

英语演讲第一站 精彩英语演讲 2020-08-21










@半怜半恼公: 我记得有一次七国集团峰会,会后的宣言大意是:发达国家与不发达国家之间的数字鸿沟无法逾越,背后沾沾自喜的味道很浓厚。现在怂了?

@北方兰石: 富的喊穷,穷的装富。

@Shelling-Sun: 错拿了兔子的台本了吧!

@扒叔风范: 中国没跟他要债就阿弥陀佛了,还给中国补贴!听后好想弄乱他的发型呢……

@蒋金云同志: 特朗普:谁写的稿子?念着连我自己都不信,这样抹黑美国,让他下岗。

@曹益峰: 跟他认真,你就输了。他就是在这种看似荒诞的演说下,一点一点实现他的计划而已。

@Joker丿小丑喵: 还把阿三哥带上了, 川普果然是个生意人,算盘打得精啊!


实际上,自打特朗普萌生 " 竞选美国总统 " 那一刻起,他就一直在考虑:美国究竟是发达国家?还是发展中国家?或是第三世界国家?

2015 年 6 月,据彭博社消息,特朗普宣布竞选总统时曾警告 " 美国正在变成第三世界国家 "。随后在他一年半的竞选活动中也多次提到此事:美国在他眼里,上到 " 太空政策 "、下到机场基建,都如同 " 第三世界国家 "。

在特朗普眼里,美国各种像 " 第三世界国家 "

分析人士称特朗普这么做有点夸大其词。福克斯新闻网甚至认为,这是特朗普的一种竞选策略,毕竟," 起点 " 越低," 让美国更伟大 " 才会有高回报。


今年 3 月,他接受《国会山》采访时谈起背后的理由:《协议》中的发达国家必须向发展中国家支付部分费用,以帮助后者完成 " 向清洁能源的转换 "。

" 据我所知,我们也在发展,也给我们付钱啊,我们也在发展啊!" 特朗普想了一想,更正道,

" 可能该把美国称为‘再发展中国家(redeveloping country)’,因为我们就是重新在发展。不过总的来说,这(协议)太不公平。"


可以看到,特朗普在《巴黎气候协议》上的回应,以及他在北达科他州的那番话,背后的逻辑相同:发达国家要为发展中国家掏钱," 有点亏 "。在这个问题上,他似乎对中国、印度等国 " 发展中国家 " 的身份有点 " 羡慕嫉妒恨 "。

4 月 7 日,特朗普在推特上 " 喊冤 ",称 WTO 将中国视为 " 发展中国家 " 的做法很 " 不公平 ";5 天后,又有一位美国商务部官员在公开场合给中国" 戴高帽 "。


8 月 21 日,科学技术部主管、中国科学技术发展战略研究院主办的《科技中国》发标题为《40 个指标全面透析中美差距》的文章。这篇文章从经济、科技、教育、文化、医疗、国防等 6 个方面,运用了 40 项指标对中美差距进行了定量分析,认为中美差距的本质是最大的发展中国家与最大的发达国家之间的差距。

文章援引美国经济分析局和国家统计局的数据显示,2017 年美国的国内生产总值(GDP)总量为 19.39 万亿美元,中国为 12.25 万亿美元,是美国的 63.2%。

人均 GDP 方面, 2017 年美国人均 GDP 仍是中国的 6.8 倍,中国人均 GDP 在世界排名中仅列第 70 位。作为发展中国家,中国要迈入发达国家行列仍需一段时间。

世界知识产权组织统计数据显示,中国 PCT 专利(符合专利合作条约的专利)申请保持了较快速度增长,从 2012 年的 1.8 万多件增加到 2017 年的 4.8 万多件,年均增速 21.3%。但是美国的 PCT 专利申请量全球占比为 24.62%,高于中国的 20.27%。

除了科技研究成果上的差距,中美两国的研究创新指数也存在鸿沟。全球五大评估机构对中国科技创新指数评价在 13-27 位之间,美国科技创新能力的排位则在前 4 位,中国创新指数比美国相差 9-23 位。

