

徽剑 徽剑 2023-07-30

这是一篇翻译的文章,作者叫Chris Tanujaya来自印尼,是名华裔。


Most Native Indonesians and Bumiputra Malaysians are of Austronesian stocks, with varying admixtures from Melanesians - which becomes more pronounced the further east you get. A generally acceptable observation of the physical characteristics of these people, historically called the Malays, comes from the work of Sir Alfred Russel Wallace who spent many years studying the Malayic archipelago:

The Malay as distinguished physically from the other well-marked races of man, is of low stature, stout and well made; his colour is a pure reddish-brown neither dark nor light;--his hair is black, coarse, and straight, never in the pure race showing the slightest disposition to wave or curl;--he has no beard or whiskers, and his body and limbs are generally smooth and free from hair. He has a flattish oval face with high cheek-bones; his nose is straight and rather broad but never prominent or arched. His scull is of the broad, or brachycephalic type, his forehead rather rounded and his eyebrows flat. In youth, the Malays are often good-looking, and the pure brown tint of their skin is very agreeable.

These two dashing gentlemen conveniently represent the looks of average native Indonesian/Malaysian men’s appearance:




照片来源Evgeny Drokov

Nevertheless, Indonesia and Malaysia are immensely diverse countries and they consist of hundreds of ethnic groups so there isn’t really any consistent physical feature that can represent an entire population of both Indonesia and Malaysia.

However, hypothetically speaking, there are some subtle physical differences between one Indonesian ethnic group and the other, and I’ll be happy to point out to you some of the well-known ones. Please note that these are based on my personal observations as an Indonesian and on some popular stereotypes towards the referred ethnic groups, so please take it with a grain of salt.

The Bataks

The Bataks are a group of closely related Austronesian ethnic groups predominantly found in North Sumatra. Stereotypically, they are known for their square, wide face and broad jawline. Most of them are of stocky build with shorter limbs and have a bronze to dusky complexion. They tend to be hairy, too. Hairier than most western Indonesians… or at least the ones that I know are. All these features, coupled with their loud manners of speaking (I swear they shout to each other when talking in their native tongues) can make them look intimidating at times. But once you really get to know the Bataks, you’ll soon find out that they are one of the most caring and most inclusive peoples of Indonesia.






Acehnese people are an ethnic group from the westernmost province of Indonesia. They often have strong facial features and a copper-coloured complexion that can somewhat make them look Indians, or Middle Eastern? Maybe it’s their close links to the Islamic world and their extended alienation from the Dutch East Indies that make their people exotic. They are amongst the ethnic groups of Indonesia that make you go ‘Ah, I can totally see it.’ when they tell you about their ethnic background.


Acehnese人是印尼最西部省份的一个族裔。他们通常有很强的面部特征和铜色的肤色,多少会使他们看起来像印第安人或中东人?也许是他们与伊斯兰世界的紧密联系以及对荷兰东印度人的长期疏远使他们的人民变得异国情调。他们是使您流连忘返的印度尼西亚种族之一,“啊,我完全可以看到它。” 当他们告诉您他们的种族背景时。


Minangkabau or Minang is an ethnic group native of the Minangkabau highlands in West Sumatra, but you can find them literally everywhere in Indonesia because they do good business. Like neighbouring Acehnese and Batak people, Minangkabau people tend to have strong, defining facial features—most notably cheekbones. I don’t know exactly how to point out the feature but all of my Minang friends have this quite distinctive and fairly unique look. Some of them have appearances leaning to Indian to Middle-Eastern with pointy nose but wider, and flatter nose bridge.




Sundanese people are native to the western part of Java, the most populated island in Indonesia, also the world. Compared to the Sumatrans I mentioned above, Sundanese people tend to have ‘softer’ and less-defined facial features (i.e. less projected nose and chin). They mostly have wide rounded foreheads, broad and short nose, rounder faces, round eyes, and are thought to be lighter-skinned than most Javanese. A lot of people seem to think that they have a lot of good looking people, too. A great number of Indonesian actors, actresses and public figures are of Sundanese descent.




