
Legislative Updates (Issue 46) | 法宝双语新闻

Mani 北大法律信息网 2020-09-21





1. “一带一路”国际商事争端解决机制配套文件发布




1.Supporting Documents for the “Belt and Road” International Commercial Dispute Settlement Mechanisms Issued

On December 5, 2018, the Supreme People's Court (SPC) issued and officially implemented three regulatory documents including the Notice by the General Office of the Supreme People's Court of Determining the First Group of International Commercial Arbitration and Mediation Institutions Included in the “One-Stop” Diversified Settlement Mechanism for International Commercial Disputes, the Rules of Procedure of the China International Commercial Court (for Trial Implementation), and the Working Rules of the International Commercial Expert Committee of the Supreme People's Court (for Trial Implementation).

The Notice clarifies the first group of international commercial arbitration and mediation institutions included in the “one-stop” diversified settlement mechanism for international commercial disputes, providing institutional guarantee for the formation of the “one-stop” diversified settlement mechanism for international commercial disputes.

The Rules of Procedure of the China International Commercial Court (CICC) stipulate the working procedures of the CICC for accepting an action, service of process, pre-trial mediation, court trial, enforcement, judicial support for arbitration in dispute settlement, and clarify the connections between litigation and mediation, and justice and arbitration.

The Working Rules of the International Commercial Expert Committee elaborate on the functions and composition of the Expert Committee, qualifications, duties, and obligations of expert members, duties of the expert committee's office, the mediation and advisory mechanism of expert members, and the guarantee for their performance of duties, among others.

2. 三部门下发通知继续免征内地人买卖香港基金个税


2.Three Departments Renew Individual Income Tax Policy on Mainland-Hong Kong Mutual Recognition of Funds

On December 18, 2018, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) issued the Notice on Continuing to Implement the Individual Income Tax Policy for the Mainland-Hong Kong Mutual Recognition of Funds. According to the Notice, the income derived from the spread obtained by mainland individual investors from the trading of Hong Kong fund shares through the mutual recognition of funds should be temporarily exempted from the individual income tax as before during the period from December 18, 2018 to December 4, 2019. For the purpose of this Notice, “mutual recognition of funds” means the sale of the mainland funds or Hong Kong funds approved by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (SFC) or registered with the CSRC to the general public within the jurisdictions of both sides.

3. 三部门发文对个人转让新三板挂牌公司非原始股所得暂免征收个税




3. Incomes Obtained by Individuals from Transfer of Non-Original Issue Stocks of NEEQ-Listed Companies to Temporarily Exempt from Individual Income Tax

The Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission lately issued the Notice on the Individual Income Tax Policy for Individuals' Transfer of Stocks of Companies Listed on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations.

According to the Notice, beginning on November 1, 2018, the income obtained by an individual from the transfer of non-original issue stock of a company listed on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ) should be exempted from individual income tax. However, the income by an individual from the transfer of original issue stock of a NEEQ-listed company should be treated as “income from transfer of property” and thus be subject to the individual income tax at the proportional tax rate of 20%.

The Notice makes it clear that before September 1, 2019, the measures for the administration of collection of the individual income tax on individuals' transfer of original issue stocks of companies listed on the NEEQ should be governed by the current relevant provisions on the income from equity transfer, with stock acquirers as the withholding agents, and with the tax authorities at the places where the invested enterprises are located responsible for the administration of tax collection. Beginning on September 1, 2019, the withholding agents should be securities institutions as the stock custodians, and the tax authorities at the places where the securities institutions as the stock custodians are located should take charge of the administration of tax collection.

4. 最高法印发主审法官会议工作机制指导意见





4.SPC Issues Guiding Opinions on Working Mechanism of Presiding Judge Meetings

Lately, the Supreme People's Court (SPC) issued the Guiding Opinions on Improving the Working Mechanism of Presiding Judge Meetings of the People's Courts (for Trial Implementation).

According to the Opinions, the working mechanism of the presiding judge meeting can be established within a single trial department or across trial departments or trial teams; attendees at such meetings include judges within the quota of the court, and experts and scholars, deputies to the people's congresses, members of the CPPCC National Committee and other relevant persons may be invited to participate when necessary. All trial departments and circuit courts of the SPC and local people's courts should formulate detailed working rules as actually needed, and establish working mechanism of the presiding judge meetings with flexibility.

The Opinions clarify that, except for four types of cases in which the court presidents and division chiefs should perform their trial supervision management duties, a collegial panel or a sole judge should independently decide whether to submit the case to the presiding judge meeting for discussion; the collegial panel or the sole judge in charge of hearing the case makes an independent decision on whether to adopt the opinions formed after discussion at the presiding judge meeting, and should be responsible for final results concluded for this case; the meeting minutes formulated at the presiding judge meeting through discussion on the case, and the performance of trial supervision and management duties by court presidents and division chiefs should be recorded throughout the whole process in case files and the platforms for handling cases; and all personnel attending the presiding judge meeting have the legal obligation to keep the trial secrets, among others.

In addition, the Opinions also provide for the procedures for proposing the convening of the presiding judge meeting, rules of procedure for the meeting, and centralized management mechanism of the meeting, among others.

5. 《关于市场化债转股股权风险权重的通知》发布



5.Notice on the Risk Weight of Equity in Market-Oriented Debt-for-Equity Swaps Issued

Recently, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued the Notice of the Risk Weight of Equity in Market-Oriented Debt-for-Equity Swaps.

The Notice states that the risk weight of equity of listed companies held by commercial banks due to market-oriented debt-for-equity swaps is 250%, and the risk weight of equity of unlisted companies is 400%.