除此之外,在对科技的经济投入上,美国也远远高于中国。根据中国统计局、美国经济分析局的数据,2016 年中国全社会研发经费为 2285.5 亿美元;美国全社会研发投入为 5062.6 亿美元,是中国的 2.2 倍。

根据汤森路透公布的数据,2017 年全球高被引科学家(即该科学家发表的论文为所属领域中前 1% 的高引用论文)共 3532 人次,其中美国 1643 人次,中国 ( 含港澳台 ) 为 268 人次,中国大陆地区 189 人次,美国顶尖人才数量是中国的 6.1 倍,是大陆地区的 8.7 倍。

而培育人才的摇篮——大学是两国之间人才差距巨大的原因之一。首先美国大学的质量要总体上高于中国。2017 年泰晤士高等教育发布了第 14 届年度世界大学排名,美国共 41 所大学进入前 100 强,而中国仅有 5 所。

其次两国接受大学教育的比例也存才悬殊的差距。中国教育部发布的《2016 年全国教育事业发展统计公报》显示,2016 年中国高等教育毛入学率已达 42.7%,同年美国的高等教育入学率为 87%,是中国 2 倍。


2627.5 元,折合约 423.8 美元,而美国人均教育经费约为 3200 美元,美国人均教育经费更是中国的 8 倍。




Thank you. What a group of people. What a state. This was a big winner for us, wasn't it? This was a big one. That was a great victory. And I just want to thank you.

The governor is here. Doug, where are you? Doug? OK, come on, Doug. Look at him. See. He gave up the good location so you could have a good location. Thank you very much, Doug. And very much Kathyrn for being here. We appreciate it.

And you have a man who's here who's a special friend of mine. Works with us so hard on all of the tax cuts and the regulation cuts, and all of the things we do, your great Senator John Hoeven. John. Where's John? Thank you, John.

And, Mikey, thank you for being here. We really appreciate it. And Kevin is special. I have to tell you, I came for Kevin. I've been here for Kevin. I asked Kevin to do it. He was the one that could do it. He's the one you love in this state. And I said it's time. And I think you're going to do fantastically well.

And you know how well he's doing, he's really doing a fantastic job. So I just want to thank him for going into the race and, you know, you look at what he and Chris have done in a short period of time, they've really turned it around. And they're leading, I won't even tell them by how much. OK, I don't want to tell them by how much.

I don't want to tell them by how much, but he's doing great. That's all I want to say. Always assume you're down by one point. That's the best right. That way you work real hard.

I want to thank also -- thank you. I want to thank also Kelly Armstrong who is here someplace. Kelly, thank you, Kelly. Running for Congress. Also really out there, very popular, very outstanding person, and thank you very much. You're going to do fantastic, Kelly.

And Rick Berg, head of the Republican Party. Rick, thank you very much. Thank you, Rick. So we have a very simple, well-defined task. We want to have strong borders. We want to have low taxes. We want to ct the hell out of regulations. We want...

And by the way, we want regulations. Somebody, very popular guy here, was just interviewing me. You know who I'm talking about, great guy. And he said, what do you think of President Obama's speech? And I said, I'm sorry, I watched it but I fell asleep. [Laughter] I found he's very good -- very good for sleeping. 本文英文演讲稿由精彩英语演讲整理而成 转载请注明出处,否则一律举报处理。

I think he was trying to take some credit -- he was trying to take credit for this incredible thing that's happening to our country. If the Democrats -- and I have to say this to President Obama, and it wasn't him, but would have been the same thing. If the Democrats got in with their agenda in November of almost two years ago, instead of having 4.2 up, I believe honestly you'd have 4.2 down; you'd be negative. You'd be in negative numbers right now. You'd be a negative number. We were heading south.

And you look at those bad numbers that were there in the last couple of years, it was this way, and going in the wrong direction. It was the weakest recovery in the history of our country since, I guess, to be totally specific, because I'm not sure they've gone any further, since the Great Depression, in '20s, it was the weakest recovery we've ever had. It was barely a recovery.

And now this is called not recovery; this is called rocketship, what's happening.

