

徽剑 徽剑 2023-07-30






Peter Doshi: Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” vaccines—we need more details and the raw data

January 4, 2021

Five weeks ago, when I raised questions about the results of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s covid-19 vaccine trials, all that was in the public domain were the study protocols and a few press releases. Today, two journal publications and around 400 pages of summary data are available in the form of multiple reports presented by and to the FDA prior to the agency’s emergency authorization of each company’s mRNA vaccine. While some of the additional details are reassuring, some are not. Here I outline new concerns about the trustworthiness and meaningfulness of the reported efficacy results.

“Suspected covid-19”

All attention has focused on the dramatic efficacy results: Pfizer reported 170 PCR confirmed covid-19 cases, split 8 to 162 between vaccine and placebo groups. But these numbers were dwarfed by a category of disease called “suspected covid-19”—those with symptomatic covid-19 that were not PCR confirmed. According to FDA’s report on Pfizer’s vaccine, there were “3410 total cases of suspected, but unconfirmed covid-19 in the overall study population, 1594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group.”

With 20 times more suspected than confirmed cases, this category of disease cannot be ignored simply because there was no positive PCR test result. Indeed this makes it all the more urgent to understand. A rough estimate of vaccine efficacy against developing covid-19 symptoms, with or without a positive PCR test result, would be a relative risk reduction of 19% (see footnote)—far below the 50% effectiveness threshold for authorization set by regulators. Even after removing cases occurring within 7 days of vaccination (409 on Pfizer’s vaccine vs. 287 on placebo), which should include the majority of symptoms due to short-term vaccine reactogenicity, vaccine efficacy remains low: 29% (see footnote).

If many or most of these suspected cases were in people who had a false negative PCR test result, this would dramatically decrease vaccine efficacy. But considering that influenza-like illnesses have always had myriad causes—rhinoviruses, influenza viruses, other coronaviruses, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus, etc.—some or many of the suspected covid-19 cases may be due to a different causative agent.

But why should etiology matter? If those experiencing “suspected covid-19” had essentially the same clinical course as confirmed covid-19, then “suspected plus confirmed covid-19” may be a more clinically meaningful endpoint than just confirmed covid-19.

However, if confirmed covid-19 is on average more severe than suspected covid-19, we must still keep in mind that at the end of the day, it is not average clinical severity that matters, it’s the incidence of severe disease that affects hospital admissions. With 20 times more suspected covid-19 than confirmed covid-19, and trials not designed to assess whether the vaccines can interrupt viral transmission, an analysis of severe disease irrespective of etiologic agent—namely, rates of hospitalizations, ICU cases, and deaths amongst trial participants—seems warranted, and is the only way to assess the vaccines’ real ability to take the edge off the pandemic.

There is a clear need for data to answer these questions, but Pfizer’s 92-page report didn’t mention the 3410 “suspected covid-19” cases. Nor did its publication in the New England Journal of Medicine. Nor did any of the reports on Moderna’s vaccine. The only source that appears to have reported it is FDA’s review of Pfizer’s vaccine.

The 371 individuals excluded from Pfizer vaccine efficacy analysis

Another reason we need more data is to analyse an unexplained detail found in a table of FDA’s review of Pfizer’s vaccine: 371 individuals excluded from the efficacy analysis for “important protocol deviations on or prior to 7 days after Dose 2.”  What is concerning is the imbalance between randomized groups in the number of these excluded individuals: 311 from the vaccine group vs 60 on placebo. (In contrast, in Moderna’s trial, there were just 36 participants excluded from the efficacy analysis for “major protocol deviation”—12 vaccine group vs 24 placebo group.)

What were these protocol deviations in Pfizer’s study, and why were there five times more participants excluded in the vaccine group?  The FDA report doesn’t say, and these exclusions are difficult to even spot in Pfizer’s report and journal publication.

