
《风景园林》2024-04刊首语 | 郑曦:人居环境促进健康行为

郑曦 风景园林杂志

全文刊登于《风景园林》2024年第4期 P8-9


Living Environment Facilitate Healthy Behaviors






Increasingly more healthy behaviors are being realized in green spaces in our daily lives. Such activities running, fitness, dancing, skipping, camping, picnicking, playing frisbee, kayaking, children playing, cycling, hiking and gardening are not only a form of recreation, but also an investment in health. The strong connection between such health behaviors and green spaces reveals to us some insights into the philosophy that health is inextricably intertwined with our living environments.

Health is closely related to urban environments, which include physical ones and social ones. The quality of physical environments, e.g., the cleanliness of air and water, or the availability of green space, would deliver a direct impact on the health of individuals. Living in a highly polluted area may exacerbate the risk of developing respiratory diseases, while enjoying adequate green space is conducive to physical activity and mental health. Additionally, the design of communities and infrastructure has an impact on health; for example, expedient sidewalks, bike paths and public transportation systems, as well as well-functioning healthy food choices, can promote healthy lifestyles. Equally important is the social environment, because strong social cohesion and supportive networks are beneficial to the overall health; and the cultural climate and practices within communities can also influence the selection of diet, exercise, and health care. Therefore, health is a complex system, which is influenced jointly by physical, social, economic and cultural factors.

 Increased green space can positively affect residents’ health behaviors. While providing venues for people to recreate, exercise and socialize, green spaces would play an significant role in improving air quality, reducing noise, pollution and relieving psychological stress, among other things. Through exposure to green space, people will get prone to be engaged in outdoor activities, such as walking, jogging or cycling, thereby increasing physical activities and improving their physical and mental health. Therefore, increasing the amount of green space and enhancing its quality and accessibility is one of the most significant initiatives for forging a healthy urban environment. In addition to green spaces, pedestrian-friendly design in cities also has a significant impact on health behaviors. Walkability delivers a significant impact on physical activity levels, and pedestrian-friendly communities would encourage residents to choose walking or biking as their primary modes of transportation, thus reducing their dependence on automobiles. In this way, regular exercises are promoted, and the risk of sedentary behavior is lowered. Furthermore, the community cohesion can be promoted, a sense of belonging and connection be fostered, and the overall well-being thereby enhanced. In summary, by optimizing sidewalks, improving street connectivity and enhancing the proximity to amenities, it is possible to effectively create pedestrianfriendly urban environments and boost healthy behaviors.

Another important element influencing healthy behaviors is the presence of social supporting networks and community resources. Firm social relationships are associated with better mental health outcomes and adherence to healthy behaviors. In a secure and wellmaintained environment, individuals can be stimulated to dive into outdoor activities and physical exercises; thus, residents’ health behaviors will be effectively supported, health gaps be narrowed down, and a living environment be created that promotes healthy behaviors.

 Since ancient times, many cities have promoted healthy behaviors by designing proper living environment features. In ancient Rome, for example, the thermaes and aqueducts provided its residents with places to maintain personal hygiene and socialize, thus promoting the public health. In the United Kingdom, the Garden City Movement has created self-sufficient neighborhoods and enhanced the overall well-being of residents by integrating green spaces, pedestrian-friendly streets, and amenities. In Copenhagen, Denmark, a prioritized consideration is given to cycling infrastructure to create a cycling-embracing culture, which has significantly diminished car dependence, traffic congestion and carbon emissions, while promoting fitness and healthy lifestyles. In Singapore, the Health Promotion Board has launched healthy living initiatives to advocate the design of communities with ample green space, sidewalks and recreational facilities, so as to forge health-promoting environments and foster active lifestyles and well-beings. Whether for historical innovations or contemporary initiatives, urban environments have imposed a significant impact on individuals’ behaviors and lifestyles. And successful interventions have always prioritized the well-being of individuals and communities. Health considerations shall be incorporated into planning, design and development of communities, so as to build living environment that can advance healthy behaviors and lift the life quality and well-being of residents.


Editor-in-Chief: ZHENG Xi


April 6, 2024



微信编辑 刘芝若

微信校对 李清清

审核 曹娟







