
08/02 周四 | Konekt Asia Presents: 像雾像雨又像风 - Vakula 中国巡演 @loopy

Loopy噜噼 2020-10-11

Vakula可能是当今为数不多打破新界限的音乐艺术家之一,很难找出另一位像他这样,无法准确定义他的风格,而每一次发行都被视为现代音乐历史中必不可少的经典。七月末八月初,Konekt Asia将从TAG成都,Loopy杭州,Elevator上海到Lantern北京呈现Vakula中国巡演。


Vakula (Leleka/ Dekmental) 乌克兰


很少人像他那样,用音乐描绘出了一个孤独者丰富多彩的内心世界。在此其中,无论dub techno, deep house, jazz, funk, disco, psychedelicrock和任何在他生动的想象中元素的动态混合,就像是萨满教般的宗教仪式感。让人情不自禁地用身体和思想去跟随他的动态多维空间。


2013年,Vakula发布了他的首张专辑"You've Never Been to Konotop" (你从未去过科诺拓普)。科诺托普,他的故乡,一个乌克兰北部小城。在这张专辑中,他正在带着听众去往他的家乡他的内心:在神秘的电子森林里,所有那些令人沉思的步伐迸发出复杂而绚烂的色彩,从活泼甜美到怪诞而严肃。Vakula视大自然为他的主要活力来源,或者反过来说,他的音乐是他最爱的风景的声音投影。

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=q0713dgfszt&width=500&height=375&auto=0Vakula @ RTS.FM - 20.06.2009

在个人厂牌Leleka所发行的专辑“Dedicated ToJim Morrison”或是在Dekmental发行的专辑“CyclicalityBetween Procyon And Gomeisa”,又或是在Arma的纯粹Techno专辑“Techno Game”,都是这位杰出的音乐旅行家非凡创造能力的体现。

Vakula is probably the only electronic musician thatbreaks new boundaries today. It's hard to find another artist like him whocan't define his style accurately, but every release is essential.From TAG Chengdu, Loopy Hangzhou, Elevator Shanghai toLantern Beijing, Konekt Asia will present the master Vakula for next series onearly of Augest.


Vakula Boiler Room DJ Set 

Vakula is a singular artist and musical story teller. 


Few others are capable of the sort of dance floorshamanism that he manages to cook up. Each time he plays, listeners are glazedover with visceral textures, mesmerising ups and downs, pervasive basses andspirit-infused percussion. His sets are a mix of pure techno, dub techno, deephouse, jazz, funk, disco, psychedelic rock or whatever comes into his vividimagination. It means you can’t help but follow his dynamic, three-dimensionalstory, both with your body and mind: his sets are a ritual.

Vakula’s own selected works compilation—released onFirecracker Recordings in 2013—was named ‘You’ve Never Been to Konotop’.Konotop is his small provincial hometown in Northern Ukraine. You haven’t beenthere. But every time he plays, he’s readily taking you there with his craftedmusic: all those contemplative promenades in a mystical electric forest emit acomplex palette of sounds, from lively and luscious to eerie and austere.Mother nature is Vakula’s main vitalising source, and in turn his atmosphericsoundscapes are sonic projections of his most dear landscapes. Full-lengthalbums like A Voyage to Arcturus and Cyclicality Between Procyon and Gomeisa,are additional proof of the exceptional abilities of this far-out musicaltraveller.


But he's not just about unearthly things. Vakula wouldn'tbe Vakula without his notable mastery of a mixer, which he calls ‘a DJ’smusical instrument’ and the collection of rare analogue gear and exotic folkinstruments he keeps in his studio in Ukraine. From an Oberheim Ob-8 vintagesynth to marimba and a set of conga drums, he knows them all. For hisproductivity, Vakula has established two labels for releasing his own music,and they are Leleka for experimental fare and Bandura for more club-friendlymaterial. As if that wasn't enough, Vakula has recently started his ownmastering practise for other musical talents, and it is yet another outlet forhis technical dexterity and unique sonic feelings.



Hu Yang



Date : 8月2日 Thur, 02, August. 

Time : 22:00 
Address : 杭州市上城区中山南路77号313室 
313, 77 Zhongshan South Road 
Tickets :  50RMB(现场door)

Artists : Vakula

Support: akkoii / Hu Yang 



Scan the QR Code to buy tickets


Presale Untill 12:00,2,August.

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