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“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”

A teacher has the power to transform souls and touch someone’s life in a positive way. It is one of the noblest of professions that deal with life-changing and destiny-altering powers. The teacher has the present as raw material on which she will finally carve and design the future… the children. It’s an ever evolving yet challenging and lifelong learning environment of which we are an integral part.

Teaching is a chance to touch someone’s life in a positive way. Teachers are the pillars of society for they educate and mould the future citizens of a country. Teaching, like any other activity, emerges from one’s inwardness. Motivating and exciting students is the key.

Passion for teaching is innate. At the core of caring relationships are positive and high expectations that not only structure and guide behaviours, but also challenge students to perform what they believe they can do. The influence of a teacher does not stay for a limited period of time but it extends over a lifetime.

A good teacher inspires. She teaches from the heart, not from the book. A teacher is capable of dispelling the clouds of ignorance from the minds of students and lighting the spark of knowledge in them.

(From Teaching… A Passion by Vijay Laxmi Singh)