Javanese is the largest in number and also the most dominant ethnic group of Indonesia, therefore most foreigners tend to associate Indonesia with the Javanese culture. The ideal beauty for the Javanese, amongst others, are kuning langsat skin (a fair complexion, slightly yellow like the langsat/lansium parasiticum fruit) and large, pensive (somewhat wistful) eyes. Frankly, they also appreciate crooked upper canines, like the Japanese. However, in general, the Javanese have short lean statures, sawo matang—reddish-brown to tanned complexion, large eyes, flattened nose, and crooked teeth. They are significantly less hairy and I can attest that most of them are as sweet as their soy sauce (no, I have not eaten one. But their cuisines use a looot of soy sauce).


爪哇人是印度尼西亚数量最多,也是最主要的种族,因此大多数外国人倾向于将印度尼西亚与爪哇人的文化联系在一起。爪哇人的理想之美,尤其是kuning langsat皮肤(白皙的肤色,像langsat / parasiticum水果那样略带黄色)和大而沉思(有点令人渴望)的眼睛。坦率地说,他们也喜欢日本人喜欢弯曲的上犬。但是,一般而言,爪哇人的身材矮小,萨沃·马唐-红褐色至棕褐色肤色,大眼睛,鼻子扁平和牙齿弯曲。它们的毛发明显要小一些,我可以证明它们中的大多数都像酱油一样甜(不,我还没有吃过。但是他们的菜肴都使用了很多酱油)。


Madurese is an ethnic group native to the island of Madura off the northeastern coast of Java. A lot of Indonesians seem to overlook the fact that they are the fifth-largest ethnic groups by number and how widely spread all over our archipelago these people are. Physically, Madurese are akin to their southern neighbour, the Javanese, but they usually are darker and have more pronounced cheekbones. From what I observe, Madurese women like to apply black eyeliners that make their already large eyes more conspicuous. Their language is a great contrast to the mellow Javanese and can sound shrilly too (I believe this is only colloquially). I have also heard that the Madurese influence is very strong in Eastern Java (a significant number of Madurese settled along the coast of East Java), thus East Javanese don’t speak as gently and as poised as say, Central Javanese. But that certainly does not make the Madurese or their language bad. They are incredibly hard-working people and most are exceptionally good at managing their small enterprises.




Balinese is an ethnic group native to the Hindu island of Bali. The Balinese today is a mixture between Javanese Hindus who fled Islamisation after the fall of Majapahit Empire and the indigenous inhabitant of the island. Therefore. they are culturally, and physically similar to the Javanese. Most Balinese, however, have darker skin tones than the Javanese. They also tend to have larger eyes (something that is very appreciated in their culture), wider nose bridge, wider nostrils, and fuller lips that result in bigger smiles. They are one of the warmest peoples I have ever met in Indonesia.



The Dayaks

Dayak is a loose term for over 200 riverine and hill-dwelling ethnic subgroups, located principally in the central and southern interior of Borneo. The Dayaks are often distinguishable by their fairer skin, somewhat smaller slanted eyes, and their thin lips. Because of their mainstream physical features, they often get mistaken as ethnic Chinese and I believe intermarriages between the two is common in Kalimantan provinces. To this date, all Dayaks I have met have been solid 8/10 or higher.




Minahasan, or often dubbed as Manadonese, is an ethnic group from the Minahasan Highlands of North Sulawesi. They are related to the Dayaks of Borneo in culture (both used to practise headhunting) and physical appearance. Minahasans are generally short and stout in stature. They are light-skinned, flat-faced, and flat-nosed. However, there is a smaller proportion of Borgo Minahasan, which are those with distant Dutch and Portuguese ancestry who possess more Caucasian-like features such as a more prominent nose. Minahasans are also known for their beautiful women whereas their men tend to look like the comedian Mongol Stres. Also, linguistically, they are more related to the Filipinos than the rest of Indonesians. Sometimes I think physically too.


