
策展人项目|失败之书Traces of Abandonment

海杰 Mstudio 2020-09-02

M'room Art  project

海报 Poster 

设计Design:刘博清Liu Boqing


Traces of Abandonment


Curator:Hai Jie


Artists:Bu Yunjun ,Yang Xinjia,Yao Qingmei,Zhang Wei,Zhang Xiao,Zong Ning


Opening:2018.6.23. 15:00


Mail : minostudio@163.com


Massage : Foxsoda(to visit by appointment)




In daily circumstances,what we're talking about is an art ecosystem certified, tagged, driven by a desire for power. They are also proletarians in the artist's creation series, because they have decisively cut their relationship with the difficult history of countless failures, debugging, and rewriting in the past, and as far as possible have gone to the classical space to win more crowns. Since then, the artist has devoted his whole life to successful writing, and has been praised again and again for his alchemy of artistic mythology.

Another kind of landscape is that the temporary state of the work is obscured, and the fate of the loser is bound to be the fate of the proletarian. Therefore, the image of the loser, the image of the proletarian, the class attribute has been established in the artist's creation.

▲ 《Untitled —— Wall No.1》卜云军

《独步者的黄昏》 杨欣嘉

“林威登女士在蒙田大道”》 姚清妹

▲《废片》 张巍

▲《家族》 张晓




The document identity is another comforting identity for the loser or the loser.This identity is drawn up only when the subject works have the courage to lookback at history. This is a false homecoming disease in the main works. Theytried to bless the losers because of themselves.


Inessence, the losers in the works are excluded from history, or as the dark partof history, sealed or squeezed, even diluted by time, until disappeared, becomea ghost. Therefore, the failed writing should be awakened, from which we cansee the clear origin of naming a work, and the prehistoric history of the work.


This again and again uncovers the part of a successful work (repeatedly observed andevaluated at a decent opening party), which does not reach the final exit of the creative process, but is tired, refuses to enforce, and ignoresempowerment. Is the wandering majority. 

▲《面壁》系列 宗宁


海杰  2018-06

So this exhibition tries to show these failed images. In "the Twilight of the Walking alone," Yang Xinjia indefinitely shelved Saddam's image game onhis way to the execution field; Zhang Wei tried to paint these portraits in the process of making black and white portraits, but they failed to take shape.Zongning even strangled the film on the film, did not give the opportunity todevelop, they never become positive, but also accurately reflect the fate of forced silence; And Yao Qing-mei told and rehearsed a behavior plan of "Ms. Lin weideng on Montaigne Avenue" in her rented house. In this behavior, Lin weideng, a Chinese upstart, There was a sudden breakdown of fetishism in the Louis Vuitton store. The work also raises the question: does the act requirerehearsals? This rehearsals are both acts before behavior, performances before performance, and also constitute pre-action literature. So, did the act really happen? Is it necessary for the act to happen? But both Bu Yunjun and Zhang Xiao are based on the dissatisfaction and entanglement of the works, andfinally idle the works.

Hai jie  June,2018


2011、2013 TOP20-中国当代摄影新锐展推荐委员会委员;平遥国际摄影大展艺术委员会委员,资助奖评委;西双版纳国际影像展学术主持;第七届AAC艺术中国年度影响力评选摄影组初评评委;2013第三届成都纵目摄影双年展学术主持;2013首届北京国际摄影双年展爆名展策展人;2014济南国际摄影双年展实验展策展人;2015集美x阿尔勒国际摄影季策展人;2016集美x阿尔勒国际摄影季发现奖提名人; 2017年连州国际摄影年展策展人;第六届侯登科纪实摄影奖终评评委;第六届金拴马桩奖大学生影像艺术界终评评委;2017 成都A4美术馆国际摄影论坛“回声”主讲嘉宾;2018南京艺术学院美术馆首届AMNUA摄影展主策展人;2018深圳圈子青年艺术奖推荐委员。





Hai Jie, an independent curator and critic, once acted as the member of the Recommendation Committee of 2011’ and 2013’ Top 20--Chinese Cutting-edge Contemporary Photography Exhibition; the member of the Art Committee and the judge of the Award for Financially Aided Works by Young Artists of the Pingyao International Photography Festival; the academic moderator of 2012’, 2014’ and 2016’ International Film Exhibition; the judge for the first round election of the photography group on the 7th Award of Art China; the academic moderator of the 3rd Chengdu Zongmu Photography Biennale in 2013; the curator of the Debut Exhibition of the 1st Beijing Photo Biennale in 2013; the curator of the Experiment Exhibition of the 2014’ Jinan International Photography Biennale; the curator of the 2015’ Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival; the nominator of the Discovery Prize of the 2016’ Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival; the curator of the LianZhou photo Festival in 2017; and the judge of the 6th Hou Dengke Documentary Photograph Award. 

Hai Jie has lectured at nearly 30 venues in China Academy of Art, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Xiamen University, Beijing University of Technology, Xiamen Academy of Arts and Design of Fuzhou University, Goethe-Institut, Qingdao Campus of Beijing Film Academy, as well as other universities, colleges and institutions. Academically, he focuses on case study on contemporary Chinese photography, oral history of contemporary Chinese photography, changes in the language of contemporary Chinese photography and social ethos. Recently, he is writing the “Talking About Pictures” series, which targets at typical hot images, starts from specific event, and discusses the complex states and relationships between image and power, ideology, culture, politics, media and theory. 

Hai Jie has published the One Looking into the Mirror: Interviews with 16 Contemporary Chinese Photographers (By China Youth Publishing House in August 2012), Attitude Declaration: Interviews with 14 Contemporary Chinese Photographers (By Chinese National Fine Arts Publishing House in June 2013), Living on Screen: Profile of Contemporary Chinese Photography Since 2000 (By Chinese National Fine Arts Publishing House in June 2016). 

Hai Jie’s WeChat account: “Hai Jie Vision” 



This is a special " M studio " art project , invited to Curator Hai Jie for a discussion on photography creation . We will broadcast live on the opening day  and dialogue with the artists . Please pay attention to my account number " Mstudio " on "Yi" live platform .