And today, -- today, numbers came out, and this is something that makes me happy. The numbers were great. The job numbers were great. The numbers have been incredible. Almost from the beginning. Took me a few months to get the engine started. And we did that with regulation. I mean, we did that by freeing it up. You had pipelines that couldn't be built. I immediately approved them. Dakota.

How about Dakota Access. That was a very unfair situation. And you know, I approved it. I -- nobody called me. They just built the pipeline, it's been working ever since. 

Lot of jobs. It was very unfair. They got their approvals, and then they said, you have your approvals but you can't build it; you'll never be able to build it. I was told they'd never be able to build it. I approved it on day one. On day one it was approved. The same thing with Keystone. I approved Keystone.

Total of 48,000 jobs. But more importantly, two great projects. And we approved them both immediately, and you would have been stuck. You would have been stuck. You were never getting that approved.

And there are -- so many people thanked me for that. I guess more importantly, though, when I walked in, I was walking in with Kevin Cramer. And walking through the door. And a strong man came up to me, tough kind of a guy. And said, "I want to thank you, Mr. President, for saving our country."

And... ...and he had -- he had tears coming down his eyes. He had -- this wasn't just a statement because he had tears coming down. Unless he was a real wise guy. 

But he had tears coming down his eyes. And he said, "I want to thank you, Mr. President, for saving our country. And I want to thank you for all of the horrible things that you have to go through because it's so unfair to you and it's so unfair to all of the millions and tens of millions of people that voted for you." It's true.

Thank you. Thank you. So -- so I really appreciated that. And it is. It's very hard for Republicans and Conservatives. We have a great judge right now being looked at, to go up and be the next justice of the United States Supreme Court. This is a great intellect. He's a great man. He's a fine person. And the way they are screaming and shouting and it's -- it's a disgrace to our country, actually. I don't know if anybody's been watching, if they're making fools out of themselves. And one of those people, I'll be running against in two and a half years. I'll be running against them and I look so forward to it... 本文英文演讲稿由精彩英语演讲整理而成 转载请注明出处,否则一律举报处理。

...because we'll be able to give it back. So forward to it.

But the court system's very important. I'm going to be appointing -- and have appointed -- a record number of judges. We're going to be district court judges, we have Court of Appeals, we have Supreme Court, of course. And one of the reasons that it's so important to get Kevin in is just that. Because, you know, it could change very quickly.

And we could actually have -- you know, this will be -- hopefully everything goes very well with Judge Kavanaugh. He's -- he's central casting. You know, 10 years ago they said, "He'll be a Supreme Court judge." The intellect is extraordinary, and the man is extraordinary. But they were saying this years ago. I heard it even before I ever thought I'd be doing this, that there was a man named Kavanaugh who was extraordinary. And those are the people we want on the Supreme Court. And we have two of them. We'll have...

...him, hopefully. And we have Justice Gorsuch, who is just an outstanding -- an outstanding man. I'm very proud of it.

But we have to keep it going. If we don't keep it going, that changes. And if it changes, that affects yours Second Amendment rights. That affects so many different thing. We don't have to go into it, but it affects so many different elements of your life.

I know it's a big Native American population, and I know it's been very tough, and I know Heidi has not done a good job helping them and taking care of them, and they sot of vote for her because maybe they haven't had the right choices; maybe they don't the what's going on with respect to the world of Washington and politics.

But I have to tell you with African-American folks, I would say what do you have to lose? As I read a list of the worst things you have ever heard, highest crime rates, worst education, lowest home ownership. And I'd read like 10 items, and I'll never forget, they gave me a list; I was making a big speech. And I'm reading all these horrible things about crime and education, and home, and so many things, and I just said, what do you have to lose? Vote for me. What the hell do you have to lose? Do you remember that?

And my people all came up to me and, oh, you shouldn't have said that, you shouldn't have said -- why? The response was incredible. Why? 

And I used it over and over again. And frankly, you know, we went way up. And now we've produced. Because now African-American unemployment is at the best number in the history of our country. Best number meaning it's at it's at the lowest in the history of our country.

And Asian-American and Hispanic-American and women, 65 years. But Hispanic, think of it, Hispanic is the best number in the history of our country. And Asian is the lowest in the history of our country. And I say with respect to the Native Americans, that I go right back to where I was two years ago when I was campaigning, what do you have to lose? What do you have to lose?

