






Graduate School University of Bristish Columbia, Supervising graduate students,

https://www.grad.ubc.ca /faculty -staff /information -supervisors /supervising -graduate -students

提供的英文附件(GraduateStudent / Supervisor Expectations)译文用有道翻译工具给出,我们对少数翻译进行了人工调整。为了避免翻译失真带来的误解,每条翻译都给出了原文。



1.  表现出对你的研究和教育项目的承诺,并提供激励、尊重的支持、建设性的批评和持续的鼓励。Demonstrate commitment to your research and educational program, and offer stimulation, respectful support, constructive criticism, and consistent encouragement.

2. 协助确定一个适合你的研究课题,并在你的学位范围内进行管理。Assist with identification of a research topic that is suitable foryou and manageable within the scope of your degree.

3.对你的研究领域有足够的了解,能够作为主管提供指导。Have sufficient familiarity with your field of research to provide guidance as a supervisor.

4.为了你的项目,协助你获得所需的设施或研究材料。Assist you in gaining access to required facilities or research materials for your projects.

5.讨论你的经济支持问题,协助申请奖学金和/或提供有关学术就业机会的建议。Discuss your financial support issues and assist with scholarship applications and/or providing adviceon academic employment opportunities.

6.在研究的伦理行为和研究模式的完整性方面提供指导。Provide guidance in the ethical conduct of research and model researchintegrity.

7.与你讨论从事与你论文主题无关的活动/工作的含义。Discuss with you theimplications of engaging with activities/work unrelated to your thesis topic.

8. 提供我有时间参加(与你相关的)会议的时间信息,和对会议准备所能提供的期望。Provide informationabout my availability for meetings and expectations about preparation formeetings.

9. 协助你规划你的研究计划,设定一个时间框架,并尽可能地遵守时间表。Assist you in planningyour research program, setting a time frame, and adhering as much as possibleto the schedule.

10. 鼓励你在出现不利于继续的时候结束你的工作。Encourage you to finishup when it would not be in your best interest to stay longer.

11. 每学期至少有一次可以查阅和讨论你的学术进展和研究。(平均而言,我们的会议将_____________________________________举行。)Be accessible forconsultation and discussion of your academic progress and research at a minimumof once a term. [On average, our meetings will be held_____________________________________.]

12. 尽量减少我对可能妨碍你完成论文的活动/工作的期望。Minimize my expectations for activities/work that may interfere with your thesiscompletion.

13. 成立一个监督委员会(由你提供适当的意见),并为委员会会议作准备。委员会会议将定期举行(每年至少一次),审阅你的工作进度,并为你日后的工作提供指引。Institute a supervisory committee (with appropriate input from you) and prepare for committee meetings, which will occur on a regular basis (at least once a year) to review yourprogress and provide guidance for your future work.

14.支持您在课程启动后36个月内完成的综合考试和候选人资格的准备工作。Support you in your preparation for the comprehensive examination and admission to candidacy which will be completed within 36 months of programinitiation.

15. 充当管理项目需求、截止日期等的资源。Act as a resource about managing program requirements, deadlines, etc.

16. 在适当的地点参加你的演讲,并参与相关的讨论。Attend your presentations in appropriate venues and join in associateddiscussion.

17. 在研究生院和博士后研究项目处要求的时间范围内,向博士论文的外审专家和校内审查专家提交博士论文的推荐信。Submit recommendations for external examiners and university examinersfor the doctoral dissertation within the time frames required by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

18. 根据良好的学术实践和不列颠哥伦比亚大学的学术诚信政策,在适当的时候,在我发表的材料和口头报告中承认你的贡献。Acknowledge your contributions, when appropriate, in publishedmaterial and oral presentations [Discuss policy regarding authorship, etc. ofpapers] in accordance with good scholarly practice and the University ofBritish Columbia scholarly integrity policies.

19. 根据英属哥伦比亚大学的政策,提供合理的工作时间和假期预期。Provide reasonable expectations about work day hours and vacation timein accordance with University of British Columbia policies.

20. 阐明我喜欢的与学生交流的方式,比如学生独立、处理冲突的方法、直接提问和指导。Clarify my preferred style of communication with students about areas,such as student independence, approaches to conflict, direct questioning, andmentoring.

21. 解释我对讲话方式、专业行为(如守时)、何时寻求帮助、对建设性批评的回应,以及对学业表现的期望。Explain my expectations for mode of address, professional behaviour (e.g. punctuality), when to seek assistance, response to constructivecriticism, and academic performance expectations.

22. 用规范和期望帮助你克服任何文化上的困难。Assist you to overcome any cultural difficulties with norms andexpectations.

23.对提交的书面工作做出彻底的回应(提出建设性的改进建议),并及时提交回应。Respond thoroughly (with constructive suggestions for improvement) and in a timely fashion to submitted, written work.

24. 促进一个安全、无骚扰的研究环境。Promote a research environment that is safe and free from harassment.

25. 协助管理集体指导委员会委员之间的冲突或分歧。Assist in managing conflict or differences among members of the supervisory committee.