米纳哈桑(Minahasan),或通常被称为Manadonese,是北苏拉威西省米纳哈桑高地的一个族裔。它们与婆罗洲的达雅族人外表有关联。Minahasans通常矮矮胖胖。它们是浅肤色的,平面的和扁平的鼻子。但是,具有较远的荷兰和葡萄牙血统的Borgo Minahasan比例却较小,这些人具有更像白种人的特征,例如更突出的鼻子。米纳哈桑人还以漂亮的女人而闻名,而男人则看起来像喜剧演员Mongol Stres。另外,从语言上讲,他们与菲律宾人的关系比印尼其他人还多。

East Nusa Tenggaran

These are the people of the province of Nusa Tenggara Timur, the southernmost province of Indonesia which comprises of the eastern portion of the Lesser Sunda Islands. The people from this region comprises many ethnic groups, namely Dawan, Manggarai, Sumba, Belu, Lamaholot amongst others. Most of the ethnic groups of East Nusa Tenggara speaks Austronesian languages whilst their appearance has tinges of Melanesian flavours. Since this region hosts a more pronounced mix between Austronesians and Melanesians, the East Nusa Tenggarans physical appearance can vary greatly from one end to another. In general, East Nusa Tenggarans have darker skin tones than Western Indonesians, curly-textured hairs, and fuller lips. East Nusa Tenggarans are relatively small and slender in stature with shorter legs but they also have a more defined facial feature - often a strong jawline and a high-bridged nose, which makes them quite pleasant looking, to be honest.

East Nusa Tenggara is also the only province in Indonesia with a Catholic majority, and in the past, they had extensive interactions with the Portuguese and Spanish who converted them, so intermarriages between European men and native East Nusa Tenggaran women was probably common. The descendants of these unions form a mestizo community, though most of them are now indistinguishable to the natives due to extensive intermingling. (Thank you Aloysio Saputro for pointing this out),


这些人是努沙登加拉帖木尔省(Nusa Tenggara Timur)的人,这是印度尼西亚最南端的省,由小Sun他群岛东部构成。该地区的人民由许多种族组成,分别是大湾,芒加莱,松巴,贝卢,拉马霍洛特在其他人中。东努沙登加拉(East Nusa Tenggara)的大多数种族讲南洋语,而其外观则带有美拉尼西亚风味。由于该地区拥有南澳大利亚人和美拉尼西亚人之间更为明显的混合,因此东努沙登加兰群岛的自然外观从一端到另一端会有很大差异。通常,东努沙登加拉人的肤色比西印尼人要深色,卷曲的头发和丰满的嘴唇。东努沙登加兰人比较矮小,身材苗条,腿短,但是他们的面部特征也更加明确-经常会下巴结实,鼻子高高,这使他们看起来很愉悦。



The Moluccans are the indigenous people of Maluku Islands in Eastern Indonesia. The original inhabitants of these islands were Melanesians but migration of Austronesian resulted in the intermarriages between the two which consequently formed the genetics and various cultures of the present-day Moluccans. The Moluccans are generally swarthy in complexion ranging from ruddy brown to earth-dark, they have wavy, coarse to curly hair textures, longer faces and lean bodies.

Some Moluccans appear to have Caucasian features due to the intermingling with Spanish, Portuguese, the Dutch, and Arabic traders, all once sought spices from the islands of Maluku. I believe Northern Moluccans, who formed the sultanates of Ternate, Tidore and several others have more Arabic admixtures—their skin tend to be fairer than their southern brethren. These Moluccan mestizos are one of the few mestizo communities in Indonesia. I personally think that Moluccans are amongst the best-looking peoples of Indonesia.

Fight me.