You put Kevin Cramer into that position and you're going to see things happen that you'll never see with Heidi. You're just never going to see it with Heidi. So I'll say, very respectfully, what the hell do you have to lose? OK.本文英文演讲稿由精彩英语演讲整理而成 转载请注明出处,否则一律举报处理。

So I have a list. And the list goes on and on. It's four pages of things that the Trump administration has accomplished in a short period of time; it's less than two years. This goes on, and on and on.

I have -- and, if I read it to you -- look at this. This is -- if I -- each dot is a thing. OK? And some of those things are very big things. 

More than 4 million jobs created since the election, think of that; 201,000 jobs just last month, brand-new jobs. Wages are growing at the fastest pace in nearly a decade. And what happened this morning? Did you hear that? Two-point-nine percent, it's like the best wage number that we've had in many, many years. And that makes me very happy.

To me, you know, we had great jobs numbers this morning. They were just announced and they were fantastic. But the one that stuck out to me was the wage -- I mean, people are starting to be able to live; to live.

So not only unemployment but the wages are starting to go up for people. More Americans are now employed than ever before in the recorded history of our country, think of it. Today, right now, we have more people working than have ever worked.

We've created more than 400,000. That's very soon going to be 600,000 manufacturing jobs since my election. Well, President Obama said you won't have manufacturing jobs anymore, they're not around.

They're around -- because if you look at what I've done for your coal industry, it's incredible. We had a man who is in the mining business. He said, sir, what you've done for the coal industry is incredible because we were dead and now we're vibrant again. Where is he? Where is that guy? Where -- shout out your name, please. I signed his hat. Guy's probably loaded and I'm signing hats.

Hey, come up here. Get him up here. Can you try to get him up? I don't know. Who the hell knows who he is; all I know, he's in the coal business.

See if you can get him up here. He'll have to work through -- he's going to have to work through secret service. But who cares? I'm -- I'm telling you, secret service, he'll be all right. [Laughter] This guy wants to protect Trump.

Does everybody recognize him? I don't. But he's a big -- he's one of the biggest. Tell them what you said about the coal industry. Do you mind? It's always very dangerous for me to...

If -- if -- when given an order, I guess you -- you obey. What -- what I said is that, you know, for eight years the coal industry absolutely had the boot of government on its throat.

And many, many jobs were lost. And many towns were destroyed by this. And it was just a horrible thing. Horrible suffering that happened in this country, really for made up reasons, I think. And what your administration done -- has done is bring us back to life. Jobs have been...

...Jobs have been created, you know, families now have an opportunity to provide for themselves, and have a great future and educations. And small towns in North Dakota and other places really survive because they've got a great coal mine, they've got a great power plant. And it's, you know, it's what America's about. And it's great to see that we, again, care about those things. So thank you, Mr. President.本文英文演讲稿由精彩英语演讲整理而成 转载请注明出处,否则一律举报处理。

That's so nice. Now, I could stand up here and talk about coal for a half an hour, and I couldn't do as good a job as he just did because... 

...Seriously, because he's in the business. He's knows. He said, you know, you -- we were dead and now we're a vibrant -- really a vibrant industry again. And you know, another industry that's vibrant -- it affects you a little bit less, but it affects everybody -- is steel. The steel industry is coming back like I've never seen anything because of what we've done.

We've done -- with all the dumping; they're not doing so much dumping anymore. But the steel industries are coming back. And you know, when they do dump, they're paying a lot of money on their dump steel that they're sending in here. And it goes right into the coffers of our country; and, that's OK.

But U.S. Steel is opening up eight plants, Nucor and others are opening up plants. Some of them are spending close to $1 billion on a brand new plant. The steel industry is one of the great things to be talking about. So the manufacturing jobs are back. They're coming back and they're coming back at levels.

Economic growth, as you know, last quarter 4.2. New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low. Median -- think of that, I mean, I'm going through them like eh... [Laughter] ...No, think of it, median...

... Yes. Median household income hit the highest level ever recorded. That's not bad, right? These are some of the biggies.

