
演讲 | John Lewis波士顿大学毕业演讲:当你看到不公平之事,你有义务去打抱不平

小芳老师 2020-09-18



John Lewis told BU’s Class of 2018 Sunday to enjoy their big day—then get to work.

“Take a long, deep breath, take it all in—and roll up your sleeves, because the world is waiting for you, waiting for talented men and women to lead it to a better place,” the civil rights leader said in his Commencement speech.

“My philosophy is simple. When you see something that is not fair, not right, not just, then you have a moral obligation to say something, to do something, stand up, speak out,” said Lewis (Hon.’18) (D-Ga.), the US representative from Georgia’s fifth congressional district since 1987, to the 7,072 graduates and 20,000 guests at Nickerson Field for the University’s 145th All-University Commencement. His impassioned oratory drew repeated standing ovations.

The ceremony began 20 minutes ahead of schedule, because the weather forecast called for thunderstorms, which never materialized, with the sun coming out and remaining mostly out until the end.

Lewis, one of the 13 original Freedom Riders, was beaten and jailed repeatedly during the Civil Rights Movement. He helped organize the 1963 March on Washington, where his friend and mentor, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (GRS’55, Hon.’59), delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. He spoke of writing a letter to King when he was 17, and King’s eventual invitation to meet with him in Montgomery, Ala., an invitation that led to a long friendship and Lewis’ prominent role in the Civil Rights Movement. He told the crowd that King spoke often about BU and the faculty and scholars he learned from here.

The longtime Georgia congressman told of growing up in the Jim Crow South, of signs everywhere marking separate facilities for “whites” and “colored.” When he asked his parents and grandparents about them, though, they told him that it was just the way life was and urged him not to get in trouble.

“I got in trouble! I got in trouble!” said Lewis, recounting dozens of arrests for protesting over the years. “I gave a little blood, but some people gave their lives.”

Change, he told the Class of 2018, is possible when people act courageously. Today, the only places you see those “whites” and “colored” signs are in a book, a museum, or a video, Lewis said, but much work remains to be done. While he didn’t mention the current occupant of the White House by name, he made a point of noting that both our democratic ideals and our planet are in trouble, adding: “We need young men and women, smart graduates of Boston University, to go out there and get into trouble.

“I urge you as you leave here, to participate in the democratic process, to get out there and vote like you never voted before,” he said to cheers from the crowd. “Be optimistic, don’t get lost in a sea of despair, but be bold, be courageous, and all will work out.”

President Robert A. Brown presented Lewis with a Doctor of Laws, saying, “You stand before us as an icon of the Civil Rights Movement, but also as a reminder that the fight for justice is never easy and it is never over. In your courage, we find the inspiration to carry on that fight. And we are better for it, both as a society and as individuals.”









如果不是因为马丁·路德·金博士——这位毕业于这所伟大学校的校友,他深深热爱着他的母校,热爱着这里的教职员工及科研人员,总是在不同场合提起波士顿大学。我成长于阿拉巴马的小乡镇。那时候我希望去当地一所离我家十英里的学院学习,那所学院叫Troy State Collge,如今它更名为了Troy University。那个时候这家学校不接受黑人学生,因此在我17岁的时候,我写了封信给马丁·路德·金博士。他给我回了信,邀请我去Montgomery与他见面,并随信附上了往返巴士票。与此同时,我被田纳西州纳什维尔当地的一所学校录取了。我的一个叔叔给了我100美金和一个手提箱。除了我从小养大的母鸡。我把我拥有的全部家什都装进了那个箱子,登上了去纳什维尔的巴士。

当金博士回来听到我去了纳什维尔的消息后,他邀请我去Montgomery与他见面。我永远不会忘记,那天一位年轻的律师在Montgomery市中心的巴士站接到了我,把我带到了第一浸信会教堂,并送我进了教堂办公室。在那里我见到了金博士和Ralph Abernathy牧师。金博士站在桌子后面对我说:“你就是那个来自Troy的男孩吗?你是约翰·路易斯吗?”我说:“金博士,我的名字叫约翰·罗伯特·路易斯。”我报上了我的全名,不过他仍然称呼我为“那个来自Troy的男孩”。







