



The Announcement of

The 15th Advanced Fieldcourse in Ecology and Conservation – XTBG (AFEC-X 2023)


Registration deadline: until 15:00 on July 31, 2023 


The loss of biodiversity and its impact on human society have aroused the concern of countries in the world. Ecology and Conservation Biology, taken as the basic disciplines for the conservation of the biodiversity, have been attached importance and developed rapidly nowadays. Non-formal education such as training courses independent of university formal courses are playing an increasingly important role in promoting the connection and cooperation of researchers, cultivating international talents in the field of ecology and conservation biology, and promoting the dissemination of new knowledge and research skills, and are widely recognized.


01培训班简介 Introduction


Since 2009, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences (XTBG) has started to hold AFEC-X. AFEX-X is held once a year and has been held for 14 sessions so far. The training course is mainly open to postgraduate students, young scholars and practitioners in the fields of Ecology and Conservation Biology in China, Southeast Asian countries etc. by offering relevant theoretical and practical courses. Over the past 14 years, AFEC-X has received 1539 applications from 567 institutions in 65 countries, of which 385 applicants from 136 institutions in 30 countries have participated in the training onsite. It has won a better and better reputations and gained international influence and popularity. A network of young scientists from AFEC-X has gradually formed.


This program is an intensive course in academic skills and research methods of Ecology and Conservation Biology, intended primarily for early-stage graduate students and young scholars in Ecology and Conservation, providing training in both basic and cutting-edge techniques in Ecology and Conservation Biology.





Training objectives

(1) Improving research capability and confidence systematically in young scientists, and cultivate international talents and young conservation leaders in fields of the biodiversity conservation;

(2) Fostering a regional network of young scientists, promoting the cooperation with international tropical biology researchers and ecological researchers, and building a platform for cooperation and communication on biodiversity conservation in the Asia Pacific region;

(3) Promote China's influence in the World tropical biology research and ecological conservation.

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02培训内容 Training Content


AFEC-X will be mainly instructed by professors and visiting professors from XTBG in the field of Ecology and Conservation Biology. Theoretical lectures and field working are adopted for teaching.



Module 1: Frontier studies about ecology and Conservation Biology 

Tropical Environments, Threats to Biodiversity in Tropical Areas, Biodiversity Science, Climate Change Biology, Conservation Biology, Plant-Animal Interactions, Insect Ecology, Community Ecology, Environmental Education, etc.



Module 2: Research technologies

Experimental Design and R Statistics, Open / Reproducible Sciences, Species Distribution Modelling, Animal Movement Modelling, Thermal Camera Application, Drone Monitoring, Presentation and Scientific Writing Skills, Ecological Stations and Field-plots Sites Visit, etc.



Module 3: Independent projects

The independent projects will be completed independently in groups, including experimental design, data collection and analysis, report writing and defense.

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03主要导师团队 Core Instructors陈  进研究员中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园学术委员会主任、环境教育中心首席科学家、动植物关系研究组组长,曾担任中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园主任(2005-2021)。主要研究方向:动植物相互作用的生态学和进化生物学、环境/科学教育、保护生物学。在Cell, Nature Communications, Ecology, Environmental Education Research等国际期刊上发表论文100余篇。

Professor CHEN Jin,the Director of the Academic Committee,Chief Scientist of Environmental Education Center and PI at the Ecology & Evolution of Plant-Animal Interaction at XTBG. He has served as the director of XTBG from 2005 to 2021. The main research directions of him are the ecology and evolution of the plant-animal interaction, environmental/scientific education and conservation biology. He has published more than 100 papers in international journals such as Cell, Nature Communications, Ecology, and Environmental Education Research.

Richard Corlett研究员中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园名誉研究员,联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第二工作组(WGII)第五次评估报告(AR5)亚洲章首席科学家,政府间生物多样性和生态系统服务科学政策信息平台亚太地区主要作者,Global Ecology and Conservation主编,Biological Conservation副主编, Tropical Conservation Science副主编,Ecological Monographs编委,著有The Ecology of Tropical East Asia, Tropical Rain Forests: An Ecological and Biogeographical Comparison等书,目前已累计发表学术论文180余篇。

Professor Richard Corlett, Honorary Professor of XTBG, the chief scientist of the Asian chapter of the fifth assessment report (AR5) of the second working group (WGII) of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), principal author of Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for the Asia-Pacific for the Asia Pacific, and the editor in chief of Global Ecology and Conservation, the deputy editor in chief of Biological Conservation, and Tropical Conservation Science, and the editorial board member of Ecological Monographs. He has written books such as Tropical Rain Forests: An Ecological and Biogeographical Comparison, and has published more than 180 academic papers so far.

Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz研究员中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园大型兽类多样性与保护研究组组长,主要从事亚洲大型动物的生态与保护、种子散布、人类与野生动物的冲突、多学科交叉保护科学以及保护能力建设等方面研究。担任Global Ecology and ConservationIntegrative ZoologyCurrent Conservation等国际学术期刊编委会成员。在国际刊物上发表SCI论文65篇,出版专著1本。

Professor Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz, PI at the Megafauna Ecology and Conservation Group of XTBG. His research expertise is on the ecology and conservation of large mammals, specifically on understanding their roles in ecosystem processes (e.g. seed dispersal) and promoting human-wildlife coexistence with animals that are prone to conflicts, such as elephants. He is also interested in capacity building and evidence-based approaches to conservation decision-making and practice. He served as a member of the editorial board of international academic journals such as Global Ecology and Conservation, Integrated Zoology, and Current Conservation, and has published about 70 SCI papers and one monograph in international journals.