26. 如我长时间缺勤,例如超过一个月,应作出安排,确保有足够的监管。Make arrangements to ensure adequate supervision if I am absent forextended periods, e.g. more than a month.

27. 鼓励你在大学内外展示你的研究成果。(大约多长时间?_________________________________________。Encourage you to present your research results within and outside theUniversity. [Approximately how often?_________________________________________.]

28. 提供学术写作指导。Provide mentoring in academic writing.

29. 提供有关职业机会的建议和指导,这些机会可能会得到资源、技能、专业发展和其他途径的协助。Provide advice and mentorship with respect to career opportunities,which may be assisted by resources, skills, professional development, and otheravenues.




1.(我会)为我的学业进步负责。Take responsibility for my progress towards my degree completion.

2.在获取必要的背景知识和技能来完成论文的过程中,会表现出投入和专注的努力。Demonstrate commitment and dedicated effort in gaining the necessarybackground knowledge and skills to carry out the thesis.

3.在任何时候,根据英属哥伦比亚大学的政策和资助我的研究的任何组织的政策或其他要求,展示研究的完整性并以符合伦理(学术规范)的方式进行研究。At all times, demonstrate research integrity and conduct research inan ethical manner in accordance with University of British Columbia policiesand the policies or other requirements of any organizations funding myresearch.

4.与您一起,制定一个计划和完成论文项目每个阶段的时间表。In conjunction with you, develop a plan and a timetable for completionof each stage of the thesis project.

5.如有适应机会,我会向大学或拨款机构申请资助或其他必要的研究资源。As applicable, apply to the University or granting agencies forfinancial awards or other necessary resources for the research.

6.(我会让自己)符合奖学金或助学金资助机构的标准和截止日期。Meet standards and deadlines of the funding organization for ascholarship or grant.

7.我会遵守协商好的时间表并在适当的期限内完成任务。Adhere to negotiated schedules and meet appropriate deadlines.

8. 随时通知您以及研究生院和博士后管理部门我的联系方式。Keep you and the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies informedabout my contact information.

9.在指定的时间内与您会面并保持联系。Meet and correspond with you when requested within specified timeframes.

10.定期全面汇报工作进展及成果。Report fully and regularly on my progress and results.

11.保持我的注册,并确保任何必要的许可或授权保持最新,直到项目完成。Maintain my registration and ensure any required permits orauthorizations are kept up to date until the program is completed.

12.在使用资源时,考虑周全并合理节约。Be thoughtful and reasonably frugal in using resources.

13.对同事和同事保持礼节。Behave in a respectful manner with peers and colleagues

14.符合学校和院系对我的课程的要求。Conform to the University and departmental/school requirements for myprogram.

15.定期与督导委员会会面(不少于每年一次)。Meet at regular intervals with my supervisory committee (no less thanyearly).

16.在课程开始后36个月内,将我的工作推进到可以进行候选资格答辩(包括完成我的综合考试)。Progress to my candidacy defense (including completion of mycomprehensive exam) within 36 months of the initiation of my program.

17.保持研究活动的有序记录。Keep orderly records of my research activities.

18.清楚地理解有关知识产权和学术诚信的要求。Develop a clear understanding concerning ownership of intellectualproperty and scholarly integrity.

19. 参加任何经过讨论和同意的培训项目。Take any required training programs that are discussed and agreed.

20. 在课程完成后,在我的研究项目上至少有规律的工作时间。Work at least regular workday hours on my research project aftercourse-work has been completed.

21.和您商量使用电脑和设备的政策。Discuss, with you, the policy on use of computers and equipment.

22.在研究生院和博士后院系规定的时间内,完成本学科规定的论文和课程工作。Complete my thesis and course work within timelines specified by theFaculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and suitable for my discipline.

23. 当项目要求完成时,完成我的工作并清理我的工作空间。Finish my work and clear up my work space when program requirementshave been completed.

24.在项目完成或需要时归还借来的材料。Return any borrowed materials on project completion or when requested.

25.向您解释我对沟通方式(如正式或非正式、提问的使用)和参加独立活动的倾向性爱好。Explain to you my comfort with modes of communication (e.g. formal orinformal, use of questioning) and independent activities.

26.如果我未能明白您对我有什么期望,我会向您清楚地指出。Make it clear to you when I do not understand what is expected of me.

27.我会描述我习惯于什么样的处理学术关系(如职业关系和人际关系)的处理方法。Describe my comfort with approaches to our academic relationship, e.g.professional versus personal.

28.我会为一个安全的工作场所做出贡献,(我理解)这是一个每个人都表现出对他人权利的宽容和尊重的地方。Contribute to a safe workplace where each individual shows toleranceand respect for the rights of others.

29.对您和我的监督委员会成员提出的建议和批评(表示接受或拒绝的理由)作出尊重的回应。Respond respectfully to advice and criticisms (indicating acceptanceor rationale for rejection) received from you and members of my supervisorycommittee.

30.及时通知您我报告的任何进展,以方便您的出席。Inform you in a timely manner about any of my presentations tofacilitate attendance.

31.与您一起讨论我的职业规划以及对专业成长和发展的希望。Discuss, with you, my career plan and hopes for professional growth anddevelopment.


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