The Papuans are Melanesian ethnic groups native to West Papua, the western portion of New Guinea governed by the Republic Indonesia. They are strikingly different from most Native Indonesians in appearance. They have dark complexions, smaller and flatter foreheads, wider jaws, wider nose, and more muscular build with stubby legs. They have curly and frizzy hairs that supposedly earned them their names ‘Papua’ from Malay ‘pepuah’, meaning ‘of curly hair’. Although the virility of their men has a propensity to put me on shame, I really like being around Papuans. They are generally kind and fun-loving people.


巴布亚人是美拉尼西亚民族,原产于西巴布亚,新几内亚的西部由印度尼西亚共和国控制。它们的外观与大多数印尼土著人截然不同。它们的肤色较黑,前额较小而平坦,下巴较宽,鼻子较宽,腿部短而肌肉发达。他们有卷发和卷曲的头发,据说从马来语“ pepuah”获得了他们的名字“ Papua”,意思是“卷发”。尽管他们的男人很灵活,但是我很喜欢和巴布亚人在一起。他们通常是善良且爱好娱乐的人。

Chinese Indonesians/Orang Tionghoa

The Chinese in Indonesia were traditionally divided into two people: the Peranakan and the Totok. The former were the descendants of Chinese who had migrated to the islands between 15th and 17th century and intermarried with local populations and the latter were the ones whose ancestors arrived much later and predominantly married amongst themselves. Nowadays it does not matter who is Peranakan and who is Totok since Chinese identity has been largely wiped out during the New Order regime and intermarry between the two groups is no longer discouraged. Notwithstanding, physical appearances amongst those who are of Peranakan and those who are of Totok still somewhat different. Both groups are descendants of Southern Chinese who are short, small and lean, but the intermarrying with natives make Peranakan lose most of their East Asian features. They tend to be darker in complexion, have wider eyes with double eyelids, fuller lips, more body hairs etc. compared to their Totok counterparts. There is an inside joke amongst Javanese Peranakans (my father being one) about how when a Tionghoa person questions your Chineseness, you just simply say that you are a Tng-lang, or in full ‘peteng ilang’ which means disappear in the dark (because your skin colour is dark). If you don’t get it, ‘Tng Lang’ is the Southern Min word for ‘People of Tang’ that is used by Chinese Indonesians to refer to their own community (native don’t call us that). I think I am doing a terrible job explaining that, so below is a picture of a Peranakan family praying in a vihara.

华裔印尼人Chinese Indonesians/Orang Tionghoa

印度尼西亚的华人传统上分为两个民族:Peranakan族和Totok族。前者是在15至17世纪之间移民到岛上并与当地居民通婚的华人后裔,后者是其祖先很晚才到的,主要是相互通婚。如今,谁是霹雳人,谁是托托克人已经不重要了,因为在新秩序政权期间,华人的身份已经基本消失,两个群体之间的通婚也不再被阻止。尽管如此,霹雳人和托托克人在体貌上还是有些不同。这两个族群都是南方华人的后裔,他们都是矮小精干,但与当地人的通婚使霹雳人失去了大部分东亚特征。与托托克族相比,他们的肤色往往较黑,双眼皮眼睛较宽,嘴唇较饱满,体毛较多等。爪哇霹雳人之间有一个内部笑话(我的父亲就是其中之一),关于如何当一个Tionghoa人质疑你的中国性,你只是简单地说,你是一个Tng-lang,或在完整的'peteng ilang',这意味着消失在黑暗中(因为你的肤色是黑暗)。如果你不明白,'Tng Lang'是闽南语'唐人'的意思,印尼华人用这个词来称呼自己的族群(本地人不要这么叫我们)。我想我的解释工作做得很糟糕,所以下面是一张霹雳一家在vihara祈祷的照片。

I think that’s about all that I can provide. I hope they add up something to you.

all the photos above credits to their respective owners.