Fever and pain medications, unblinding, and primary event adjudication committees

Last month I expressed concern about the potential confounding role of pain and fever medications to treat symptoms. I posited that such drugs could mask symptoms, leading to underdetection of covid-19 cases, possibly in greater numbers in people who received the vaccine in an effort to prevent or treat adverse events. However, it seems their potential to confound results was fairly limited: although the results indicate that these medicines were taken around 3–4 times more often in vaccine versus placebo recipients (at least for Pfizer’s vaccine—Moderna did not report as clearly), their use was presumably concentrated in the first week after vaccine use, taken to relieve post-injection local and systemic adverse events. But the cumulative incidence curves suggest a fairly constant rate of confirmed covid-19 cases over time, with symptom onset dates extending well beyond a week after dosing.

That said, the higher rate of medication use in the vaccine arm provides further reason to worry about unofficial unblinding. Given the vaccines’ reactogenicity, it’s hard to imagine participants and investigators could not make educated guesses about which group they were in.  The primary endpoint in the trials is relatively subjective making unblinding an important concern. Yet neither FDA nor the companies seem to have formally probed the reliability of the blinding procedure, and its effects on the reported outcomes.

Nor do we know enough about the processes of the primary event adjudication committees that counted covid-19 cases. Were they blinded to antibody data and information on patients’ symptoms in the first week after vaccination?  What criteria did they employ, and why, with a primary event consisting of a patient-reported outcome (covid-19 symptoms) and PCR test result, was such a committee even necessary? It’s also important to understand who was on these committees. While Moderna has named its four-member adjudication committee—all university-affiliated physicians—Pfizer’s protocol says three Pfizer employees did the work. Yes, Pfizer staff members.

Vaccine efficacy in people who already had covid?

Individuals with a known history of SARS-CoV-2 infection or previous diagnosis of Covid-19 were excluded from Moderna’s and Pfizer’s trials. But still 1125 (3.0%) and 675 (2.2%) of participants in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s trials, respectively, were deemed to be positive for SARS-CoV-2 at baseline.

Vaccine safety and efficacy in these recipients has not received much attention, but as increasingly large portions of many countries’ populations may be “post-Covid,” these data seem important—and all the more so as the US CDC recommends offering vaccine “regardless of history of prior symptomatic or asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection.” This follows on from the agency’s conclusions, regarding Pfizer’s vaccine, that it had ≥92% efficacy and “no specific safety concerns” in people with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection.

By my count, Pfizer apparently reported 8 cases of confirmed, symptomatic Covid-19 in people positive for SARS-CoV-2 at baseline (1 in the vaccine group, 7 in the placebo group, using the differences between Tables 9 and 10) and Moderna, 1 case (placebo group; Table 12).

But with only around four to 31 reinfections documented globally, how, in trials of tens of thousands, with median follow-up of two months, could there be nine confirmed covid-19 cases among those with SARS-CoV-2 infection at baseline? Is this representative of meaningful vaccine efficacy, as CDC seems to have endorsed? Or could it be something else, like prevention of covid-19 symptoms, possibly by the vaccine or by the use of medicines which suppress symptoms, and nothing to do with reinfection?

We need the raw data

Addressing the many open questions about these trials requires access to the raw trial data. But no company seems to have shared data with any third party at this point.

Pfizer says it is making data available “upon request, and subject to review.” This stops far short of making data publicly available, but at least leaves the door open. How open is unclear, since the study protocol says Pfizer will only start making data available 24 months after study completion.

Moderna’s data sharing statement states data “may be available upon request once the trial is complete.” This translates to sometime in mid-to-late 2022, as follow-up is planned for 2 years.

Things may be no different for the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine which has pledged patient-level data “when the trial is complete.” And the ClinicalTrials.gov entry for the Russian Sputnik V vaccine says there are no plans to share individual participant data.

The European Medicines Agency and Health Canada, however, may share data for any authorized vaccines much earlier.  EMA has already pledged to publish the data submitted by Pfizer on its website “in due course,” as has Health Canada.

