
8.07 AXIS*Scintii 「Times New Roman」TOUR 找到属于自己的艺术格式

Operates On Its AXIS 2022-07-14




Times New Roman Tour


Photo : Shuwei liu 

Styling : Dre Romero 

Makeup + mask : Regia Lu 

Hair : Li Jiasu


Photo by Hailun Ma
Styling by Dre Romero
Make up by Regia Lu
Hair by Jenny Niu

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Scintii是现居上海的台湾唱作人Stella Chung的化名,在几年间,她清冷幽悒的人声电子乐发展成一种独特的21世纪之音,将自己悦耳丝滑的人声与冰冷的电气之音巧妙结合,构造出一副情感充沛,尖锐又不乏柔软的声 音画面。

Shanghai-based ( born inTaiwan, China) singer-songwriter-producer Scintii (aka Stella Chung) has developed a distinctive sound in her icy and brooding vocal electronica for the 21st Century, built from the conjunction of her silky vocals and glacial electronics, conjuring emotional still-lifes in sharp angles and soft fabrics. 

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Scintii于2017年在Eternal Dragonz厂牌发行了首张个人EP “Mica”,并在同年发行了同名remix EP,由v1984, Xao, II FLORA, X/O, Ausschuss, Akito制作。2018年在SVBKVLT发行的第二张EP “Aerial/Paperbags”将她推向了更为广阔的舞台。在一系列独立制作的个人EP,remix,及DJ set后,她与Danny L Harle合作,于Houndstooth发行的最新单曲”Times New Roman“ 则标志着她的作品迈向了一个新高度。

She released her first EP, Mica, on Eternal Dragonz in 2017, along with an EP of remixes by v1984, Xao, II FLORA, X/O, Ausschuss, and Akito. Her second EP, Aerial/Paperbags was released on SVBKVLT in 2018, and brought her to the attention of a wider scene. Now, with a string of self-produced solo EPs, along with remixes, and DJ sets, she steps up her game with Times New Roman, her new single on Houndstooth, co-written with Danny L Harle.

New Release !

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为庆祝唱作人Scintii签约伦敦厂牌Houndstooth,并于厂牌发行首张单曲 <Times New Roman> ,上周Scintii从上海启程开启了「Times New Roman」Tour 巡演,AXIS也兴奋的成为巡演中的重要一站,将为成都呈现Scintii的精彩现场!

To celebrate signing to London based label Houndstooth and the new release of her first single <Times New Roman> , Scintii departure from Shanghai and begin her 「Times New Roman」Tour. 

She will be hosting an event at AXIS on 7th Aug, which will be an important itinerary to present her live show to our Chengdu scene!

Scintii "Times New Roman" Teaser

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Houndstooth宣布了他们的最新签约艺人是现居上海的台湾唱作人Scintii,她将在厂牌发行第一张单曲—— “Times New Roman”。这首感伤的21世纪新派trip-hop是与Danny L Harle(PC Music, Charli XCX)的合作作品,并有来自Mechatok, Palmistry, Loraine James及Osheyack的remix版本。

Houndstooth announce their newest signing, Shanghai-based Taiwanese singer-producer Scintii, with her first single for the label, Times New Roman.  Its melancholic 21st century nu-trip hop sound was developed with guest producer Danny L Harle (PC Music, Charli XCX), and is backed by a quartet of remixes by Mechatok, Palmistry, Loraine James and Osheyack.

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“Times New Roman” 

是Scintii 2018年于SVBKVLT发行第二张个人EP “Aerial/Paperbags”后的首张发行,区别 于前作的感伤情怀,在新作中,她展现出了更为强硬与深沉的声音。

“Times New Roman字体是平面设计中最常用的一种设计语言,”Scintii解释道,“这首歌也是我作为一名艺术家,试图找到属于自己的艺术语言的过程。”

Scintii的音乐不完全属于俱乐部,也不是传统意义上的合成器流行,她的音乐更像是一种晶莹的数码音乐与情 绪化的深夜electronica的结合。“我并不会太多考虑音乐流派,”她说,“我会试图去捕捉一种氛围,或是情绪。”

单曲由Scintii与PC Music旗下制作人 Danny L Harle共同制作。在2019年夏日的伦敦之旅中,Harle邀请Scintii在自己的录音棚中合作。“歌曲的主旋律是我在逛商场时,突然想到的,“她说,”但当时我并没想好怎么做。当 我和Danny一起录音时,这段旋律与他做的节拍非常吻合。这让我开始坚信自己音乐人和制作人的身份,可以 开始一个新的方向,并将自己的声音发挥到极致。“

“Times New Roman”中包含了多首remix作品,都来自于当今地下俱乐部音乐场景中的佼佼者。前SVBKVLT厂 牌同僚Osheyack 将原曲中的硬朗旋律,以trance中经典的断音手法呈现;Mechatok以更饱和的音色创造出鲜 活的高能量版本;备受瞩目的伦敦制作人Loraine James则将曲目进行了解构,将其编织成一曲失真的IDM ; 而最近刚与Charli XCX合作了一首单曲的Palmistry 在释放出一系列急促的合成器音色后,出其不意地转向甜 美欢快的碎拍。

'Times New Roman' is Scintii's first release since her second EP, Aerial/Paperbags, on SVBKVLT in 2018, and marks a step up from the wistfulness of her previous EPs to a tougher, deeper sound.


"Times New Roman is one of the main languages used in graphic design," Scintii explains, "and this song is about finding that language for myself as an artist."


