

英语演讲第一站▶ 精彩英语演讲 2022-06-20


美国当地时间7月18日,为期4天的美国共和党全国代表大会在俄亥俄州克利夫兰举行。如无意外,纽约富商、地产大亨特朗普(Donald Trump)将于21日接受共和党提名,正式成为2016年共和党总统参选人。但很不幸的,特朗普的风头却被他的老婆梅兰尼亚抢走了。

不知道是不是嫌话题不够多,在不少党内重量级大佬选择缺席的情况下,为了表示对丈夫的支持,身为特朗普妻子的梅兰尼亚(Melania Trump)在18日的党代表大会上发表了一次时长15分钟的公开演讲。







调皮的外媒还把米歇尔和梅兰尼亚两段内容内容一致的演讲片段剪辑到了一块儿,这等于在照妖镜下现了原形, 而英语演讲君认为,这根本不是在抄袭,而是在照着提词器念!



Thank you. Thank you very much.

You have all been very kind to Donald and me, to our young son, Barron, and to our whole family. It’s a very nice welcome, and we are excited to be with you at this historic convention[1].

I’m so proud of your choice for president of the United States, my husband,  Donald J. Trump!

And I can assure you he’s moved by this great honor.

The 2016 Republican primaries[共和党初选] were fierce and started with many candidates, 17 to be exact. And I know that Donald agrees with me when I mention how talented all of them are. They deserve the respect and gratitude from all of us.

However, when it comes to my husband, I will say that I’m definitely biased[有偏见的;倾向性的], and for a good reason. I have been with Donald for 18 years and I have been aware of his love for this country since we first met. He never had a hidden agenda[(言语或行为背后的)隐秘意图;幕后的动机] when it comes to his patriotism[爱国主义;爱国心,爱国精神] because, like me, he loves this country very much.

I was born in Slovenia[斯洛文尼亚(南斯拉夫一共和国)], a small, beautiful and then-communist country in Central Europe[中欧]. My sister, Ines, who is an incredible woman and a friend, and I were raised by my wonderful parents. My elegant and hardworking mother, Amalija, introduced me to fashion and beauty. My father, Viktor, instilled[2] in me a passion for business and travel. Their integrity[正直;诚实], compassion[同情;怜悯] and intelligence[智慧;才智] reflects to this day on me and for my love of family and America.

From a young age, my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond[言而有信] and you do what you say and keep your promise, that you treat people with respect. They taught and showed me values and morals in their daily lives. That is a lesson that I continue to pass along to our son.

And we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow.

Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.

I am fortunate for my heritage, but also for where it brought me today. I traveled the world while working hard in the incredible arena[舞台] of fashion. After living and working in Milan[米兰] and Paris, I arrived in New York City 20 years ago, and I saw both the joys and hardships of daily life.

On July 28th, 2006 I was very proud to become citizen of the United States…

…the greatest privilege on planet earth!

I cannot or will not take the freedoms this country offers for granted, but these freedoms have come with a price so many times. The sacrifices made by our veterans[老兵;退伍军人] are reminders to us of this. I would like to take a moment to recognize an amazing veteran, the great Senator Bob Dole.

And let us stand, all of our veterans in the arena today and those across our great country.

We are all truly blessed to be here. That will never change.

I can tell you with certainty that my husband has been concerned about our country for as long as I have known him. With all of my heart, I know that he  will make a great and lasting difference.

Donald has a great and deep and unbounding[无比坚定的] determination and a never-give-up attitude. I have seen him fight for years to get a project done or even started, and he does not give up.

If you want someone to fight for you and your country, I can assure you he’s the guy.

He will never ever give up. And most importantly, he will never ever let you down.

Donald is and always has been an amazing leader. Now he will go to work for you.

His achievements speak for themselves[不言而喻,足以说明问题], and his performance throughout the primary campaign proves that he knows how to win. He also knows how to remain focused on improving our country, on keeping it safe and secure.

He is tough when he has to be, but he’s also kind and fair and caring. This kindness is not always noted, but it is there for all to see. That is one reason I fell in love with him to begin with.

Donald is intensely loyal to family, friends, employees, country. He has the utmost respect for his parents, Mary and Fred, to his sisters Maryanne and Elizabeth, to his brother, Robert, and to the memory of his late brother, Fred.

