

世卫组织 世界卫生组织








Why we need our cities to be 

Healthy Cities

Here's a challenge: list the top five nouns in your head that you can place the word ‘healthy’ in front of. What do you think of? Perhaps the first things that come to mind are: healthy people, healthy life and healthy diet? What if we asked you to think bigger? Perhaps things like healthy economy, healthy environment, even ‘Healthy China 2030’ come to mind? Indeed, the word ‘healthy’ can be used to describe so many things, almost all of them positive – but in each of these contexts, what does it mean?

Today, we want to introduce you to the idea of ‘Healthy Cities’. Did you know that right now, more than half of the Chinese population lives in an urban area? So cities play a big role in determining health – if a city isn’t healthy, what does this mean for the people living in it?
Cities are the most direct contact most of us have with government. It's within city boundaries that most people will live, work and play. More importantly, cities will continue to grow, both in size and significance, as more and more people move to cities for better education, jobs and services. In fact, by 2025, 7 out of 10 people in China will live in an urban setting.

What makes a city healthy? You may have heard praises for cities such as ‘The city looks so beautiful with flowers along the road!’, or ‘This city is so safe!’, or ‘I want to move here because there's so much to do!’. You may have also heard people wishing for more: ‘If only there were more trees and parks!’, or ‘Wouldn't it be nice if the air was cleaner?’, or ‘I wish there was less traffic!’. Maybe you even think some of these things yourself from time to time.  There is no universal, one-size-fits-all formula for a healthy city, but if we stop and think about it, most of us want cities that help us to be happy, healthy and inspired!

The rapid urbanization of our world presents us with a unique opportunity to use cities as platforms for promoting health. Given that so many of us live in cities now, and even more of us will do so in the future, even small investments to build healthier cities can impact the health and well-being of many – through things like making the air cleaner, the roads safer, urban spaces greener and more accessible, and the food in markets and shops healthier. Investment and effort in continuously improving all of these areas can help people to stay healthy. On the other hand, unhealthy urban environments can entrench inequality, poverty and poor health.

Since we all want to be healthy, and most of us live in a city, do you think people and health-centered cities are the right way to go? 

We’d love to hear what you think!
To learn more about this topic and join the conversation about promoting health, follow the #健康未来我们做主# (#ChooseHealth) campaign on Weibo through "Read more"!


