

英语演讲第一站 精彩英语演讲 2022-06-20



8月6日,英国电视四台(Channel 4)播出了一部关于已故王妃戴安娜的纪录片——《戴安娜:自述》(Diana: In Her Own Words),引发巨大的轰动和争议。


The film includes videotapes recorded by the voice coach Peter Settelen in 1992 and 1993 during sessions to improve Diana’s public speaking, but in which she spoke frankly about private matters. 

为了提高公共演讲水平,在1992至1993年间,戴安娜王妃接受了演员彼得·塞特兰(Peter Settelen)的演讲培训。这部纪录片的很多内容就是在当时录下的,内容包含很多王妃个人和皇室隐私。

Protesters have ranged from the thoughtful Rosa Monckton, a close friend of Diana who has long loyally defended her reputation, to Paul Burrell, the princess’s former butler, whose own media torrent of memories of his boss perhaps leaves him ill-placed to lecture broadcasters on discretion.



Whereupon he leapt upon (me), he started kissing me and everything and I thought, ‘Ahh, you know, this is not what people do,’ and he was all over me for the rest of the evening, followed me around, everything. A puppy. And, yeah, I was flattered, but it was very puzzling.


He wasn’t consistent with his courting abilities. He’d ring me up every day for a week and then he wouldn’t speak to me for three weeks, very odd.


They liked me. They were very good to me when I was a guest. It means it changed when I was a daughter-in-law. Positions changed.


The most extraordinary thing is we had this ghastly interview the day we announced our engagement and this ridiculous ITN man said, “Are you in love?” I thought what a thick question so I said, “Yes, of course we are,” in the sort of Sloane Ranger I was, and Charles turned round and said, “Whatever in love means”.

我们宣布订婚那天最惊奇的事情就是有个可怕的采访,一个荒唐的ITN记者问:“你们相爱吗?” 我觉得这个问题蠢透了,就摆着上流社会的款说:“我们当然相爱。”然后查尔斯转过身说:“随你怎么定义相爱。”

There’s just nobody to physically scream at. Or someone to put their arms around me — just listen when I cry.




In the past twelve years, I can honestly say, that one of my greatest pleasures has been my association with people like yourself. During those years I have met many thousands of wonderful and extraordinary people, both here and around the world. The cared for and the carers.

To the wider public, may I say that I’ve made many special friends. I’ve been allowed to share your thoughts and dreams, your disappointments and your happiness. You have also given me an education by teaching me more about life and living than any books or teachers could have done. My debt of gratitude to you all is immense. I hope, in some small way, I’ve been of service in return.

But I was not aware of how overwhelming that attention would become. Nor the extent to which it would affect both my public duties and my personal life, in a manner, that’s been hard to bear.

My first priority will continue to be our children, William and Harry, who deserve as much love, and care, and attention as I am able to give, as well as an appreciation of the tradition into which they were born.

I hope you can find it in your hearts to understand and to give me the time and space that has been lacking in recent years.

And for that I thank you, from the bottom of my heart.