His children have been cared for and mentored to the extent that even his advisers admit they’re an amazing testament[证据;证明] to who he is as a man and a father.

There is a great deal of love in the Trump family. That is our bond and that is our strength.

Yes, Donald thinks big[想干大事情;有计划干大事], which is especially important when considering the presidency of the United States. No room for small thinking, no room for small results. Donald gets things done.

Our country is underperforming[表现不佳;工作不如预期(或同行)] and needs new leadership. Leadership is also what the world needs. Donald wants our country to move forward in the most positive of ways. Everyone wants change. Donald is the only one that can deliver it. We should not be satisfied with stagnation[停滞;滞止]. Donald wants prosperity[繁荣,成功] for all Americans.

We need new programs to help the poor and opportunities to challenge the  young. There has to be a path for growth. Only then we’ll see earnest resolve.

My husband’s experience exemplifies[作为(或是)…的例证(或范例、典型、榜样)] growth and successful passage of opportunity to the next generation. His success indicates inclusion rather than division.

My husband offers a new direction, welcoming change[乐于改变], prosperity and greater cooperation among peoples and nations. Donald intends to represent all the people, not just some of the people.

That includes Christians[基督徒] and Jews[犹太人.犹太教] and Muslims[穆斯林]. It includes Hispanics[西班牙裔] and African Americans[非裔美国人] and Asians, and the poor and the middle class.

Throughout his career, Donald has successfully worked with people of many faiths and with many nations. Like no one else, I have seen the talent, the energy, the tenacity[3], the resourceful mind[足智多谋] and the simple goodness of the heart that God gave to Donald Trump.

Now is the time to use those gifts as never before for purposes far greater than ever. And he will do this better than anyone else can, and it won’t even be close.

Everything depends on it for our cause and for our country. People are counting on[指望;依靠] him. All the millions of you who have touched us so much with your kindness and confidence, you have turned this unlikely campaign into a movement that is still gaining in strength and number.

The primary season[初选] and its toughness is behind us. Let’s all come together in a national campaign like no other.

The race will be hard-fought[激烈的;努力争取来的] all the way to November. There will be good times and hard times and unexpected turns. It would not be a Trump contest without excitement and drama.

But trust throughout it all my husband will remain focused on only one thing: this beautiful country that he loves so much.

If I’m honored to serve as first lady, I will use that wonderful privilege to try to help people in our country who need it the most. One of the many causes  dear to my heart is helping children and women. You judge society by how it  treats its citizens. We must do our best to ensure that every child can live in comfort and security with the best possible education.

As the citizens of this nation, it is kindness, love and compassion for each other that will bring us together and keep us together. These are the values Donald and I will bring to the White House.

My husband is ready to lead this great nation. He’s ready to fight every day  to give our children the better future they deserve.

Ladies and gentlemen, Donald J. Trump is ready to serve and lead this country as the next president of the United States!

Thank you. God bless you and God bless America!




The 2016 Republican National Convention, in which delegates of the United States Republican Party will choose the party's nominees for President of the  United States and Vice President of the United States in the 2016 national election, is being held July 18–21, 2016 at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio.

[2]instil:to put a feeling, idea or principle gradually into someone's mind, so that it has a strong influence on the way they think or behave 逐渐灌输

It is part of a teacher's job to instil confidence in/into his or her students.


[3]tenacity:the determination to continue what you are doing 坚持,顽固;固执;韧性





在公开报道中,现年46岁的梅兰尼亚-特朗普(Melania Trump)是特朗普的第三任妻子,来自斯洛文尼亚。之前曾是专业模特,现在在纽约第五大道的特朗普大厦的顶层豪华公寓内经营自己的品牌商品,包括珠宝以及自己的彩妆品牌。













此外,第一夫人在美国民众眼中还必须是一个传统的“贤妻良母”,无论之前的事业有多么成功。包括米歇尔和希拉里在内的多位“事业型”第一夫人都在入主白宫之后被要求重新学习如何做 “丈夫身后的女人”,而梅兰尼亚做为第一夫人可能面临的主要民众质疑将是她高调和奢华的生活方式,因为大多数人都会认为,她根本同普通民众来自两个不同的世界。








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