
推荐 | 张蕾、胡文婷主编:学术英语综合读写教程(语言服务书系 · 语言教育)​

张蕾、胡文婷 语言服务 2023-03-04
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=Integrated Reading and Writing for Academic Purpose


张   蕾   胡文婷   主编












Design Principles of this Textbook

In the process of writing this textbook, the editors tried the best to follow the following principles:

The reading articles have been selected to address both current events and cultural issues in terms of philosophy and social sciences with English language learning aspects for higher grade students and ELT professionals step by step, as this textbook is intended not only to help high intermediate students in university grow professionally, but also served as textbooks or recommended reading materials in university, college, or English training institutes in China. In doing so, this textbook is concerned with how to read academic essay effectively and how to write a thesis or academic article well with precise language delivery and specific formats respectively.

This textbook also emphasizes basic language skills training on English reading and writing. The category of language skill in each unit offers comprehensive structures strategies and systematic methodology that focus on reading and writing as language learning integration. It teaches rhetoric and essay structure in a straightforward manner, using a step by step approach, high interest reading material models and different exercise categories. Additionally, this textbook integrates instruction in essay organization with the synchronized reading process.

Combining with reading practice, this textbook conscientiously guides students through the steps of the whole writing content to produce the well-organized, clearly developed essays that are significant to academic writing in English. By learning this textbook, students may assimilate systematic reading and writing skills by clear explanations and realistic model with extensive practice. In addition, learners engage in the various class activities, small group work and full class discussions with the learning process express high effective in reading and writing learning. Each unit contains a writing practice that leads students into the solitary second language learning process that an English learner must do. The four tasks in each unit (Section A) process from recognition reading materials to vocabulary analysis-controlled writing approach guidance and culminate in independent writing activities.

We also energetically response the guideline issued by general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council in strengthening reform and innovation of ideological and political education. This textbook calls for improving cultural confidence and therefore advancing compiling of related articles. Through learning this textbook, students may understand how to shoulder language responsibility of enlightening thoughts, nurturing sentiments and warming hearts with lofty aspirations, good morals and noble sentiments.

Aims of this Textbook

This textbook is aimed at English major students (English language and literature, translation and interpretation, business English) in junior or senior grade, but who want to achieve professional ability in academic reading and writing further. The course aims to help English major students (also includes non-English major students with advanced level) develop the all-round English, as well as to prepare specifically academic reading and writing skills for related English examination.

How this Course Works

This textbook consists of 12 units and develops in terms of theme and writing skills challenge, to take students from an intermediate level to an advanced level. Each unit consists of four modules (key and difficult vocabulary, structure of the essay, language skills and critical writing), which specifically emphasis relative academic language ability requirements.

Theme discourse: All the essays selected in this textbook are connecting with reality and focusing on current social events, including with both current events and cultural issues in terms of philosophy, environment, arts and social sciences.

Language skill acquisition: This textbook shows an in-depth analysis explicit explanation on every aspect of language elements and essential features in academic writing process. Moreover, the textbook also presents profound writing knowledge and methodology systematically.

Critical thinking and creative writing: The critical thinking and creative writing ability is another important teaching clue for this textbook based on essay reading analysis in each unit. The most important purposes of this textbook are briefly summarized below:


The focus is on vocabulary accumulation and the aim is to prepare students for the type of interaction in further academic communication and practice. The vocabulary selected is that second language learners are most likely to acquire during academic reading and writing processes. Reading module of Section A article ends with a focus on key vocabulary in content. The aim of the task here is to focus on the vocabulary that students will probably meet in the text which makes up the further academic writing or reading work.


There are many exercises for each of the reading modules in the course book units. We utilize reading material in each unit as intermediary for lexical accumulation and writing skill cultivation and therefore setting up different practices with a point for enhancing students’language ability. The reading and writing exercises in particular aim to develop students reading and writing effectiveness, and often introduce language that helps students improve their general English, such as idioms and phrasal verbs in terms of academic purposes.


This textbook is based on task-based learning and writing practice as the starting point. Through integrating the framework and main points of academic English writing, readers can master skills for writing academic paper comprehensively, enhancing the ability of language expression comprehensively and developing the use of languages in order to attain the capacities of high level academic observation analysis and logical thinking with the improvement of their academic study as well as other important skills such as literature research and critical thinking. Meanwhile, this textbook aims at cultivating students’ writing literacy such as rigorous academic attitude and writing study with reasonable, positive, and cultural ideology content. In terms of scientific attitude towards writing, this textbook provides specific guidance of writing. Besides, the sense of collaborative and reflective writing embedded to help students reflect on writing by self reflection and peer review.

Meanwhile,this textbook aims at cultivating students’ writing literacy such as rigorous academic attitude and writing study with reasonable, positive,and cultural ideology content.In terms of scientific attitude towards writing,this textbook provides specific guidance of writing.Besides,the sense of collaborative and reflective writing embedded to help students reflect on writing by self-reflection,peer review.

Academic Thinking

For senior English majors, the textbooks of listening, speaking, reading and writing should not only lay a solid foundation for students’ basic English skills, but also to be alert to cultivate students’ academic thinking on the basis of language skill. For that purpose, the primary goal of this textbook is also to equip students with the academic thinking on language skills with new exploration. Therefore, with diverse and effective tasks, this textbook explores new methods to cultivate students’ academic thinking in vocabulary, sentences, paragraphs,discourse and language skills to improve and enhance students’ language skills and academic thinking. In the Appendix A of this textbook, there are 18 model essays in six writing styles(3 for each style) for readers’ reference, appreciation and learning. Compared with other writing textbooks, this textbook aims to guide students to study independently, stepping into the professional field of academic writing, combining input and output of their language use and expanding academic capabilities comprehensively.