American pensions have grown more than $2 trillion in value since the election. I said before, the African American unemployment the -- the best ever. The best ever, lowest number ever -- Hispanic American, Asian American.

Women, 65 years, sorry about that; it's -- I like history better, right? I like history better, right? Historic as opposed -- I joke, but -- but women it's 65 years. Best numbers in unemployment in 65 years, it's good. It'll be historic, I would say best in history very shortly, probably another two weeks. Youth unemployment... 

...Youth unemployment, the best in half a century. Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma. Isn't that a great thing? I mean, nobody even talks about this stuff. That's like, you've probably never even heard of these categories. Those are important categories to me.

Veterans' unemployment recently reached -- its lowest in more than 20 years, and that's going up rapidly. I even think it's wrong. I think it's a much higher -- even much better than that. If it's not, I'll make sure it is. OK? I'll make sure because we love our veterans. [Laughter] Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since my election, 3.9.本文英文演讲稿由精彩英语演讲整理而成 转载请注明出处,否则一律举报处理。

So Medicare. If you look at what the Democrats are doing, they're going to destroy Medicare and they're going to destroy your Social Security. We're going to save your Social Security. We're going to keep it. We're not going to touch it.

Did you see, when I campaigned, I was the only one that said we're not touching your Social Security? They'd say, how are you going to do it? I said growth.

We're growing faster than even I projected, although I thought we'd be around that number. Most other -- if I would have said it during the campaign, they would have laughed me off the stage -- they've been trying to do that for a long time. That hasn't... 

...That hasn't been working too well, has it? And we're going to grow a lot faster. You know, the fact is, we're doing well. And you've got the 4.2s, we're going to go much higher than that.

Most people would've said 4.2, it'll take years to get there. Well, it didn't take years to get there; very quick. And last time, we were at 3.2 and everybody was shocked. I said it's going to much higher. It's going to go much, much higher than anybody believes.

You know, when we fixed the trade deals, that has a big impact. We're losing -- we're losing $100 billion with Mexico. We're losing anywhere from $25 billion to $50 billion with Canada, you know, even though Canada likes to say we have no deficit. They're smart in saying that.

They have a sheet out that it's $98.2 billion, OK? Their sheet, but they don't show us that sheet, that's meant for other reasons. They showed $98.2 billion. We're working on a deal with Canada, we'll see if it's good. If it's a good deal for us, if it's good for them, I want it to be good for everybody.本文英文演讲稿由精彩英语演讲整理而成 转载请注明出处,否则一律举报处理。

But we cannot continue to get ripped off like we've been ripped off before. Our farmers are very important to me. Our farmers -- and you're great patriots. Honestly, you're really great American patriots.

And it takes a little time. But China wasn't letting you in, for -- I mean, for peanuts. And the European Union has been very, very tough on you. They have barriers. They have trade barriers. They sell us but we aren't allowed to go in there. I said we can't do that.

And if you're going to do that, we're going to tax your cars because that's very easy. And that's the biggest money, the cars. It's all about the cars. That's the biggest money. And they're all pouring cars into our country and we don't -- essentially, don't tax them. It's 2-1/2 percent but for the most part, they don't pay.

You know, why should they pay? Why should they pay the U.S.? They're not used to paying the U.S. Now they're paying but it's only 2-1/2 percent. And with them, number one, they don't take our cars. And number two, if they do, their tariff is many, many times the amount that they pay us.

So we tax the cars. And as soon as they said that, they all say, OK, we'll make a deal. So every time I have a problem with any of these -- you know, many of these countries that we're talking about -- especially the big car countries -- I just say, OK, look, we can't make those deals. That's OK. I'm going to put a 20 percent tax on you because" -- "We'll do it! We'll do it! We'll agree!" 

We'll agree. I mean, actually in some countries, including Canada, a tax on cars would be the ruination on the country. That's how big it is. It would be the ruination of the country. Now, they've taken advantage of us for many decades. We can't let this happen anymore.

We have a country to run. You know the expression "we have a company to run"? Well, we have a country to run. And when I get these horrible trade deals, these are one-sided, horrible deals. I think NAFTA -- I mean a lot of you people forget, but I think NAFTA's been the worst trade deal ever.

