

英语演讲第一站 精彩英语演讲 2020-08-21



近日,加州州长加文·纽森(Gavin Newsom)与扎克伯格及其妻子普莉希拉·陈就该州的新冠病毒工作进行了交谈,纽森表示:尽管私营公司加紧伸出援手,但缺乏新冠病毒检测一直是“令人沮丧的领域”。


Facebook, Inc. CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Dr. Priscilla Chan, sat down with Gov. Gavin Newsom on a live-streamed video chat Monday afternoon to talk about California’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Newsom, who spoke with Zuckerberg and Chan via Facebook Live, expressed frustration at a lack of testing and surveillance to better track the virus’ spread, stating that countries like Italy, South Korea, Singapore and have taken the pandemic seriously at a scale that, “candidly, we are still not.”

“We did not meet the moment from the onset in terms of scaling the testing, as some of the other countries have, on a per capita basis,” Newsom told Zuckerberg and Chan. “New York’s stepping up. We’re getting there. This has been a stubborn thing for me. It’s been a little frustrating, the lack of community testing, community surveillance, the more targeted testing to really understand where we are and where we’re going.”

The governor also said the state has a massive need for protective gear and ventilators, stating that California has now identified 4,252 ventilators — only 170 of which came from the federal government — but that its “Phase I goal” is 10,000.

“We’re going to need more than that. But I want folks to know that if we are talking in a month, I may not be as calm when it comes to the ventilator question,” Newsom said.

The state has distributed 32.9 million N95 masks, Newsom said, and needs 1 billion glove sets.

“If there’s any anxiety I have on the supply side of things, it’s the vents,” Newsom said. “We need people from around the world. If they’ve got something in their basement, even component parts, send them our way. If you’re in a community college and you’re using one for training, send them our way.”

Earlier in the day, the governor announced a plan to temporarily "surge" California's health-care workforce by as many as 37,000 providers.

Speaking with Zuckerberg and Chan, he also urged Californians to continue to avoid coming into contact with others, but said the state would be launching efforts in the coming days to encourage residents to check in on one another over the phone.

“One of the great diseases in this country is social isolation, people feeling socially isolated from the rest of the world, and a phone call just to check in, to make sure your medications have arrived, your food’s arrived, or just to check in for brain health purposes, mental health,” Newsom said. “We want to provide that toolkit for people so they can call their neighbors and just randomly call people and say, ‘How are you doing?’”

The first-term governor commended Zuckerberg and Chan for their contributions to the coronavirus fight, including the contribution of $25 million with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to research possible COVID-19 treatments.

Menlo Park-based Facebook has also committed $100 million in grants to small businesses, $25 million in grants to local news outlets hit by the coronavirus and $75 million in a marketing drive aimed at news organizations in response to the economic downturn triggered by the virus.

The sit-down with Newsom wasn't the first time Zuckerberg has live-streamed an interview about the coronavirus with a public official. Earlier this month he held a similar talk with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

上周,由扎克伯格和他的妻子普莉希拉·陈共同运营的慈善组织“陈·扎克伯格倡议”(Chan Zuckerberg Initiative)称,其正在与加州合作,以提高旧金山湾区的新冠病毒检测能力。该小组正在与UCSF合作,以在未来几天每天至少支持1000次检测。



在让人们进行新型冠状病毒检测方面,加州目前落后于美国其他州。ABC7 Eyewitness News上周分析了来自COVID跟踪项目和美国各州卫生部门的数据,并报道说,加州完成称COVID-19检测率在全美排名第46位,远远落后于其他州,包括纽约州。

纽森说:“在这个领域,我们必须做更多的事情,我们必须做的更好。” 他表示,加州拥有22个实验室,这些实验室从来没有为大流行期间所需的测试量而设计。新冠病毒检测试剂盒的缺乏也导致该州无法进行所需的尽可能多的检测。此外该州还面临包括标本样本的采集等其他问题。














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