
05/01 周三 | Genome pres: HDMIRROR(A/V Live)&Dirty K @loopy

Genome666Mbp Loopy噜噼 2020-10-12

Genome pres: HDMIRROR(A/V Live)&Dirty K


HDMIRROR I 用Gabber和Trance绑架俱乐部舞曲的未来

HDMIRROR是来自南非的制作人,视觉艺术家和全能多媒体达人Gerard Olivier的代号。在2年前开启这个项目后,HDMIRROR迅速用他们的“失控舞蹈音乐”(他们自己称作反舞曲舞曲,Anti Dance Music Dance Music)得到了一大批忠实追随者。他们用DIY的方式已经自行发布了多大52首歌与6支音乐视频(全部由他们自己负责制作,设计与后期)。



他们最近在Mutek,CTM和Unsound这三个大型音乐节的live sets现场表演赢得了广泛的赞誉,刚刚与Pussy Riot一同参与的Boiler Room直播中被誉为“极限俱乐部加速器”!2019年你会看到HDMIRROR进一步挖掘自己独树一帜的音乐风格并将它们带入到这个真实世界中。HDMIRROR被描述为处于“先锋hardcore新浪潮的前沿”,并打算继续这段不可思议的探险。

HDMIRROR is South African producer, visual artist and all round sound fashionist Gerard Olivier. Since launching the project 2 years ago, HDMIRROR is fast building up a core following with their unique brand of ‘Dysfunctional dance music’. Their DIY approach to releasing music has seen an excess of 52 tracks and 6 music videos (All self made, designed and mastered) posted since the project’s inception.

Drawing influence from our collective daily overdose of information and disinformation, HDMIRROR makes dance music for an accelerated age. With a focus on pure sound generation as opposed to sampling existing sources they aim to push things forward. Their stark, maximalist sound design and thundering kick drums is hard to ignore. Releases such as ‘ADRENALIN’, ‘AVANT-TRANCE’, and ‘ANTHEMS’ come packaged with dense visual material and offer a relentlessly modern vision of rave related culture.

Their recent live sets at CTM festival and Unsound Festival drew widespread acclaim and 2019 will see HDMIRROR take the project further by expanding their sound pallette and performing IRL. HDMIRROR has been described as being at the ‘forefront of new wave of avant-hardcore music’ and intends to keep it that way.

Dirty K

来自南京的制作人Dirty K ,上海互联网厂牌Genome 6.66 Mbp中的核心成员,也是超级俱乐部核武器。不断吸收先锋俱乐部音乐与前卫理念的他成长讯速,凭借着在包括Genome 6.66 MBP,无解电场,Push and Pull等一系列派对活动的现场表现,更进一步加深了自己在国内俱乐部音乐界中的实力派定位。

他本人曾受邀做客了伦敦电台NTS 和 Hong Kong Community Radio, 也同样在JEROME、The Level are very high和巴黎Stock71等国际平台发布了高质量的mix。他的个人首张EP 《Exsciccation》随Genome 6.66 Mbp 一起登上了Bandcamp Daily并且获得了不错的评价。EP中四首歌分别象征着,枯竭、冲突、抗争与放逐。反映自己丰富的网络生活与现实周边环境的矛盾。作品得到了像Endgame、LYZZA 、Ytem、Flora、Slackk等国际知名先锋制作人的支持,并在Rinse Fm、NTS Radio、Boiler Room等平台播放。他还为俄罗斯的tropical interface和柏林的mobilegirl制作发行remix。

今年年初Dirty K刚刚跟Genome团队一起完成日本东京与大阪的两站演出,他的个人现场高能DJ Set获得强烈的反响,彻底征服日本的俱乐部玩家并且打破Forest Limit的派对到场人数记录。现在他正在专注于自己的第二张发行,与Sucide Club代表Bulma的合作也即将发行,而他的usb里早就充满了各种未发行的独家金曲随时准备着轰炸各个俱乐部的屋顶!

Dirty K is an electronic producer from Nanjing, also an active member of Genome 6.66 bpm Shanghai. This young talented musician has developed his career very fast through absorbing concept and sense from cutting-edge club music. He received support from many international producers like Endgame, Mobile Girl, Flora, and Slackk; His tracks were played on Rinse FM, Radar Radio, NTS Radio, Boiler Room etc…He was invited to do guest mix for Jerome, The Level are very high, Stock 71 and many other platforms. Recently, his EP “Exsciccation” released under Genome were featured on Bandcamp Daily and received good reviews.


Kilo Vee 在 The Shelter 开始自己的 DJ 生涯,而当这座传奇地下音乐据点不复存在之后,他带着逐步稳定的个人风格游走于这座城市更为广阔的夜幕下,吸纳并完善着新的融合与拼接。对 Club、Experimental、Grime等不同风格的包容让他的作品得以渲染各色氛围,满足着派对上的摇晃的头颅和耳机下颤栗的鼓膜。被Dazed评价为上海俱乐部场景的北极星,他的DJ Set被Fact描述为“不是对任何东西的解构,而是摆脱了传统音乐种类的束缚,重建起一种鼓舞人心的氛围。

他和朋友领导的厂牌Genome 6.66 Mbp在国际上广受关注与好评,于今年早些时候完成了首次厂牌日本和欧洲巡演,并且受邀参与了柏林CTM音乐节在臭名昭著的Berghain进行演出。现在他与他的同僚们每个月扎根于上海的All Club举办派对传播属于他们自己的不妥协之声让上海的夜生活保持纯粹与活力。

 Kilo-Vee @Macao, Milan 

Kilo Vee is one of the brightest young stars emerging through the Chinese club scene in recent times. Years of working at clubs (The Shelter) have helped him build a solid understanding of underground music and culture, reflected in his on-point, en-vogue track listing. He's shared the decks with local crews and international stars alike (Kode9,RP Boo,Lotic and Rabit,DJ Lag come to mind), and his intensely energetic sets, centered around experimental club sounds, heavy bass and emotion, practically guarantee a good time. 


Date : 5月1日 Wed,1,May. 

Time : 22:00 

Address : 杭州市上城区中山南路77号313室 
313, 77 Zhongshan South Road 

Artists : HDMIRROR(A/V Live) / Dirty K 

Support Kilo-Vee

Tickets : 80RMB (预售presale) / 100RMB (现场door)




Scan the QR Code to buy tickets


Presale Untill 12:00,1,May.

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