
2017同济设计周 | 翻开《主动设计》丛书的“第一页”

2017-10-02 同济大学设计创意学院

同济设计周是我们与世界对话的窗口、交流的平台。2015年,我们在这个平台上宣布《设计、经济与创新》(《She Ji》)学报创刊。今年,我们将在这个平台上揭开《主动设计》丛书首本出版物的神秘面纱。


Open Your Space: Design for Urban Resilience








Chinese society is constantly undergoing profound changes. In response to the social development, the concept, boundary and education of design are all in the course of redefinition. Nowadays, more and more designers are promoted to be power facilitating the development of society as a whole. Professor Lou Yongqi and Chief Editor of Zhuangshi magazine Fang Xiaofeng collect cases and thoughts into Design Activism book series, sharing the experience of designers as well as widely presenting the vision of design activism, and then defining the new paradigm of active innovation.

As the first publication of Design Activism Series, the book Open your space: Design for Urban Resilience is published by LUMINOCITY of Tongji University Press, edited by NiMinqing and Zhu Mingjie in Chinese-English bilinguals. The book launching ceremony will be held in this October at 2017 Tongji Design Week. This book is about urban resilience focusing on public space, it examines the design initiatives driven by scholars and practitioners through their engagement with a wide range of cultural, social, political and ecological challenges. This book brings together leading international critics, designers, scholars and educators to address ways of rethinking the aspects of public space, such as relationships, experiences, collaboration, time, and complexity, which could help us to define the framework of urban resilience. The contributors and case studies share the ideas of how the cities can use design intervention and social engagement strategies to create resilient places to live and present the understanding of design as a practice that through the spatial sights of the city has the power to shape interactions and create new experiences of public space.

There are three chapters in the book:                                                          

Chapter one "Resilient Community and Design Activism", includes three papers from leading thinkers in design for sustainability, Ezio Manzini, Lou Yongqi and the scholar FangXiaofeng.

Chapter two "Enhance the Diversity of Community Environment" presents the process and results of the first two phases of an ongoing research and design project, “Open Your Space(OYS),” in Siping community of Shanghai, China. It presents the studies and practices of the residual public space in Siping community, by involving the administrative office, local residents, students, designers and artists.

Chapter three summarizes the case studies shown in the "Worldwide Design Intervention in Urban Public Space" in OYS exhibition. Based on the research criterion of publicness, cultural diversity, resource integration and the value of social engagement, the chapter shows the design initiatives for urban resilience from more than ten international academic institutions and organizations.




Book Launching Ceremony Open Your Space: Design for Urban Resilience 

Time: 10:20 am, 9th October 2017

Place: the Area in Front of Darkroom, College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University 

编辑 | 魏兴晔、庄明昱、榴莲

协助 | 闫广赫、徐铭

责编 | 朱明洁、刘硙