I actually think World Trade Organization was probably the worst of all, but a lot of people don't know what that is, but that allowed China to become this great economic power. And I'm a big fan of President Xi, but I told him, I said, "we have to be fair." We can't let China take out $500 billion a year out of the United States and rebuild itself.

We have some of these countries that are considered growing economies. They are considered nations that are not mature yet, so we are paying them subsidies. The whole thing is crazy. You know, like India, like China, like others we say, "oh, they're growing actually." So I want to be put down in that category because we're growing, too. We're going to grow faster than anybody.

And, you know, they call them developing nations. Well, we're a developing nation, too, OK? We are. As far as I'm concerned, we're a developing nation. They call themselves developing nations, and under that category they get subsidies. We have to pay them money. This whole thing is crazy, but we're going to stop it. We're going to stop it. We have stopped it.

And when we're securing militarily, John Kelly is here, General Kelly, he's great. When we're securing the wealthy countries from outside harm because we're paying for their military, I think it's fine, but they got to pay us for this. We're watching the whole world and they take it for granted.本文英文演讲稿由精彩英语演讲整理而成 转载请注明出处,否则一律举报处理。

For years and years we've been protecting these countries. They're making a fortune. They've had very little military cost. We have the biggest military cost in the world. Most of it goes to protecting outside countries, some of whom don't even like us, some of whom don't even like us.

I mean, we're protecting countries that have -- I got to say, they do have respect for us now, but they didn't have any respect for us, and they got to pay. They got to pay, you know, when they're wealthy.

Now, we are going to protect some people that need help, and that's OK. That's understandable. We all understand that, but when we're protecting these massively wealthy countries -- I'm not going to name them, but you probably know some of whom I'm talking about -- they got to pay because we're not going to be the protector of the world and lose a fortune and have our taxpayers paying while these other countries are living very beautifully thanks to us. Not fair, so we changed that around. I hope everybody agrees [Inaudible].

And by the way, then this idiot Woodward who wrote this book, which is all fiction, said that I said something like that, but he put it in a very crude manner. I -- the concept is true, but the way it was said was very -- you know, hey, I went, like, to the best college. I did lots of good -- I mean, you read this thing, the quotes were wrong. All these -- John Kelly, General Mattis, they were all writing, "I never said that, I never said that."本文英文演讲稿由精彩英语演讲整理而成 转载请注明出处,否则一律举报处理。

You know, well it's fiction, but they do put down the concept of I said that -- isn't that horrible, isn't that crude. Crude? You know what, I want to have our nation protected and I don't want to be taken advantage of like other countries in the world.

And you know what? They respect us more when they have to pay their bills, and they can afford to pay their bills, and it's going to make a big difference for our country. You wait. You watch. You see.

And so many other things. I could go help with the Olympics. We got the Olympics. We just got the World Cup. That's small stuff compared -- I mean, I must tell you. We opened ANWR, potentially the biggest in world, right? They've been trying to do it for 45 years.

We have a record number of regulations eliminated in the history of this country. In less than two years, I've cut more regulation than any other president regardless of how long they served.

And I think that might have been just as important as the tax cut. Regulatory relief for community banks. They were dying, the community banks. Now they can loan you money. Make a good deal, please.

We enacted all sorts of different elements for credit unions to come so they make it possible for you. My administration's providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans.

We have all sorts of healthcare. We actually had it beaten, but that's a long story. We appealed and replaced -- but we'll do it. We had it done, but something happened. But we need -- frankly, you're right. Heidi's vote would have been great. If we had Heidi's vote, but she voted against it, but we got, if you remember, the individual mandate was wiped out. So we wiped out the individual mandate which is the most unpopular part of Obamacare. We wiped it out. And then I have three more pages -- two more pages just like this. Look. 

OK? But isn't this much more excited than listening to President Obama speak?

Because we get things done. All of this, like the gentlemen from the coal industry, I mean, I've had that from so many people. I've had it from so many other industries. What we're doing for timber and lumber, what we're doing for so many other industries, what we're doing for cars.

