

2016-11-16 知识所


Successful signing of the MOU on annualcooperation for the year of 2017 

Between Nanjing BarAssociation and HongKong Bar Association 



Nov.16 2016, thesigning ceremony MOU on the cooperation between Nanjing Bar Association andHongkong Bar Association was successfully held in the training hall of NanjingBar Association. This event is a milestone aimed to further the exchanges andsharing of legal resources between both bar associations and to implementrelated policies related to the legal service of both HongKong and mainlandChina under the framework of CEPA. Founding partner Mr. Wang Xudong of our firmand managing partner Mr. David/Xiaojun Wang of our firm, who also chairs NanjingBar Association International Division, participated in the ceremony.


Both barassociations agree to further communications on such hot topics oninternational legal service, vocational training of young lawyers, developmentof bar associations. The specific areas of cooperation in the future willinclude but not limited to corporate governance, legal risk management under “onebelt one road”, international arbitration and international finance etc. So asto enhance the thoery and practice of local lawyers. Both may exchange in theform of studying, training, seminar and forum etc. 




Heads of 11 local Nanjing law firms signs engagementagreement with 11 barristers from different Hong Kong chambers wherein theChinese law firm will engage the barrister to be local firm’s advisor inrelation to Hong Kong law. Under the guidance of Nanjing Bar Association, ZhiShi Law Firm engaged Mr. Lawrence NG from DES VOEUX CHAMBERS, to be its advisoron Hong Hong law and Hong Kong related legal issues for the period of one yearfrom the signature date. Zhi Shi law firm is an earliest IP law firm and amongthe best IP firms in east China. Mr. Lawrence NG is a senior barrister withover 14 years of experiences in the areas of commercial and cooperatelitigation, defamation, property law, legacy and employment law etc. 