Scintii makes music that is neither obviously for the club nor is it synth-pop, instead forging a cyber-sleek and moody late-night electronica. “I dont really think about genre," she says, "I think about what I'm trying to communicate – an atmosphere, or an emotion"


The track was co-written with PC Music producer and musician, Danny L Harle on a trip to London in summer of 2019, after Harle invited her to his studio to record some sessions. "The main melody came to me while wandering round a shopping mall," she says, "but I wasn’t sure what to do with it. Then I had the session with Danny and it just worked with the beat he was making. It really started to become about me feeling sure of myself as a musician and producer, going in a new direction and really being able to maximise my own voice."


Times New Roman is loaded with remixes, from the cream of current underground club music producers. Former SVBKVLT label mate Osheyack shakes out its hard lines in classic trance stabs; Mechatok ups its saturation for a bouncing hardcore version; hyped London producer Loraine James takes the track apart by stems and re-plaits them into glitched-out IDM, and Palmistry (who just worked on a track with Charli XCX) chases rushing synths before dropping into a bubblegum breaks.

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具有如此高辨识度的人声,及一种既非植根于伦敦或是上海的独特声音,“Times New Roman”的发行,标志着Scintii成为最值得瞩目的艺人之一。

With such instantly recognisable vocals, and a sound that is rooted in neither London nor Shanghai, Times New Roman marks Scintii out as one to watch. 

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Scintii was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and studied music and performance for six years in London, after which she returned to Taiwan, moving to Shanghai three years ago. As a kid she played piano, but got bored and picked up the guitar, before realising she needed to use her voice to realise her vision.


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“当我在伦敦求学时,我知道我可以唱歌,但当时我并没有这样做,因为我觉得弹奏乐器会比较酷一点,”她说 道,”我意识到,如果想要做出我想要呈现的音乐,就必须自己唱出来。这是一段很漫⻓的过程,明确自己的 方向,并找到创作的自信。“

之后Scintii学会了Logic和Ableton,开始尝试制作自己想象中的音乐,在编写脑海中有机形成的旋律和节拍 中,探索着自己薄纱般的嗓音。虽然她也很喜欢DJ,也享受看到观众热舞的场景,她与俱乐部音乐的关系却是 忽远忽近的,“有些我想创作的东⻄并不在俱乐部音乐的框架中。“她说道。在发行了几张”卧室制作“EP崭露头 ⻆后,现在的Stella已完全能胜任正式的录音室制作了。

"While I was studying in London I knew I could sing, but I wasn't really doing it – I thought it would be cooler if I played an instrument," she admits. "I realised that to make the kind of music I wanted to present, I would have to sing it myself. It was a slow process, of realising what I needed to focus on, and having the confidence to produce my own music."

She learned Logic and Ableton, and began making real the music she had imagined, discovering her own distinctive gossamer vocal sound, through drafting melodies and loops that came naturally. While she loves to DJ, she is as happy in the club as out of it, and says that while she loves to make people dance, "there are things I want to create that don't fit into that box". Since breaking through with her early EPs, which were independently made bedroom productions, Stella has been able to level up and advance her sound to full studio recordings.

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她的音乐既吸收了在伦敦求学期间,俱乐部音乐中的重低音元素,也不乏那些伴随自己成⻓过程中的流行音乐 的影子,但在她作品背后真正的推动力却是情感与氛围。“情绪在创作过程中是至关重要的,”她说道,“它是一 种共通的语言 —— 我喜欢的很多音乐都带有人声,人声传递了某种信息,而音乐制作也随着围绕着这些信息—— 它便成为了一个独立的个体。"

She is equally influenced by her time in London soaking up the bass in club music, and the pop she grew up with, but the driving power behind her music is its feeling and atmosphere. "Emotion is an important thing in a creative process," she says. "That’s one thing that’s very universal – a lot of my favourite music tends to have some kind of vocal, which delivers a message, and the production wraps around those messages – it becomes its own thing."

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“Aerial/Paperbags” 整张EP都围绕着一个小故事,每首歌都弥漫着电影般的氛围与唤起记忆的细节,“当时我 没有在DJ,也没开始表演Live,我只想做一些非常优美的音乐,“在提及那张唱片中的梦幻意向,她这样解释 道 。EP发行后,Scintii受到邀请,为广受好评的组合These New Puritans制作remix,并在东京RMBA电台的Diskotopia节目,及NTS, Radar Radio等电台表演。

对Scintii而言,无论是DJ,或是演唱自己制作的音乐,这些表演形式都为了服务一个整体,“这一切都是为了 找到属于我的声音。”

Her EP Aerial/Paperbags was formed around a mini-story she says, with each track drawing on cinematic atmospheres and evocations. "At that time I wasn't DJing, and I hadn't started playing live, and I wanted to make music that was really beautiful," she explains of that record's dream-like presence. Following that EP, she clocked up a remix credit for acclaimed group These New Puritans, performed and DJ'd for Diskotopia on RBMA Radio Tokyo, NTS, Radar Radio and others.

Despite this breadth of activity, Scintii is as happy DJing as she is singing on her own music. For her, it is all part of the same whole, saying: "It has all been about finding my own voice."

Support DJs:





扎根成都,现求学于洛杉矶,Pulse Lable成员,出生于千禧年的他自十五岁接触电子音乐文化后便开始对Djing 产生了浓厚的兴趣,便从2018年开始主持Unknown Emotions电台节目,对于他来说,音乐是表达情绪的最好方式, 受电子音乐以及Hiphop 文化的影响使得能从他的DJ set里听到更多元的声音。

 Black McQueen 

致力于低音厂牌TASTY!的推广及发展。UK Bass、Acid Techno、Club Trax 赋能他的血液。他更期望听众来定义舞池边界,而不是风格定义听众。



「Times New Roman」TOUR 巡演

Line Up:



Black McQueen 



预售 Advancd:45 RMB

现场 Ondoor:   75RMB

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