

Dominoart 2022-06-12

The following article is from MetaX元探索 Author team metax


MetaX将于2022年4月初,在凹凸空间·北京开展亚洲首发的虚拟现实混合数字艺术展Meta Ball mini透过瞬间的虚拟现实混合的线下体验去探索数字艺术关联的元宇宙(Metaversal Art)。

Team MetaX is launching the First MR Art Experience Exhibition in Asia – Meta Ball mini in aotuspace, Beijing in April, 2022. Meta Ball mini is a metaversal art experiment through a series of mutual sensational experience of communal relationship.

For likeminded contemporary individuals exploring metaversal habitation where immersive metaverse possibilities of various art forms are experimented in a hybrid entertaining environment between reality and virtual sets. 

Meta Ball mini"一次虚拟和现实世界混合的数字艺术展"- by MetaX


In the era of metaverse, metaversal beings are gathering together. 

Meta Block gps 定位处 - 活动现场虚拟世界部分场域C: Online

刚刚回暖的气温漫散在人群的谈论中,这群人此时好像不太在意外在的世界,这周他们不约而同的收到MetaX的邀请, Meta Block经过万里海底线路,从太平洋中央海域中的卫星浮岛发送至地球星域航道的卫星矩阵间瞬间回转散落一次为时0.711秒的信息雪, 这个Meta Block gps定位在眼前。 

进到玻璃门里的展厅,"Online Loading"


People are chating about the return of warmer days. The outside world yet no one pays attention to. They have all received Meta Blocks during the past week, which come from thousands of miles away, signaling from the satellite above the centre of Pacific to the satellite matrix of Earth, spreading in transient information every 0.711 seconds. This particular Meta Block is located right here in the deep hutong.
Entering into the Online showroom, NPC shows up and help me prepare. Dotted lights concatenate into a single line; the light dots are sparkling and transcending towards a circular interactive light installation in the air. 

(“呱泡”,光点在现场点击产生,节奏心情由人。你的光点,他的光点,在眼前传输变化着)(Gratitouille, light spots appear when we click, its tempo and mood depend on us. Your light spot, his/her light spot, transcend variation in front of us) 
Exhibited Installation - Interactive Light Works


Bar Synchronize, synchronizing my metaversal self, myself and other self."

"NPC"请选择最能表达你现在心情的颜色创作一杯属于自己的 Meta Bomb 鸡尾酒

After Online, a wave of yellow smoke fill up my sight while I am entering a wooden door. The surrounding environment altered immediately, the scent of grass and greenish violet light illuminates the plants; the sound of wineglass and people’s laughter come from somewhere near. NPC asks: “Which kind of feeling are you having right now out of this twelve?” then I create my own Meta Bomb.
Meta Bomb - Shots于场域B:Synchronize Bar

目光被眼前看似能坐能靠着的立方块(Meta Blocks现场实体)吸引过去,搬动了其中几块往里走去。冲过来又是一团烟,但这次的味道不一样 - Synonymous Ballroom

I am attracted by Meta Blocks' physical installations in front of me – they are so comfy to lie on. I grab a few of them with me and walk inside; another cloud of smoke comes to me, but this time the smell’s different - Synonymous Ballroom. 

展览现场虚拟世界部分场域A: Synonymous Ballroom由Synchronize Bar视角

戴上混合现实眼镜MR艺术展呈现出两个实时世界瞬间叠加,一组组虚拟Meta Blocks和虚拟NFTs同时悬浮混合于现场的实体装置环境里。部动作被MR眼镜传感器识别着,指引与虚拟世界交互。“X”拿起眼前的Meta Blocks实体,眼镜中显示出让放它的可能位置

Putting on MR glasses, the vision of virtual and real become as one. Groups of virtual Meta Blocks and virtual NFTs are mixed with the physical enviroment. Hand gestures can be detected by glasses' sensors to initiate interaction with the virtual world. When I pick up a physical Meta Block in front of me, the following building steps appear for me to interact . 

Microsoft Hololens 2 - Mixed Reality


场域A: Synonymous Ballroom
Meta Blocks和虚拟NFTs同时存在于现场

同一场域,艺术家 composing at the moment 即兴创作放出电子音乐能量,还有弹奏乐器、舞蹈、行为艺术。相互不时回应着对方的创作随时在混合虚拟现实环境中与大家互动

Artists will release the power of electronic music as well as other instruments and performance arts, responding to each other’s acts, art contents are composing at the moment, interacting with the crowds and the mixed reality scene at anytime. 

场域A: Synonymous Ballroom - Stage


 “X-朋友M”站在艺术演出的另一端“X“M”一起挑了三个新颜色, 一口喝掉Meta Bomb


We are ready again~   

Welcome to Meta Ball mini

Soon as I turn to my back, I see M, who asked me earlier to meet there, at the bar. Foggy smoke comes to me as I walk towards M; all of a sudden I’m back in the natural world. We pick another three new colors and finish up the shot (Meta Bomb). NPC LIKES three times, and we are ready again~ Welcome to Meta Ball mini. 

