
08/11 周六(下半场)| MIIIN + HOWELL @loopy

Loopy噜噼 2020-10-12




“操纵攻壳机动队的原声带或是将低音剥离呈现出最极简的内核——MIIIN在电子音乐中发现的一切都成为了她建立怪异、实验世界的构件。”红牛音乐学院给予了2016年蒙特利尔分部的校友Jeongmin Jeon aka MIIIN近乎完美的评价。

MIIIN多年来频繁出现在首尔的各个俱乐部,并将她“怪异”的set带到2017年的Sonar音乐节和首尔Boiler Room。在搬去上海定居之前,她在I-D杂志发行了用电影原声塑造的极具故事性的mix: ‘Customized Meditation’

今年五月,MIIIN参加了在柏林世界文化宫(Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt)展出的Forecast项目,并在Holly Herndon的指导下展示了她还未公之于众的众多作品。今年她还将继续回到柏林完成名为“关于人类的音乐报告:超越灭绝(A Music Report on the Human Species : Beyond Extinction)” 的项目。

“Whether you build sets made from the Ghost in the Shell soundtrack or strip the bass down to its most minimalist core, MIIIN's experimental style emphasises the oddities found within electronic music." RBMA described their Montreal class of 2016 alumni Jeongmin Jeon aka MIIIN perfectly. A regular DJ in venues around Seoul for a number of years, she played at Sonar Festival 2017, performed on Boiler Room Seoul, and soon after released the cinematic story soundscape mix ‘Customized Meditation’ on I-d Magazine, before moving to Shanghai where she now resides. This year she joined the Forecast program at Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt, Berlin, and under the guidance of Holly Herndon performed brand new original material. She will return to Berlin later this year to continue the commissioned project, entitled “A Music Report on the Human Species : Beyond Extinction” 





ALL club / SVBKVLT / 云CLOUD这些在中国乃至世界地下电子乐耳熟能详的名字都由Howell建立,同时他也曾是上海”臭名昭著“的俱乐部Shelter的主理人之一。从digital dancehall到dub;从意大利恐怖的电影配乐到图书馆唱片,Howell收集来自世界各个角落的新鲜、前卫以及地下的跳舞音乐,并将不同的风格和声音连贯且自然地融入同一个set当中。


Howell is the founder of nightclub ALL in Shanghai, SVBKVLT and云CLOUD, as well as co-founder of The Shelter. A collector of everything from fresh, upfront and obscure dance music from around the globe, to digital dancehall and dub, through to rare Italian horror soundtracks and library records, Howell’s DJ sets span multiple genres and sounds but in a coherent and encompassing way. As well as a regular DJ at ALL, Howell has played all over the globe, from Tokyo to Berlin, UK to Reunion Island, Singapore to Spain.


Yung Min


Juan Plus One


Date : 8月11日 Sat, 11, Aug. 

Time : 23:00 
Address : 杭州市上城区中山南路77号313室 
313, 77 Zhongshan South Road 
Tickets : 60RMB(预售presale / 现场door)

Artists : MIIIN / HOWELL 

Support : Yung Min / Juan Plus One



Scan the QR Code to buy tickets


 presale Untill 02:00,12,August.

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