Peter Doshi, associate editor, The BMJ

Competing interests: I have been pursuing the public release of vaccine trial protocols, and have co-signed open letters calling for independence and transparency in covid-19 vaccine related decision making.


Calculations in this article are as follows:  19% = 1 – (8+1594)/(162+1816); 29% = 1 – (8 + 1594 – 409)/(162 + 1816 – 287). I ignored denominators as they are similar between groups.


Peter Doshi:辉瑞和摩德纳的 "95%有效 "疫苗--我们需要更多的细节和原始数据。




所有的注意力都集中在戏剧性的疗效结果上。辉瑞公司报告了170例PCR确诊的covid-19病例,疫苗组和安慰剂组之间的比例为8比162。但这些数字在一类被称为 "疑似covid-19 "的疾病中相形见绌--那些有症状的covid-19没有被PCR证实。根据FDA关于辉瑞疫苗的报告,"在总体研究人群中,共有3410例疑似但未确诊的covid-19病例,1594例发生在疫苗组与安慰剂组的1816例。"



但为什么病因学要重要呢?如果经历 "疑似covid-19 "的人与确诊covid-19的临床过程基本相同,那么 "疑似加确诊covid-19 "可能是比单纯的确诊covid-19更有临床意义的终点。


显然需要数据来回答这些问题,但辉瑞公司92页的报告并没有提到3410例 "疑似covid-19 "病例。其在《新英格兰医学杂志》上的发表也没有。也没有任何关于Moderna疫苗的报道。唯一出现报道的来源是FDA对辉瑞疫苗的审查。


我们需要更多数据的另一个原因是分析FDA审查辉瑞疫苗的表格中发现的一个未解释的细节。371人被排除在疗效分析之外,原因是 "在剂量2后7天或之前出现重要的方案偏差"。令人关注的是,这些被排除的个体数量在随机组之间的不平衡。疫苗组311人,安慰剂组60人。相比之下,在Moderna的试验中,仅有36名参与者因 "主要协议偏差 "而被排除在疗效分析之外--12名疫苗组vs24名安慰剂组)。








疫苗在这些受试者中的安全性和有效性并没有得到太多的关注,但由于许多国家的人口中越来越多的人可能是 "后科维德",这些数据似乎很重要--更何况美国CDC建议 "无论之前是否有症状的SARS-CoV-2感染史 "都要提供疫苗。这是继该机构对辉瑞公司的疫苗得出的结论,即该疫苗对既往有SARS-CoV-2感染史的人有≥92%的疗效和 "无特殊的安全性问题"。





辉瑞公司表示,它正在 "应要求提供数据,并接受审查"。这远远没有达到公开数据的目的,但至少留下了一扇门。有多开放还不清楚,因为研究方案说辉瑞公司将在研究完成24个月后才开始提供数据。

Moderna的数据共享声明指出,数据 "一旦试验完成,可应要求提供"。这意味着在2022年中后期的某个时候,因为后续计划为2年。

牛津/阿斯利康疫苗的情况可能没有什么不同,它承诺 "在试验完成后 "提供患者级别的数据。而俄罗斯Sputnik V疫苗的ClinicalTrials.gov条目称,没有计划分享个体参与者数据。

不过,欧洲药品管理局和加拿大卫生部可能会更早地分享任何授权疫苗的数据。欧洲药品管理局已经承诺 "在适当的时候 "在其网站上公布辉瑞公司提交的数据,加拿大卫生部也是如此。

BMJ副编辑Peter Doshi



本文的计算方法如下。19% = 1 – (8+1594)/(162+1816); 29% = 1 – (8 + 1594 – 409)/(162 + 1816 – 287). 我忽略了分母,因为各组之间的分母相似。


Thank you Peter Doshi. Finally, a serious scientist has carefully evaluated the vaccine data and discovers some serious impropiety, inadequate transparency on these Covid vaccines, and a shocking observation of reduced efficacy to only 19%. Because these vaccines were granted "emergency exemption," these studies should be fully transparent, and yet, Dr. Doshi shows that this is simply not true. Even worse is his discovery that the Pfizer vaccine's results were adjudicated by three Pfizer employees, not independent university-affiliated physicians as the Moderna vaccine was. And the fact that in the Pfizer vaccine trial, 7 subjects in the placebo and only 1 subject in the vaccine group tested positive for Covid-19 at baseline, thereby "stacking the deck."

