critiques and awards: We will invite guests from the six founding universities and guests from EPC2017 to give constructive comments on each presentation. Best Presentation and Best Poster will be selected and certificates will be awarded.

3. Language: All the written material (including the abstract and the presentation slides) must be prepared in both Chinese and English. The oral presentation will be conducted mainly in Chinese for the purpose of having in-depth discussion. For international presenters, we will help translate all the presentation material into Chinese.

4. Posters: Each presenter will design a poster,introducing his/her ongoing doctoral study. All posters will be exhibited at the forum venue during the event.

5. Doctoral Students’ Night: Doctoral students will be invited to attend the gathering to meet new friends, sharing experience and ideas. It is our hope to foster the emerging network and community among research beginners.


We sincerely invite doctoral students from different universities to participate and to present your doctoral studies. All participants must submit the applying form and a digital copy of the poster via email to tongji_phdforum@163.com. The application deadline is September 10th, 2017.


Meanwhile,scholars, professionals, teachers and students in design research field are all welcome to the event. No registration fee will be charged. The general audience is responsible for their own accommodation and travel expenses. Please send the registration form to Email: tongji_phdforum@163.com. The registration deadline is September 20th, 2017.


If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.


 Forum Coordinator: JIN Xiaoneng <xiaoneng_jin@163.com>


For further information, please follow the WeChat official account of College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University and the WeChat official account of the Doctoral Forum in Design. Thank you!


College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University


The Doctoral Forum in Design

下载 Downloads:

1)参会发表的博士研究生请登录http://tjdi.tongji.edu.cn/NewsDetail.do?ID=4497&lang= 下载“附件1:2017第六届高校设计研究博士论坛报名表”及“附件2:2017第六届高校设计研究博士论坛墙报模板”。(或点击文末“阅读原文”进入下载链接

1)For doctoral candidates who apply for presentation, please download the application form and the poster template.Please click:http://tjdi.tongji.edu.cn/NewsDetail.do?ID=4497&lang=

2)普通参会者请登录http://tjdi.tongji.edu.cn/NewsDetail.do?ID=4497&lang=下载“附件3 2017第六届高校设计研究博士论坛注册表”。

2)For the general audience, please download the registration form. Please click:http://tjdi.tongji.edu.cn/NewsDetail.do?ID=4497&lang=

                        文字| 金小能、周兴、马谨

编辑 | 榴莲

责编 | 徐徐

