

英语世界 2020-01-30

本期荐读 :《木兰辞》

今天凌晨,刘亦菲主演的迪士尼《花木兰》真人电影发布了首支预告 ▾







 木兰辞  The Mulan Ballad 










Alas oh alas! Alas oh alas!

Mulan is weaving cloth of topmost class.

Listen and you don't hear the spinning drone;

You only hear the maiden sigh and moan.

"Good lass, what thought has occupied your mind?

Good lass, what thought can you not leave behind?"

"I've nothing that has occupied my mind;

I've nothing that I cannot leave behind.

I saw the new recruiting lists last night;

The Khan is summoning the men to fight.

The twelve lists are literally the same;

In every list there is my father's name.

My dad does not have any grown-up son;

I have no elder brother to carry the gun.

I'll go and buy a stalwart horse and pad

So as to go to battle for my dad."










She buys a strong steed in the eastern market;

She buys a saddle in the western market;

She buys a bridle in the southern market;

She buys a long whip in the northern market.

She leaves her dearest parents by daylight,

And stays by the Yellow River for the night.

She can no longer hear her parents' sound,

But only hears the rushing flood around.

She leaves the Yellow River by daylight.

Arrives at Mount Heishan at early night.

She can no longer hear her parents' sound;

She only hears the Tartar steeds around.

She goes for miles and miles to join the war,

And crosses hills and valleys with the crops.

The northern wind resounds the watchmen's hail;

The chilly moon shines on their coats of mail.

Countless men die on the battlefields.

While other men return with swords and shileds.








Mulan receives an audience from the Khan,

Who makes a huge grant to the valiant “man.”

Mulan is praised and offered the highest post,

And given piles of treasures she can boast. 

She says when asked what she would like to do,

“High posts at court are not what I pursue.

All I want is a camel with its crew

To send me home to start my life anew.” 

On hearing that Mulan will soon be home,

Her parents leave the courtyard arm in arm.

On hearing that Mulan will soon be home,

Her younger sister makes up to add charm.

On hearing that Mulan will soon be home,

Her younger brother butches pigs on the farm.








She opens doors of chambers east and west

And sits upon her bed to take a rest.

She first takes off her warrior’s coat of mail

And then puts on her female dress and veil.

She stands by windows doing her long hair

And faces mirrors painting her brows fair.

When she meets her mates in female array,

They stare at her in great surprise and say,

“We fought for twelve years in the same brigade,

But never knew that Mulan was a maid!” 

“The male rabbit hops and skips on the ground;

The female rabbit winks and blinks around. 

When two rabbits scurry to and fro,

Who knows which is the buck and which the doe?”

Translated by 汪榕培

from 《英译乐府诗精华》(上海外语教育出版社,2008)

- 译文 2  -

Song of Mulan

Translated by 许渊冲

Alack,alas! Alack, alas!

She weaves and sees the shuttle pass. 

You cannot hear the shuttle, why?

Its whir is drowned in her deep sigh. 

"Oh, what are you thinking about?

Will you tell us? Will you speak out?"

"I have no worry on my mind,

Nor have I grief of any kind. 

I read the battle roll last night;

The Khan has ordered men to fight. 

The roll was written in twelve books;

My father's name was in twelve nooks. 

My father has no grown-up son,

For elder brother I have none. 

I'll get a horse of hardy race

And serve in my father's place."

She buys a steed at eastern fair,

A whip and saddle here and there. 

She buys a bridle at the south

And metal bit for the horse's mouth. 

At dawn she leaves her parents by the city wall;

At dusk she reaches Yellow River shore. 

All night she listens for old folk's familiar call,

But only hears the Yellow River's roar. 

At dawn she leaves the Yellow River shore;

To mountains Black she goes her way. 

At night she hears old folk's familiar voice no more,

But only on north mountains Tartar horses neighs. 

For miles and miles the army march along

And cross the mountain barriers as in flight.

The northern wind has chilled the watchman's gong,

Their coat of mail glistens in wintry light. 

In ten years they've lost many captains strong,

But battle-hardened warriors come back in delight.

Back they have their audience with the Khan in the hall,

Honors and gifts are lavished on warriors all.

The Khan asks her what she wants as a grace.

"A camel fleet to carry me to my native place."

Hearing that she has come,

Her parents hurry to meet her at city gate. 

Her sister rouges her face at home,

Her younger brother kills pig and sheep to celebrate.

She opens the doors east and west

And sits on her bed for a rest. 

She doffs her garb wore under fire

And wears again female attire. 

Before the she arranges her hair

And in the mirror sees her image fair. 

Then she comes out to see her former mate,

Who stares at her in amazement great: 

"We have marched together for twelve years,

We did not know there was a lass' mid our compeers!" 

"Both buck and doe have lilting gait

And both their eyelids palpitate. 

When side by side two rabbits go,

Who can tell the buck from the doe?"


- 译文 3 -

Ode of Mulan 

Translated by Han H. Frankel

from The Flowering Plum and the Palace Lady: Interpretations of Chinese Poetry (Yale University Press, 1976)

Tsiek tsiek and again tsiek tsiek,

Mu-lan weaves, facing the door. 

You don't hear the shuttle's sound,

You only hear Daughter's sighs. 

They ask Daughter who's in her heart,

They ask Daughter who's on her mind. 

“No one is on Daughter's heart,

No one is on Daughter's mind. 

Last night I saw the draft posters,

The Khan is calling many troops,

The army list is in twelve scrolls,

On every scroll there's Father's name. 

Father has no grown-up son,

Mu-lan has no elder brother. 

I want to buy a saddle and horse,

And serve in the army in Father's place.”

In the East Market she buys a spirited horse,

In the West Market she buys a saddle,

In the South Market she buys a bridle,

In the North Market she buys a long whip.

At dawn she takes leave of Father and Mother,

In the evening camps on the Yellow River's bank. 

She doesn't hear the sound of Father and Mother calling,

She only hears the Yellow River's flowing water cry tsien tsien.

At dawn she takes leave of the Yellow River,

In the evening she arrives at Black Mountain. 

She doesn't hear the sound of Father and Mother calling,

She only hears Mount Yen's nomad horses cry tsiu tsiu.

She goes ten thousand miles on the business of war,

She crosses passes and mountains like flying. 

Northern gusts carry the rattle of army pots,

Chilly light shines on iron armor.

Generals die in a hundred battles,

Stout soldiers return after ten years. 

On her return she sees the Son of Heaven,

The Son of Heaven sits in the Splendid Hall.

He gives out promotions in twelve ranks

And prizes of a hundred thousand and more.

The Khan asks her what she desires.

“Mu-lan has no use for a minister's post.

I wish to ride a swift mount

To take me back to my home.”

When Father and Mother hear Daughter is coming,

They go outside the wall to meet her, leaning on each other. 

When Elder Sister hears Younger Sister is coming

She fixes her rouge, facing the door.

When Little Brother hears Elder Sister is coming

He whets the knife, quick quick, for pig and sheep. 

“I open the door to my east chamber,

I sit on my couch in the west room, 

I take off my wartime gown

And put on my old-time clothes.”

Facing the window she fixes her cloudlike hair,

Hanging up a mirror she dabs on yellow flower powder. 

She goes out the door and sees her comrades,

Her comrades are all amazed and perplexed. 

Traveling together for twelve years,

They didn't know Mu-lan was a girl.

“The he-hare's feet go hop and skip,

The she-hare's eyes are muddled and fuddled.

Two hares running side by side close to the ground,

How can they tell if I am he or she?”

❀ 未完待续 ❀







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