场域A: Synonymous Ballroom朝向Synchronize Bar视角

本次Meta Ball mini含3个场域:

场域A: Synonymous Ballroom

含数字艺术参展作品Meta Block

透过MR眼镜交互Meta Block虚拟世界部分和Meta Blocks实体,眼镜中会显示移动它的下个步骤。

含加密数字艺术作品,通过MR眼镜在现场虚拟世界部分Meta Block上看到。


场域B: Synchronize Bar

Metaverse同步酒精调试 - 精神酒精艺术计划


大家现场创作自己的Meta Bomb - Shots (Metaversal Cocktail)

场域C: Online



Meta Ball mini虚拟现实混合数字艺术展通证GET TICKETS

双人同行·通证two tickets(two Meta Bomb - Shots are complimentary for now to buy)

含2张Meta Ball mini通行证 + 赠2杯Meta Bomb - Shots




one ticket

含1张Meta Ball mini通行证原价198元限时99元

Exhibition Artist

宁 心



Architect/Interactive Designer/Artist

Master’s Degree in Architecture, graduated from the Bartlett, London


Meta Blocks作为Cohood设想的一个展览延续,将社区建设的universal block沿用到艺术层面,整个过程作为一个链接,链接现实和元宇宙空间,基于现实空间框架生成无限种虚拟可能。

Ning Xin co-created Cohood with her team as she completed her Master’s Degree.

Co-Hood Project design a platform try to invited neighbours involved in the community planning, question the housing planning system under capitalism, proposed a flexible, transparent and user-lead housing system. By analysis the input of users, link the open spaces and units, matching the user's frequency need with space, automated generating the community plan, improve the shareability.
Meta Blocks, a follow up of Cohood, uses the universal block of community construction to the artistic level. The whole process works as a link, linking reality to the metaverse, generating infinite virtual possibilities based on actual spatial construction. 

墨 海(Victor Maurer)缤呱创始人、艺术家
Entrepreneur, Artist


Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and Big Data, graduated from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Victor was in the middle of completing his Doctor’s degree in Civil Engineering in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology before starting up Bin Gua. Now Victor is away from school, working on research and development in warm and practical product and service. He strives to reduce the load on our mind and to avoid feelings of long windedness, tiredness and inconsistence from information overdose and superfluous processing.Gratitouille is a set of installation pieces based on wifi lighting landscape interaction, transferring positive emotions to their surrounding through color and sound, in order to improve the sense of humanity overall. 

主创团队team MetaX

创意总监/策展人:Markie Lam艺术总监/统筹: Ray Wu技术总监:宁心
助理策展人:CHENYU助理策展人:刘晓璇视觉设计:Alphabetes Design调酒设计师:佘烽格

Media Support
( 排名不分先后 )
美术宝艺考  未名INNOMINATE嘉羽艺术  鼓楼写字  九条诗火锅麻酱加白糖  POETIX斯芬克艺术教育  堪想  SeeU再会UniDesignLab  elvita威的生活便签凹凸镜DOC  北京活动小报Dominoart  跳海大院  hola as pop 下划线空间UnderlineArtSpace摄影笔  上海CMYK移动美术馆  mRNartENDLESS ART  SolarisArt  豌豆黄艺术小组佰的日记  简做展览  CineCina抄袭的艺术  色彩房  艺术时间ArtTime艺术宅集社  AOFU  CineCina一筑一事  建日筑闻  嘉禾工作坊Mstudio  三水Art

关于我们About Us

MetaX 是由aotulab公共艺术实验室于2021年推出的公共数字艺术策划厂牌。MetaX致力于向公众推广在全球范围内不同的数字艺术新体验,并呈现Metaverse内人类生活场景里的各种新的可能性。MetaX旨在让公众能更好的参与由多个实时渲染的3D虚拟世界构成的巨大网络,以及了解Web3.0新时代的到来。
Meta X is a Public Digital Art planning label founded by AotuLab Public Art Lab in 2021.Meta X aims to promote fun and meaningful experience of digital art and to showcase possibilities for metaverse scenario to the global audience. Our mission is to explore with our audience to participate in networks of multi-dimensional world through innovative art content and various experience, and to learn about the upcoming web3.0 era.

aotulab 2020年在中国·北京成立。团队是由一群策展人、建筑师、交互设计师、平面设计师和数学专家组成的,我们是一个追求极致艺术和艺术体验的创作团队。目前我们拥有最顶尖的先锋艺术内容和艺术家资源。我们累积了近十年的公共艺术展览策划经验,并落地超过100场的当代先锋艺术展。
aotulab Public Art Lab is founded in 2020 in Beijing, China. We are a creative collective mixed with curator, architect, interactive designer, graphic designer and digital expert. We cherish top-quality artistic pursuit and art experience, combined with 10 years of public art curation experience with more than 100+ contemporary avant-garde exhibitions and shows. We have the utmost avant-garde artists and art content resources 


MetaX by aotulab

我关联我_within, across, after





Dominoart,founded by Mino, focusing on high quality art and culture contents,voicing independently.