Plants are moving back into the United States. They're coming into Michigan. They're going into Ohio. They're going into Pennsylvania. They're going into North Carolina. We have a lot of -- a lot of them coming back in, tremendous. And we have just started.

One of the things I wanted is I don't want our companies -- and I just insist on it -- I don't want our companies moving to other countries, firing everybody, losing these great companies and losing these great jobs, and that's the thing I'm most insistent on with trade deals.本文英文演讲稿由精彩英语演讲整理而成 转载请注明出处,否则一律举报处理。

We did NAFTA, our country emptied out. They still have empty places up in New England, these big factories that are all empty. They went to move to Mexico and other places, but they moved to Mexico. So I could go on and on. I've reached so many different things. We've started the wall. It's moving along.

Kevin is a big fan. Kevin's a big fan of the wall, and I just say this. We have so many things -- I will put it very strongly. You're second amendment is under siege. You put the wrong person in there, they're going to vote with Schumer. Look, Heidi is going to vote with Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. I always add Maxine Waters in there because... 

But he's going to vote with -- we're going to vote -- he's going to vote with me. He's going to vote on making American great again, which soon... ...Which soon we're going to changing to keep America Great, exclamation point. Keep America Great!

And Kevin's going to be with us, and we've got the agenda for the courts, the agenda for the borders. We want borders. We don't want people pouring into our country we have no idea who they are, where they come from.

And you know, with these lotteries that we have, we have lotteries from countries where people come in through a lottery system. Do you think that these countries are sending us their finest? I don't think so. Now, they would say, "That's a terrible thing to say."

I mean, when I hit MS-13 and I called them animals -- they're animals -- Nancy Pelosi said, "How dare you say that about another human being," you know? No, we have to be tough. We have to protect our law enforcement just like they protect us.

ICE is under siege and our law enforcement is under siege. And they want to have weak law enforcement, and basically they want to have crime coming. Look what happened in Chicago with a liberal mayor that had these stupid, stupid policies, but now he's not running anymore.

So that's fine, but, I mean, two weeks ago, 68 people shot, 12 died, Chicago. That's our country. I mean, excuse the crime figures because the crime figures in the United States are doing well. But you add -- that's a lot of addition in terms of skewing numbers.本文英文演讲稿由精彩英语演讲整理而成 转载请注明出处,否则一律举报处理。

But that'll get straightened out. It's easy to straighten out if you have the right policy. It's actually easy to straighten out. So we want to have strong borders, and that's Kevin. We want to have no crime. That's Kevin -- Kevin Cramer. We want to have...

We're going to have totally protected Medicare. We're going to protect our Social Security. That's Kevin. The Democrats are going to destroy your Social Security. As sure as you're standing -- they're sorry for no seats, but the crowd was bigger than they're supposed to be... 

But as sure are you're standing there, they are going to -- they want to destroy your Social Security. We're going to protect it. Kevin's going to protect your Second Amendment, and so am I. But you know...

Things like that -- that's a very important thing. And things like that, they are under siege and things like that can disappear very -- very quickly if you don't have the right people.

So I'm here for Kevin Cramer. I want to thank you all for supporting him. It's -- it's an honor for me, because he's a very special man and I really said -- you really owe it to the country, you have to do this. You have to do this. We need that vote. We need him, we need his brainpower, we need his presence in Washington D.C., because that place is brutal. It's brutal. It's a -- a lot of bad, bad things up here are going -- going through people's heads. These are sick people. These are sick people.

I mean, the deceit and the -- you know, some of these Democrat senators, "Oh Mr. President, how are you? I'm such a fan, blah blah blah," but then I see them on television 10 minutes later, "We must get rid of this guy." I said, "Wait a minute, I just said hello to the guy 15 minutes ago, he's hugging and kissing me. He's hugging, he's kissing, and then he's talking" -- these people -- it's bad.

I used to say, "Real estate guys in New York, they're really tough." Now I say, "They're babies." They're babies. 

But we need -- we need Kevin there. We have to have him. So I'm here for him. I honor him. And I honor you for helping. Thank you all very much. Thank you. Thank you.



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