Suggestions and Recommendations

In order to help English teachers to use this textbook effectively, we recommend:

Teachers could arrange related teaching activities based on the chapters of this textbook and complete one chapter within two weeks to make sure the regular teaching procedures. The teaching periods should depend on the topic of every chapter, allowing students to do the preview, introduce the background and stimulate their motivation to write. In the class, teachers could require students to read the text extensively or intensively according to the teacher’s arrangement, but more advocate the integration of learning and teaching and teacher-centered as the leading role. After introducing the whole content of the text, the teacher could provide a detailed lecture and demonstration according to the key words, writing knowledge and skills of each unit. For example, after finishing Unit 1,teachers could assign critical writing tasks related to this unit.

This textbook is devoted to creating a learning atmosphere of independent reading independent exploration, learning and teaching as well as cultivating the ability of thinking before the class. For this purpose, a series of tasks are designed to guide the teaching process, and teachers may guide students to collect, analyze, integrate, communicate and negotiate based on a series of tasks that editors design, which reflect the basic characteristics of writing as a process of sociocultural practice activity.

In terms of the procedural and formative evaluation of teaching materials, the editors suggest that the writing task of relevant topics with the normal teaching periods should be carried out according to the theme of the unit, and the final draft should be graded. The specific scores are arranged and evaluated with multiple activities by the teacher; class participation, group activities, peer interaction, mutual evaluation and writing tasks are included in the total score of the semester based on a certain proportion.

The Chief Editors

This textbook is co-edited by Zhang Lei and Hu Wenting from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science in Beijing University of Technology (listed in no particular order).In the process of writing, Lecturer Zhang is responsible for compiling Chapters Two, Three, Four, Six, Nine and Ten; Lecturer Hu for Chapters One, Five, Seven, Eight, Eleven, and Twelve, and they jointly for the construction, review and revision of this textbook. In order to ensure the practicality of this textbook as teaching material, the chief editors Zhang Lei and Hu Wenting have gathered various suggestions and feedback from linguistic experts as well as teaching experience and opinions from front line teachers, which reflect on the innovative content of this textbook.


This textbook has benefited from the work of many people we would like to recognize. First, this textbook has funding support by:① Beijing Municipal Education Commission Fund Program: Research on“Cultural Confidence” as the Domain of Chinese and English Phonetic and Syntactic Transfer Effectiveness(SM202010005015);② Beijing University of Technology Science and Humanities Fund:Research on“Cultural Confidence” as the Domain of Positive Language Transfer;An Investigation into“One Belt, One Road” International Students Chinese Pragmatic Competence in BJUT;③ Beijing University of Technology Curriculum Development Fund Program:English Basic Writing Course I;④ Cases of Ideological and Political Education by Beijing University of Technology Fund 2019-2020:Tell China Story Well in English;⑤National Research Centre for Foreign Language Textbook, Beijing Foreign Studies University.

Second, thanks to the great editorial team—Jinan University Press that has been instrumental in getting this edition launched. Meanwhile, a particular mention of thanks is giving to all the leaders, seniors, and teachers who taught at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science in Beijing University of Technology. Thanks for their valuable feedback and support which helped shape this edition. More important, huge thanks go to our family and friends who always encourage and give sincere understanding.

Additionally, we would like to thank the original authors of the selected reading articles in each unit and appendix of this textbook.

During the compilation of this textbook, there may be some omissions. Therefore, we are looking forward to receiving feedback and suggestions from teachers and students who use this book and we will continuously improve it.

Zhang Lei   Hu Wenting

June 2020






Unit 1  Language Learning

Section A  Language in Use

Section B  History of English Literature

Unit 2  Education

Section A  The Importance of Education

Section B  The Internet and Education

Unit 3  Internet Technology

Section A  5G and Internet Technology

Section B  The Impact of the Internet on Society:A Global Perspective

Unit 4  Chinese Culture

Section A  China’s Traditional Cultural Values

Section B  Chinese Culture

Unit 5  Special Talents

Section A  Personal Talent

Section B  Genius

Unit 6  Human Health

Section A  Human Health and the Natural Environment

Section B  Human Health and the Epidemic

Unit 7  Human Emotions

Section A  Emotions

Section B  Could a Robot Have Emotions

Unit 8  Public Resources

Section A  Natural Resources Management

Section B  Water Resource

Unit 9  Environment

Section A  Ecosystem

Section B  Cause and Effect:Tides

Unit 10  Research

SectionA   “Academic” Research at University

SectionB  Science and Scientific Research

Unit 11  Endangered Animals

Section A  Endangered Species

Section B  Giant Panda

Unit 12  Value of Art

Section A  Philosophy of Art

Section B  Art as Expression

Appendix A  Supplementary Reading Materials for Different Writing Styles

Style 1  Process Essays

Style 2  Cause/Effect Essays

Style 3  Comparison/Contrast Essays

Style 4  Narrative Essays

Style 5  Argumentative Essays

Style 6  Inaugural Address Speech

Appendix B  Peer Review and Writer’s Self-check Worksheets

Appendix C  Abbreviations


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