
4月8日,DEEPDOWN : Walk On Wave Vol.2 @ Dada Beijing

4月8日 星期六

Saturday,April 8


Walk on wave Vol.2

DJ Line up:



Riddim copy

Raddam Ras


风格(Genre ):

House / Jungle / DnB / Dancehall / Soca 

Poster DesignerLi Qiuqiu

@ Dada Beijing


60 RMB (11pm 前 | Before 11pm)

90 RMB (11pm 后 | After 11pm)

🌏DEEPDOWN 四月活动预告🌏


Walk On Wave 系列重新回到DADA!



STYX 和 Oshi




 See u on the dancefloor & rave safe

Break Out Vol.3

@ Dada Beijing


Poster Designer:

Li Qiuqiu

李球球出生於70年代末,由于家庭的熏陶,他自幼对绘画产生了浓厚的兴趣,而这个爱好也带给他一个充实、快乐的童年时光。少年时代的他爱上了滑板文化,这也是在之后多年中对他的艺术创作影响最多、最深刻的文化之一。设计院校毕业后进入专业动画公司工作,23 岁时成为一名出色的动画導演,工作繁忙也并未放弃对艺术的追求。涂鸦艺术是李球球接触滑板文化时的偶得,这种用高大墙面作为画布的创作方式让他着迷。似乎,曾经创作的画布或电脑屏幕都不具备如此宽广、自由的空间,任他随意发挥自己天马行空的奇思妙想。在这些巨大“画布”上,李球球找到了施展才华的媒介,也让他重新燃起了对艺术创作的无限渴望。

涂鸦的魅力和表演性逐渐被众多商家和媒体所关注。2001年李球球辞掉工作,并开设了个人工作室,并与艺术伙伴共同创立了国内第一个职业滑板品牌 - “社会”和独立原创街头文化品牌monkey style。之后,李球球完成大量平面艺术设计、即兴涂鸦艺术、并与合伙人进行艺术衍生品设计和推广。“社会”不仅在北京的街头文化群体中风生水起,而且在海外也有着大量的粉丝,成为了炙手可热的街头艺术品牌。2003年李球球应邀参加第一界[大声展],自此全情投入艺术创作之路。

Li Qiuqiu was born in the late 1970s, due to family influence, he had a strong interest in painting since childhood. Painting, as a hobby, has given him a fulfilled and happy childhood. As a teenager, he fell in love with skateboarding, something that has had a strong influence on his artistic creation for years to come.

After graduating from design school, Li Qiuqiu entered an animation company and became an exceptional animation director at the age of 23. Amidst a heavy workload, he did not give up the pursuit of his art.

Graffiti art was a pure coincidence between him and skateboarding. How tall walls can be used as canvases fascinated him. This new idea made a mere canvas or a computer screen, unable to have a wide enough space for Li Qiuqiu to freely play out his visions and ideas. It was on these huge "canvases", Li Qiuqiu found his medium of expression, upon which he could materialize all his ideas, attracting him back to becoming a full-time artist.



Dara is a remarkable music enthusiast. Driven by her music passion, Dara has been continuously seeking and exploring her own spiritual sound. As time goes on, her music and knowledge accumulate constantly,which shaped her unique way of understanding music as well as characteristics. Besides, it also makes her attractive to those who feel her vibe for real.

Riddim copy

国内顶尖经验丰富的音乐制作人,鼓手,beatmaker, 擅长雷鬼乐,爵士融合乐,hiphop音乐的编曲,后期制作,录音混音以及精通多种乐器,电子合成器等。作为职业鼓手出没于过各个音乐现场与各大音乐节。低频文化厂牌DEEPDOWN的主要成员。当代国内雷鬼乐开发者之一。拥有长达十年以上的编曲,混音,音乐制作的乐龄,曾为很多知名国内外音乐人制作混音爵士乐,hiphop音乐,雷鬼音乐单曲及专辑等,现并与很多知名音乐人一直保持深度合作和提供音乐技术支持 专注于开发将爵士乐,hiphop音乐,雷鬼乐融合出独特的个人特征,并创作过很多具有强烈个人特点代表性的音乐作品。

