

英语演讲第一站 精彩英语演讲 2020-08-21









Moms, dads, if only we could honor you with wonderful speeches in front of millions of people every day. That’s exactly what Sandra Oh did when accepting her Best Actress Drama award for Killing Eve at this year’s Golden Globes, when she dedicated most of her speech to the unconditional love she has for her parents. “There are two people here that I’m so grateful that they’re here with me. I’d like to thank my mother and my father,” she said with a bow. “엄마! 아빠! 사랑해요!” (“I love you, mom and dad!”) Look at them! They’re so happy! Moral of the story: give Oh all of the speeches.




父母绝对不想把她培养成一个演员。她的姐姐是一名律师、弟弟是遗传学博士,吴珊卓说自己是家里唯一一个没有硕士学位的人。 吴珊卓是妥妥的学霸,而且是一个全面发展的学霸。 

中学时,她不仅成绩全优,而且还练芭蕾、演音乐剧,更自己组建了环境保护的俱乐部,发起“拒绝使用泡沫塑料杯子”运动,更竞选当上了学生会主席。 这样一个中学生,在接到一所大学新闻专业的全额奖学金后,却最终决定放弃这个学校,而去加拿大表演学校学习表演,让她的父母接受不了。

吴珊卓在《艾伦秀》里坦诚说,“父母一直教育我们长大后要成为对社会有用的人,他们觉得学表演能对社会有什么帮助,在他们心里我去做女演员跟当妓女只有一步之遥。”直到2005年参加《实习医生格蕾》,在此后长达10 季的表演中,让自己成为美国人熟悉的女演员之一。

2018年美国艾美奖颁奖典礼上,吴珊卓作为颁奖嘉宾出现在舞台上,与她搭档的是出演《神烦警探》的男演员安迪·萨姆伯格。 两人站在台上,犹如表演相声的逗哏和捧哏,吴珊卓在公布获奖名单时,说:“人家要求我照着稿子念,我却准备说出心里话。”







Sandra Oh: Welcome to the 2019 Golden Globe Awards

Andy Samberg: Yeah, yeah. We are gonna have some fun, give out some awards. And one lucky audience member...

Both: Will host the Oscars!

Andy: Now some of you may be wondering why the two of us are hosting together.

Sandra: And the reason is that we're the only two people left in Hollywood who haven't gotten in trouble for saying something offensive.

Andy: Oh Sandra, that reminds me. You know what race of people really gets under my skin?

Sandra: Uh, Andy—

Andy: The Hollywood Half Marathon. Cause it messes up all the traffic, you know?

Sandra: Yeah, I hate that race of people.

Andy: It's the worst race of people. Now we know what you guys are thinking: "Andy Samberg and Sandra Oh, the two nicest people in show business. Thing's gonna be a snooze."this is edited by ispeech666, please follow us in the wechat.

Sandra: But not so fast, because you fools are all about to get roasted.

Andy: Gervais-style. Hope you're wearing your flip-flops, Hollywood, because we're about to scorch some earth.

Sandra: Damn right. Rip it, Andy.

Andy: All right. Who do we got? Who do we got? Well, if it isn't Spike Lee. Yeah, Mr. Do The Right Thing. Yeah. Well I'll tell you who does the right thing: you, as a director. Lifetime fan, can't wait to see what you do next. Bam, fixed.this is edited by ispeech666, please follow us in the wechat.

Sandra: Brutal.

Andy: Destroyed. All right, Sandra, hit them.

Sandra: Hey, Bradley Cooper. You're hot.

Andy: Damn. This is live on television. No take backs. All right, who else we got?

Sandra: Umm, Andy. That's weird. Gina Rodriguez is here.

Andy: Yeah, why's that weird, Sandra?

Sandra: Cause last time I checked, she resided in heaven.

Andy: What? Sandra Oh, more like Sandra Oh-Snap.

Sandra: Andy Samberg. More like Andy Slams Nerves.

Andy: Oh I love that. What else? Who else?

Sandra: Oh, I got one. Michael B. Jordan.

Andy: Yeah, oh yeah. More like Micheal B. Buff AF. You a snack, Michael.

Sandra: Your character's name in Creed is Adonis and it is apt.

Andy: Oh my God, yes., Cut to him crying off that. I want to get the meme.

Sandra: And we can't forget Amy Adams. Nominated for multiple Globes tonight. Hey Amy, save some for the rest of us, you mega-talented piece of dog crap.

Andy: Take your lumps.

Sandra: Take your lumps, Amy.

Andy: Yup and of course there's Jeff Bridges, right. Mr. Cecil B. DeMille Award himself. Hey Jeff, I wish you were my dad.

Sandra: And Bridges is canceled.

Andy: You're canceled Dad. Buh-bye. David Spade knows what I'm talking about.

Sandra: Well that was fun.

Andy: It was fun.

Sandra: Should we head home?

Andy: No, no. There's a lot more. Black Panther is nominated tonight for best picture, drama.

Sandra: It is the third highest grossing movie of all time in the U.S., which just goes to show people want more movies where the characters ride around on rhinoceroses like they're horses. I have been saying this for years, Hollywood.this is edited by ispeech666, please follow us in the wechat.

Andy: Jeez, calm down, Sandra.

Sandra: I will not.

Andy: Then don't.

Sandra: I won't.

