
《风景园林》2023-03刊首语 | 曹凯中:缺乏评论的中国风景园林设计

曹凯中 风景园林杂志

全文刊登于《风景园林》2023年第3期 P6-7


Landscape Architecture Criticism

风景园林设计评论(landscape architecture criticism)指的是作为第三方的学者以特定的学术观点对已有实践作品进行相关评论与思考,并由此进一步塑造出实践知识(knowledge in practice)的过程,这一过程不仅是一个具有自主性、批判性的学术活动,也是风景园林设计与社会各界之间形成共识的一座桥梁。广义来看,风景园林设计评论分为理论导向型和行业导向型2种类型。理论导向型评论将本专业的历史和理论与当下的设计实践进行了强有力的关联,这一类型评论往往从风景园林学及相关学科的历史和理论出发,将评论案例放置于特定历史视角和理论议题中,其目的是以更深邃的历史视角和更系统的理论思维提升当下风景园林的设计创作的智识性(intellectual dimensions)。这种智识性产物是某些关于风景园林设计的特定知识,后续的学者和风景园林师阅读这类文章能有效扩展设计理论的知识维度,加深风景园林设计的历史深度,增进对风景园林设计的全面理解。行业导向型评论以风景园林的行业动态、现象和特征为基础背景,以当下的创作视角为根本出发点,其目的是通过评述具体方案以反馈行业背后的机制,进而期待促进行业与行业之间的相互交流和借鉴。

近当代的风景园林设计评论最早出现于19世纪末期,它的出现与当时北美地区大量风景园林实践密不可分。大多数人只知道弗雷德里克·劳·奥姆斯特德(Frederick Law Olmsted)是一名风景园林设计师,但奥姆斯特德同时也是一名优秀的评论家,从他的著作《一个美国农民在英国的漫步与谈话》(Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in England)和《德州之旅》(A Journey Through Texas)可以发现,他是一位对本地风景和生活方式有着极其敏锐观察力的评论者。然而可惜的是,在进入20世纪之后风景园林设计评论反而在国内外没有得到足够的重视,仅Landscape Journal在20世纪90年代和Journal of Landscape Architecture在21世纪10年代对这一领域进行了2次专题组稿。而针对中国当代风景园林设计实践的评论更是少之又少,这一缺失导致了学科内部对当下的设计实践无法形成批判性的思考和总结。因此,本次组稿聚焦于风景园林设计评论,旨在通过此次学术行动,弘扬风景园林文化、匡导风景园林设计价值观、繁荣风景园林设计创作、增进社会对风景园林的理解、惠及当代中国风景园林的思想讨论,最终进一步创建并培育出一个具有批判性、实验性的当代风景园林设计实践环境。在组稿的过程中,我们强烈意识到在风景园林设计实践丰富化的时代语境下,风景园林设计评论也展现出前所未有的多元样貌,因此我们特意邀请了学术背景领域各异的多位作者,从各自不同的认知视角切入风景园林设计评论这一共同话题,试图展示出风景园林设计评论所涵盖的时间跨度与空间尺度。

Landscape architecture criticism refers to the process in which a third-party scholar comments and ponders on existing practical works from a specific academic point of view and further shapes the knowledge in practice. This process is not only an autonomous and critical academic activity, but also a bridge between landscape design and all walks of life in reaching a consensus. In a broad sense, there are two types of landscape architecture criticism: the first type is theory-oriented, and the second type is industry-oriented. The theory-oriented criticism strongly associates the history and theory of this profession with the current design practice. This type of criticism often proceeds from the history and theories of landscape architecture and related disciplines, and places cases in specific historical perspectives and theoretical topics, aiming to enhance the intellectual dimensions of current landscape architecture with a deeper historical perspective and more systematic theoretical thinking. This kind of intellectual product is certain specific knowledge about landscape architecture. By reference to such article, subsequent scholars and landscape architects can effectively expand the knowledge dimensions of design theory, and deepen the historical depth and comprehensive understanding of landscape architecture. The industry-oriented criticism sets the industry dynamics, phenomena and characteristics of landscape architecture as the basic background, and takes the current creative perspective as the fundamental starting point, aiming to give feedback on the mechanism behind the industry through criticism of specific schemes and expecting to promote mutual exchanges and reference between industries.

The modern and contemporary landscape architecture criticism first appeared in the late 19th century, which was attributable to the large number practices in landscape architecture in North America at that time. Most people only know Frederick Law Olmsted as a landscape architect, but in fact, Olmsted was also an excellent critic. It can be learned from his books Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in England and A Journey Through Texas that he was a critic with extremely keen insights into the local landscape and way of life. However, it was a pity that landscape architecture criticism failed to receive enough attention at home and abroad after the 20th century. The manuscripts in this special topic were acquired only twice by Landscape Journal in the 1990s and by Journal of Landscape Architecture in the 2010s. However, the criticism on the contemporary Chinese landscape architecture is even less, which leads to lack of critical thinking and summary of current design practice within the discipline. Therefore, this special issue focuses on landscape criticism. It meant to promote landscape architecture culture, guide landscape architecture values, prosper landscape architecture creations, enhance the society’s understanding of landscape architecture, and benefit ideological discussions on contemporary Chinese landscape architectures through this academic action, whereby ultimately further creating and cultivating a critical and experimental contemporary landscape architecture practice environment.

In acquiring the manuscripts, we had a strong sense that landscape architecture criticism has been more diverse than ever in the era of enriched landscape architecture practice. Therefore, we specially invited a number of authors with different academic backgrounds to probe into the common topic of landscape architecture criticism from respective cognitive perspectives, attempting to demonstrate the time span and spatial scale that could possibly covered by landscape architect criticism.


Acquiring editor of the current issue: CAO Kaizhong


February 14, 2023



微信编辑 刘芝若

微信校对 刘玉霞

审核 曹娟