As Lucy (of "I Love Lucy" fame) was known to say to Ricky, "You've got some 'xplain' to do!"

谢谢彼得-多希。最后,一位严肃的科学家仔细评估了疫苗数据,并发现了一些严重的不当之处,这些Covid疫苗的透明度不足,以及一个令人震惊的观察结果,即疗效降低到只有19%。由于这些疫苗获得了 "紧急豁免",这些研究应该是完全透明的,然而,Doshi博士表明,事实根本不是这样。更糟糕的是,他发现辉瑞疫苗的结果是由三名辉瑞公司的员工判定的,而不是像摩德纳疫苗那样由独立的大学附属医生判定的。而在辉瑞疫苗试验中,安慰剂组有7名受试者,而疫苗组只有1名受试者在基线上检测出Covid-19阳性,从而 "叠加"。


Thanks so much for exposing some of the slippery statistical issues around the vaccine trials. I would add one more problem: no measure of exposure level. Specifically, adverse effects after both 1st and 2nd dose, even if mild, might have kept participants in the vaccine arm at home/less active (thus, exposed) on average a few more days than placebo recipients. Considering the short observation window after 2nd dose (just a few weeks) available so far, one cannot rule out that this difference might have had an impact on infection rate. In any instance, I think at least some gross or surrogate data reflecting the level of exposure (e.g. population size in city of residence, n° of people in household, average interactions at work, use of public transport...) should have been included in all the studies. Intensity of exposure is more important than other factors that were carefully balanced between arms.

As already expressed by others, more than worried about adverse effects, I am thus far not very excited about efficacy data. Plus, when we the translate this to real world scenarios effectiveness will probably be lower. Need more data.

Disclosures: I have no COI; am definitely all pro-vaccines, but only if worthwhile.



披露。我没有COI; 绝对是所有支持疫苗, 但只有当值得。

While I perfectly agree that we need full data release for those trials, I find it strange that he only mentions the Oxford/AZ in passing, for which much less and much more disconcerting data is published, changing after the political need and pandemic situation. For the less effective (62%) Oxford vaccine with half the number of participants (is also if vaccinated volunteers), 87% were under 55, and similar percentages were white, all healthy, and there is no data, how effective this vaccine is in over 65s. The others have a proven efficacy in older people. So, why you vaccinate over 70s with the vaccine with no data for its efficacy for that age group and make unsubstantiated claims that they are 70% protected after one dose for at least 12 weeks suggests that price, supply and logistics are the main criteria for the choice, NOT the protection of the vulnerable from severe disease or death. We need proper publication of all trials and the dosage/timing regime, which has turned out most effective.


This does not really surprise me at all. I never believed the ambitious efficacy hype and claims these vaccines have. The phase III trials were never designed to demonstrate they save lives, improve health outcomes, reduce admissions. We still are in the dark on whether they can prevent transmission of the Sars-cov-2 virus, how long immunity lasts if at all and what are the short term and long term unintended adverse effects which will take up to 20 years to determine. Already there have been 9 adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine. Seven in US and two in UK, these included anaphylaxis, Bell's Palsy and some other issue.

In UK the MHRA has only granted them temporary approval for a year, not full marketing approval, under EC 174 of the Human Medicines Regulations 2012. This implies they will be withdrawn if problems emerge. In any case they have to resubmit for approval when the temporary approval expires.

The Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine is a viral vector type with a gene added, effectively they are injecting a GMO. Again long term effects are unknown, what will happen if the gene codes for something other than spike protein, or the vector causes issues. Time will tell. Personally I do not fancy having either an mRNA or a GMO vaccine. A protein subunit one light be less risky.



牛津阿斯利康疫苗是一种添加了基因的病毒载体类型,实际上他们是在注射一种转基因生物。同样长期的影响也是未知的,如果基因编码的不是尖峰蛋白,或者载体导致问题,会发生什么。时间会证明这一点。我个人不幻想有任一 mRNA 或 GMO 疫苗。一个蛋白质亚单位一光是较少的风险。

Why were both of these trials "observer-blinded", and not double-blinded? There is no explanation in the texts. There are no obvious descriptions of the nature of interactions between patients and clinicians. By "observer"-blinded, does that mean the patients were unblinded?

 Whether they were or not, unblinding of both parties should be anticipated. Unblinding could have many consequences. For example, does a clinician get lazy about PCR testing if they think the symptoms are due to a recent injection that wasn't a placebo? Does a patient even bother consulting a clinician if they think their symptoms are from a vaccine? And could the exact opposites be true if patients/clinicians suspect they got a placebo? Could "testing fatigue" occur? By that, I mean could a negative PCR following vaccine-caused symptoms lead to less likelihood of running a PCR 2 weeks later when real disease symptoms emerge?

 Why was testing left up to clinician judgement? Do the clinicians have any ties to the pharmaceutical companies?

 There is not enough info on dropouts. What a patient says and what an observer records are not always the same thing. Can we trust that so many dropouts were for the innocuous reason of "withdrawing consent"? Are cases of illness or reactions being unreported in some dropouts? It is common that when patients abandon a treatment, they simply don't follow up

The Moderna study cited 30 severe cases occurring from 14 days after the second dose. They had more than 14,000 people in each group. This is at odds with the Pfizer data which says only 5 total cases occurred from 7 days after second dose. This means Pfizer had longer to observe cases, plus their group size was nearly 22,000. This discrepancy needs explaining. Is this just random chance, or something else? Extrapolating from Moderna's count, under simple expectation, one would expect more like 70 cases to be reported by Pfizer, not five.

 What is going to happen months or years down the line if boosters are needed? Could pathogenic priming start becoming apparent at such a later date?

In the Moderna supplements, there seems like a possible signal for grade 4 events, but what such events are is not clearly defined.

 Will we be promoting new vaccines to people who have already had COVID but don't know it?

So to recap...We have clinical trials with subjective outcomes, patients and clinicians who are likely unblinded, outcome measures that aren't the ones we really care about, and in any case the vast majority of suspected cases are excluded from primary analysis, and to top it off the raw data is not available? Personally, it is hard for me to fathom that the existing published studies at 2 months are of any value whatsoever.

为什么这两项试验都是 "观察者盲",而不是双盲?文中没有解释。对患者和临床医生之间的互动性质没有明显的描述。所谓 "观察者"-盲,是否意味着患者没有被盲?

 不管他们是否是,双方的不盲目应该是预料之中的。解盲可能会产生很多后果。例如,如果临床医生认为症状是由于最近注射了不是安慰剂的针剂而引起的,是否会懒得做PCR检测?如果患者认为自己的症状是由于疫苗引起的,是否还会去咨询临床医生?而如果患者/临床医生怀疑自己注射了安慰剂,是否会出现完全相反的情况?是否会出现 "测试疲劳"?我的意思是,在疫苗引起的症状后PCR呈阴性,是否会导致2周后真正的疾病症状出现时运行PCR的可能性降低?


 关于辍学的信息不够。病人说的和观察者记录的不一定是一回事。我们能相信这么多的退出是出于 "撤回同意 "的无害原因吗?在一些退学者中,是否有疾病或反应的病例未被报告?常见的情况是,当患者放弃治疗时,他们根本就没有进行后续治疗