Chinese profound and top class music producer, drummer, beatmaker. Expert in postproduction, recording and mixing for Reggea, Jazz and Hip Hop; Proficient in various music instruments and electronic synthesizer; Appeared in numerous music live scenes and festivals as a professional drummer. Riddim is also a main force of bass music label DEEPDOWN, one of the modern developers of reggae music in China.  He has the experience of composing, mixing and producing over 10 years; Used to make Hip Hop and Jazz singles and albums for well-known music artists, rappers and singers both in China and abroad. Up to today, Riddim still stays in long-term collaborations with various musicians and provides technical supports. He focuses on the developing the idea of mixing Hip Hop, Jazz and Reggae together to generate a unique style that features his own characters. Also he has been creating such vibe for a long time with many remarkable productions.

Raddam Ras

Raddam Ras在国内音乐界有很多的音乐身份,其早期出道是以中国说唱音乐的先驱人物Mcwebber而成名,Raddam便是webber本名的反写。

他的音乐风格众所周知是以HipHop和Reggae而代表,他是最早中文说唱团体《隐藏》的组织者,也是中国最早地下说唱厂牌《Section 6》的创办者,和国内最具代表权威性的说唱比赛《IronMic》的三届冠军和主办人,因为其音乐历史较多所以我们在DEEPDOWN厂牌里主要围绕他的DJ资历和其低频音乐的历史来介绍。

Raddam Ras从99年便开始在北京最早的HipHop派对中转动黑胶唱片

2005年便和《Syndicate》一起举办Jungle Drum&Bass的派对担任Mc,开始尝试HipHop,Dancehall,Jungle,D&B的说唱方式。

2010年便开始制造很多除HipHop以外的音乐派对播放Jungle Reggae,Dub,Drum&Bass,Dancehall音乐。




雷鬼音乐教父Bob Marley之子Julian Marley

法国雷鬼艺人Don Camilo


日本著名老派雷鬼艺人PA PA U GEE

著名牙买加雷鬼艺人U Brown

著名的英国雷鬼艺人Brother Culture

著名的英国快嘴大王Tippa Irie

英国著名雷鬼艺人Ras Demo

日本东京著名的Dub Dj DJ Kurannaka

都与他们在一起经历过很多次音乐上里程,至今他也在一直探索着自己对音乐的理解,用更多的展现方式展示着自己的音乐风格,这就是Raddam Ras。

Raddam Ras has many identifications in Chinese music industry and community. In earlier of his career, known as MC Webber, he is the pioneer of Hip Hop and rappin’ music in China. While the name “Raddam”comes from “Webber” written inversed.

Knowing by the public, his most representative music styles are Hip Hop and Reggae. Raddam is the founder of earliest Chinese Hip Hop crew “Yincang”; also he is the organizer of underground rap event label “Section 6”; three times winner of the most authoritative and representative rapping contest “IronMic” as well as became its promoter afterwards.

From 1999, Raddam Ras started promoting Hip Hop events in Beijing and spinning records on decks.

In 2005, started collaborations with a British-founded label “Syndicate” to promote Jungle and Drum & Bass events, featured as the MC and attempted to rap with a wide range of genres, including Hip Hop,Dancehall, Jungle, and Drum & Bass.

From 2010, he started producing more music besides Hip Hop, and playing them throughout his own events including Jungle, Reggae, Dub, Drum & Bass, Dancehall etc.

Despite his great contribution to Hip Hop music, Raddam Ras’s Djing style has always been wild. Never focusing on following trends, he has pursuing a cutting edge in contemporary rhythm and made appearances on many different performing stages and music frontlines, blending anything from Hip-hop to reggae to electronic beats, capturing the essence of dance music. Guiding ravers in the dance pool to find freshness and energy by changing beat tempo and genre and enhancing dance music vibrations.

