

Loopy噜噼 2020-10-11

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=q0774yhr8j6&width=500&height=375&auto=0Video by BIAN & ZØ

9月15日(周六)loopy将迎来二周岁生日!生日派对我们邀请了3名嘉宾和2名新人;来自伦敦Sans Absence厂牌的制作人Akito,House/Techno大师Losoul,PAN/L.I.E.S.厂牌的Tzusing,新面孔moremore/Luka以及本地常驻的8个派对厂牌!(8个派对厂牌详细内容近期即将发布,请持续关注)



Akito是现居伦敦的制作人 / DJ,以打击乐为主体不与主流妥协的club音乐是他的标志。Akito通过他的音乐以及不规则且硬气十足的DJ set向英国和世界的club场景不断输出他的能量。

Akito is a London Based Producer and DJ with an uncompromising take on percussion loaded electronic Club music, Akito delivers a unique London-twist via global influences through his productions as well as his trademark off-kilter, steely DJ sets that have propelled his upfront style across the UK and International club scene.

通过无数的作品和电台节目,Akito的超强mixing技巧得到了NTS电台的赏识,现在以驻场身份拥有每月一次的NTS节目。除了NTS之外他还经常出现在BBC, Rinse FM, Seoul Community Radio, Block FM等等国际知名电台。

From humble beginnings on numerous pirate and online radio stations in the tower blocks of North London, Akito’s mixing prowess have earned him a residency on NTS radio as well as guest slots on various radio stations across the globe, including spins on the BBC, Rinse FM, Seoul Community Radio, Block FM, and plenty more.

今年9月14号是Akito人生中值得纪念的一天。他将在伦敦的厂牌Tight Knit Records发行他的首张全长专辑——Gone Again,其中包含十首歌曲并将以黑胶和数字形式在世界范围内发行。这张发行展示了他的对音乐的成长和探索,也将影响未来的club音乐场景和功能。

September the 14th marks the date of Akito’s most expansive and sought-after release, the ten-track LP ‘Gone Again’ will be released through London label Tight Knit Records on 12” record and digitally world-wide. This release shows the artists most developed and explorative body of music yet, questioning further his approach to club musics form and function.






Tzusing was born in Malaysia, spent his formative years in Singapore and the Taiwanese manufacturing center of Taichung, studied in Chicago, and is currently based between Shanghai and Taipei. His music exists in this condition of dislocation, forged at the complicated intersection of personal, social, and national identity.

作为一名DJ, Tzusing的音乐集流线型科技、工业电子、非西方舞曲和当代俱乐部音乐于一体。他还真诚地相信流行音乐的救赎力量,准备好把复杂、经典的亚洲流行音乐放到俱乐部的中间。在他自己的作品中,Tzusing将这些影响重新组合成具有攻击性的,宣泄性的音乐,将不规则的节拍,怪异的旋律,以及厚重的,非自然的共鸣鼓结合在一起。如果闪闪发光的打击乐、合成器,以及音乐的意象唤起的“中国式”感觉,那就不是指向“真实文化”,而是问问这些符号意味着什么,它们属于谁,因为散居在海外的人会变异。Tzusing的音乐围绕着权力、痴迷、性、身份和毁灭等主题,寻求乐趣和颠覆。

As a DJ, Tzusing’s sets mix streamlined techno, industrial electronics, non-western dance music, and contemporary club music. He adds to this a sincere belief in the redemptive power of pop music, ready to drop sophisticated, classic Asian pop into the middle of club sets. In his own productions Tzusing recombines these influences into aggressive, cathartic music, inflected with off-kilter half step rhythms, strange harmonic textures, and thick, unnaturally resonant drums. If glittering tuned percussion, reed instrument-like synthesizers, and the music’s imagery might evoke a sense of “Chinese-ness,” it is not to point to the site of “authentic culture,” but to ask what these signifiers mean and who they belong to, as diasporas mutate beyond national borders. Seeking fun and subversion in equal parts, Tzusing’s music circles around themes of power, obsession, sexuality, identity and its obliteration.

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=j0639ytr3p8&width=500&height=375&auto=0Tzusing-Flow States ft. Illsee

2011年,Tzusing创立了上海的“斯德哥尔摩综合症之夜”(Stockholm Syndrome),在如今已成为传奇的庇护所举办,2014年通过L.I.E.S.厂牌发行EP开启了更广阔的天地。2017年2月通过L.I.E.S.厂牌发行了他的首张LP <東方不敗>并通过Bedouin厂牌发行了EP <In a Moment a Thousand Hits>.

In 2011 Tzusing founded Shanghai’s “Stockholm Syndrome” night, hosted at the now-legendary Shelter, and was introduced to the wider world through a trilogy of EPs on L.I.E.S. Records beginning in 2014. He has since made appearances on Cititrax and Public Possession, and in February 2017 released his debut LP 東方不敗 through L.I.E.S.








Whether making music between all the zeros and ones, circuitry and cards, with analogue gear or digital possibilities becomes a valuable art or just a service, is defined through distinctive character. 

在他的音乐旅程中,Losoul遇见并尝试了各种不同风格的音乐: Techno和House, Funk和70年代的Soul音乐,早期的Hip Hop,还有一些爵士乐。在最令人向往的90年代,Losoul以Don Disco为名探索随机节奏和人类情感间的关系。当电子音乐还如同清晨露水一般的时代,他便已经成为了Superbleep-DJ-Team的一员,频繁的出现在德国法兰克福市的nomen est omen、Basement等等俱乐部。

In the course of his musical socialisation, Losoul came across a kaleidoscope of different styles: Techno and House blueprints, Funk and Soul of the seventies, prehistorical Hip Hop and of course a bit of Jazz for the mind. At first, he appeared under the guise Don Disco that he used in the early and blessed nineties as a part of the Superbleep-DJ-Team while exploring the tension between emotive sounds and automatic rhythms over and above at their club night at the – nomen est omen - Basement and other places in the Frankfurt-area back when things were fresh as morning dew. 

2018年4月,Losoul带着他近十年来的第一张专辑<Island Time>重返赛场。德国制作人Peter kremier多年来一直用他有机、感性的House音乐让大家着迷,作品主要在极具影响力的Playhouse发行。

Losoul returns to action with his first long player in almost ten years, and delivers a stunning collection of compositions for the Hypercolour release “Island Time”.

Island Time Cover


And most of all, the producer Losoul consistently pushes these majestically and stoical marching 12-inches as well as delicate album cuts which smuggle themselves equally into one’s musical memory.

Losoul, you know! 





路卡·天行者(Luka Skywalker 旧译路卡·斯凯沃克、路卡·天行者、路卡·空中行者、路卡·先行者)是《腥球大战》系列电影的重要角色之一,绝地武士和原力使用者,义军同盟成员。为建立新共和国做出了贡献。






9月15日loopy二周年生日派对见 ;)



Date : 9月15日 Sat, 15, September. 

Time : 21:00 
Address : 杭州市上城区中山南路77号313室 
313, 77 Zhongshan South Road 

Tickets : 



120RMB(零点后现场票door after 00:00)

Artists : Akito / Losoul / Tzusing / Luka / Moremore 

Local Promoters : BinarySpace / MBD / House Party / Nicer Thursday / Rooms / Dub Attack / 我和你拼了



Scan the QR Code to buy tickets


Presale Untill 12:00,15,September.


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