Akihiro Nakamura研究员中科院西双版纳热带植物园热带林冠生态学研究组组长,Biodiversity and Conservation Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 编委,国际知名热带森林昆虫生态学家。主要研究领域为群落生态学、昆虫学、生物多样性保护等,重点研究方向为森林冠层生物多样性对不同生境和气候变化的响应及适应机制。目前已在Science,Trends in Ecology and Evolution,Ecology Letters,Journal of Biogeography Ecological Entomology等国际学术期刊上累计发表学术论文70余篇。

Professor Akihiro Nakamura, PI at the Forest Canopy Ecology Group of XTBG, an internationally renowned tropical forest insect ecologist, and the editorial board member of Biodiversity and Conservation and Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. His research fields are mainly in Community Ecology, Entomology, Biodiversity protection, etc. and the key research direction is the response and adaptation mechanism of forest canopy biodiversity to different habitats and climate change. About 70 academic papers have been published in international academic journals such as Science, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Ecology Letters, Journal of Biogeography Ecological Entomology, etc.

Kyle W. Tomlinson研究员

中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园群落生态与保护研究组组长,主要研究方向为景观保护、森林生态、稀树草原生态、植物功能性状多样性,如了解植物功能和生长对干扰和资源的响应,以及这如何影响景观内和景观间的物种分布。自2020年起,担任国际学术期刊Ecology 副主编。

Professor Kyle W. Tomlinson, PI at Community Ecology and Conservation Group of XTBG, working on landscape conservation, forest ecology, savanna ecology, and functional trait diversity,such as understanding plant function and growth in response to disturbances and resources, and how this affects species distribution within and across landscapes. Since 2020 he has been the associate editor of Ecology

Gbadamassi G. O. Dossa副研究员


Associate professor Gbadamassi G. O. Dossa, from Forest Canopy Ecology Group of XTBG, working on biodiversity, forest ecosystem functioning, plant functional traits effect on carbon and nutrient cycling.




Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS (XTBG)

XTBG an institutions directly under the CAS, was founded in 1959. XTBG is a non-profit, comprehensive botanical garden involved in scientific research, plant diversity conservation, and public science education. XTBG promotes science development and environmental conservation through implementing scientific research on ecology and plant diversity conservation, horticultural exhibition, and public education. XTBG envisions to be a desirable base for plant diversity conservation and ecological studies, and Noah’s Ark for tropical plants.


建站于1959年,位于云南省西双版纳傣族自治州勐腊县勐仑镇,是中国生态系统研究网络(CERN)中唯一的热带雨林生态系统研究站,也是国家重点野外科学观测网络(CNERN)试验站之一。其所在区域海拔570 米,是我国大陆热带雨林集中分布的重要区域,同时也是东南亚热带雨林分布的最北缘,生物区系成分复杂、物种多样性富集。该站主要进行热带雨林生态系统结构、功能和动态的长期定位综合观测研究,是野外综合观测研究平台、室内分析与样品保存平台、信息采集共享与管理平台。

Field Ecosystem Research Stations of XTBG

Founded in 1959, the station is located in Menglun Town, Mengla County, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. It is the only tropical rainforest ecosystem research station in the Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN) and one of the national key field scientific observation networks (CNERN) test stations. The area where it is located is 570 m above sea level. It is an important area where tropical rain forests are concentrated in mainland China, and also the northernmost edge of Southeast Asian tropical rain forests. The biota composition is complex and the species diversity is rich. The station is mainly engaged in long-term positioning comprehensive observation and research on the structure, function and dynamics of tropical rainforest ecosystem. It is a platform of the field comprehensive observation and research, and an indoor analysis and sample storage, a platform of the research information collection, sharing and management as well.



Ailao Mountain subtropical forest ecosystem research station,XTBG

Founded in 1981, the station is located at the top of the north section of Ailao Mountain National Nature Reserve in Jingdong Yi Autonomous County, Pu'er City, Yunnan Province, China with an altitude of 2450 meters. Ailao Mountain station is an open field research station integrating the functions of the regional ecosystem positioning observation, forest ecosystem ecology and conservation biology research, demonstration of sustainable development mode in mountainous areas, and training of forest ecology talents.



Yuanjiang Savanna Ecosystem Research Station, XTBG

Founded in 2011, the station is located in Yuanjiang County, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, China. It mainly focuses on the changes and evolution laws of the dry-hot valley ecosystem in Southwest China, looks for the structure and function of the dry-hot valley ecosystem and its response mechanism to environment changes, and conducts multidisciplinary and multi-scale cross research on the conservation of biological resources, ecosystem management, ecological conservation and response to global changes in the dry-hot valley to promote the restoration and reconstruction of degraded ecosystems, and the coordinated development of local economy, society and environment.






Training dates: 26 Oct – 6 Dec 2023 (6 weeks)

Venue: Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China

Target students: early-stage graduate students and young scholars in Ecology and Conservation. The number of participants is less than 30.

Training language: English

培训费用 Fee



Course fee: No course fee will be charged

Other cost: The costs of the journey between participant's departure city and XTBG are self-care. The course organizer will arrange food and hotel and cover part the costs for participants. Participants need to pay part of the food and hotel (2500~5000 RMB/person).


Scholarships: The course has some budget for scholarships (see the application form for details) to cover the food and hotel, which will be awarded based on both merit and financial need.



Course credits: AFEC-X has obtained accreditation from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS). Graduate students from UCAS and institutions affiliated to Chinese Academy of Sciences will receive 6 course credits towards their degree program upon completion of the AFEC-X full-time study. Other participants may be able to arrange recognition of these credits by their home institutions.



Registration deadline: until 15:00 on July 31, 2023


To apply, please scan the QR code



or click on the link with "阅读原文" at the bottom


联系方式 Contact

夏 雪



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