His music experience throughout the years has elevated him to perform on big stages in different places and collaborate with many well-known artists, such as Raggasonic and Don Camilo form France, Junlian Marley (the son of godfather of Reggae Bob Marley), Congo Natty, Tippa Irie and Ras Demo from Britain, Pa Pa U Gee from Japan. And the list goes on…

As the witness of these music milestones, Raddam Ras has been constantly exploring, enhancing his music understanding, and using more creative ways to present his own music style. This, is Raddam Ras.


從GS League和Base Line的Promoter轉型為DJ STYX,經歷多年的電子和Hip Hop Party的浸染,隨著與JAY PRINCE、Ozzie、Game Face有過合作和歷練,2017年加入S!LK廠牌進入更深入的學習和發展,現在已經生根發芽。把世界音樂作為根源的他,不局限於一種音樂風格,Trap、UK Bass、Footwork、House均有涉獵,把你帶入低音迷宮尋找音樂的根源力量。他的聲場,絕非你所想象的那樣,就像給你一張聽覺的郵票,帶你巡遊世界盡頭。

The transformation of STYX started from being the promoter at GS League and Base Line,  after years under the influence of Hip Hop party and electronic music, STYX began to collaborate with other artists including JAY PRINCE、Ozzie、Game Face. In 2017, he became one of members of S!LK for deeper learning and development. STYX sees the world music as his root,  therefore, his style does not limit to one simgle genre. Trap、UK Bass、Footwork、House are all in his favor of playing, guiding his audience into the maze of sub frequency and searching for the power of music. His sound is definitely not what you pictured in head. Instead, it's a ticket for sound that cruises you to the end of world.



从Future & Soulful Beats到UK House Bass, Hard Drum, Grime, D&B, Dubstep & Footwork。他无与伦比的选择感意味着,从最深的地下派对到最经典的屋顶派对,他都能找到合适的音乐与派对氛围完美融合。

OSHI的标志性派对THE DROP自2010年首次亮相以来一直备受关注。该系列活动以将激动人心的地下bass音乐相关艺术家带到中国而闻名。2019年,更是与Negative808合作推出了INSTANT RHYTHM系列派对。

OSHI的名声进一步蔓延和扩大,给了他与最好的DJs和Producers一起分享炸裂的舞池的机会。,包括 My Nu Leng, Jubei, UZ, Dub Phizix, Antiserum, Flava D, Arkaik, Royal T, Troyboi, Justin Martin, Roska, Mr Carmack, Sinjin Hawke, Jay Price, NKC, Moresounds, Sudanim & MM, Holly, Zed Bias, A.Fruit, Sinistarr, Pinch, Tokimonsta, Machinedrum, KODE9, Von D, Goldie, X&G, Champagne Drip, AC Slater, Zora Jones, DJ Krush, Tyga, Mø, Starkey, Stooki Sound, Keith APE … 等等。随着全球越来越多的人被他的音乐所震撼,Oshi的王朝又迎来了具有里程碑意义的一年。

The French selector has been leading trends in the far east since he packed up his records and moved there more than 15 years ago.

From Future & Soulful House to Techno, Disco & Classic Grooves, his selector’s sense means that, from the deepest Techno rave to the classiest rooftop hangout, his seamlessly eclectic sets bring new meaning to the term ‘finely tuned’. DJ and crowd-reader above all else, ‘OSHI’ is on a mission to develop the Chinese club scene. As a promoter, Booking agency co-funder and Art Director, His international credentials have grown further afield, reaching all the way to Glastonbury (UK), ADE (Holland) EXIT (Serbia) and World Music Festival (Korea).

OSHI’s signature party TEST04 has been on the map since its mid 2019. The event series is focusing on bringing the most exciting House, Disco and 4x4 Grooves related music acts to China. In September 2020 Oshi Team up with YAUMA on a new 100% House music event, Welcome to the House sound of “PUMP” (Acid, Fidget, Chicago, Ghetto, Afro, UK, Soulful, Hip, Latin, Funky, French, Jackin’)

His reputation spreading further and wider, bringing in its wake a slew of exciting bookings, giving him the opportunity to tear up dance floors alongside some of the best DJs and producers around, inclu