Andy: Okay. It was another huge year for director Ryan Coogler, a fellow Bay Area native. Yeah. You know, if you told me as a kid growing up in the Bay that there'd be a movie called Black Panther that starts off in Oakland, this is not what I would've imagined. Ryan, were there like a bunch of old members from the actual Black Panther party saying, 'I can't even get an audition?' Just kidding. They were all framed and murdered for wanting justice and equality and the world is and always has been a nightmare, it just seems worse now because of our phones. What else happened this year?

Sandra: A Star is Born starring Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga is nominated for best motion picture, drama.

Andy: Yes and their performances were incredible.

Sandra: And it just proves — and I'm just coming up with this now — that there can be 100 people in the room and 99 don't believe in you and you just need one to believe in you and that was Bradley Cooper.

Andy: Sandra, I couldn’t agree with you more. I was just thinking — totally off the cuff — there could be 100 people in the room and 99 don't believe in you and you just need one to believe in you and that, quite frankly, is Bradley Cooper.

Sandra: So true, so true. Crazy Rich Asians is nominated tonight for best picture- musical or comedy. It is the first studio film with an Asian-American lead since Ghost in the Shell and AlohaCrazy Rich Asians made over 200 million at the box office. Said Asian moms everywhere, (makes a not-so-impressed expression). Cut to my mom. Someone should cut to my mom right now. Look at her face, look at her face.

Andy: She doesn't seem so impressed.

Sandra: No.

Andy: So cheers to Crazy Rich Asians. You guys deserve a drink.

Sandra: Oh wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Before we start getting sloppy, I gotta take care of my people so they don’t get the Asian flush. Gaston, round of Pepcid right there. this is edited by ispeech666, please follow us in the wechat.

Andy: Wait a minute. What's the Asian flush?

Sandra: Don’t worry about it. Joke's not for you.

Andy: Copy that. But I will say if we got a bunch of antacid out, you might to send some to The Kominksy Method table.

Sandra: Vice is the most nominated film of the night. Vice is an intense drama about Dick Cheney.

Andy: But it's actually up for best musical or comedy because it erroneously invaded the wrong category based on false intelligence. 

Sandra: Bohemian Rhapsody was a massive hit this year. Rami Malek wore Freddie Mercury's teeth throughout the entire film.

Andy: Can you imagine how hard that must have been? I mean first of all, you had to get the family's permission to exude the body. I don't even know where you would begin with that conversation.

(Sandra whispers in Andy's ear.)

Andy: They weren't? Oh really? Well, I'm sure it was still hard.

Sandra: Claire Foy is nominated for her work in First ManFirst Man is also how studios look for directors. "First man. If no man available, then pair of men. Then team of men. Then eventually maybe woman."

Andy: Shockingly accurate. There are some amazing television shows nominated tonight.

Sandra: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is nominated again for multiple awards.

Andy: It's the show that makes audience sit up and say, "Wait, is this anti-Semitic?" Darren Criss of Ruth's Chris Steak House is here. No. What else?

Sandra: Jim Carrey is nominated for his show Kidding.

Andy: Yeah and yeah. And I gotta say, I know Jim Carrey's paintings, but I had no idea he had done acting. He was really good.

Sandra: Although I am seeing Jim Carrey's sitting up front tonight in the movie section although he's nominated for a TV show.

Andy: Oh yeah. That's not gonna work. I'm so sorry, Jim. We're gonna have to have you vacate the movie section and have you sit with the TV folks.

Jim Carrey: You're kidding, right?

Sandra: No, but you're on Kidding and that's on TV, so.

Andy: Yeah, it's awkward cause you're a hero, but we do have to ask you to move.

Jim: You know, I just finished a film. It's called Sonic the Hedgehog. It comes out in November.

Andy: Well, come back next year. I'm sure it'll be nominated.

Jim: All right, I'm going. Should I take my dinner, too I wouldn't want to leave any of my DNA in the film section.this is edited by ispeech666, please follow us in the wechat.

Sandra: Jim please don’t make this any harder than it already is.

Jim: I'm sorry, I can’t hear you. I see your lips moving, but there's a delay. Takes a long time for the sound to get this far.

Andy and Sandra: We appreciate it. Thank you.

Andy: Now I know we're up here joking, but on a serous note this year we saw incredible work like Black Panther, Crazy Rich Asians, If Beale Street Could Talk, Roma, Pose, BlackKklansman and more. They're not just here tonight because they resonated with audiences Hollywood often ignores, they're here because they told stories for everyone and that is truly a beautiful thing.

Sandra: Wow, Andy. Can I just say that you just read all of my lines off of the teleprompter.

Andy: What? No, those are mine. Let me keep going. When I was growing up in Canada, the daughter of Korean immigrants — Okay, you're right. That was totally your stuff. Oh my God, I just totally white-washed your speech. This is how it happens.this is edited by ispeech666, please follow us in the wechat.

Sandra: That is not how it happens.

Andy: What an amazing learning experience for me.

Sandra: It's not, but if a could take a moment here, in all honesty, I said yes to the fear of being on this stage tonight because I wanted to be here, to look out into this audience, and witness this moment of change and I'm not fooling myself. I'm not fooling myself. Next year could be different. It probably will be, but right now this moment is real. Trust me, it is real because I see you and I see you — all these faces of change — and now so will everyone else.


从不会英语的新移民变身“脱口秀”明星喜感好莱坞 ,华裔演员欧阳万成在好莱坞闯出一片天(附视频)





