
11/07 周四 | Techno Motel - Mlrv / Moon @loopy

Loopy噜噼 2020-10-12
下周四,Techno Motel的Mlrv和Moon将轮番在loopy为大家分享自己独特的Techno Set .



MLRV是一位地下音乐的新鲜血液,2006开始了他的音乐生涯,最开始迷恋上音乐风格 Detroit techno,并受到 Detroit techno 里的合成器、贝斯合成器的启发。

2008在泰国非 常有名的酒吧B52、Lima Lima club、Motorroom还有White room里展示了他的音乐才华! 随后在音乐节"Most Rave" and Tesla Music Festival舞台上表演,并吸引越来越多的听众和 粉丝。

2015年联手音乐人朋友创立了音乐厂牌Listen to Detroit»,并与西方和俄罗斯的DJ 合作:Sodeyama (TRiP) Agraba, Zabelin, Martin Eyerer (Kling Klong) 2017来到深圳发展,并与好友Moon创立了派对厂牌Techno motel,并和许多中国、外国 的Dj定期在 Oil 酒吧进行音乐派对,吸引来了一批中国和外国听众。期间在Sector club (Underground room)作为首席DJ.

2018年开始了在中国11个城市巡演,在中国知名的俱乐部Lantem, Vervo, DADA, OIL, The Window, Hangover等场地演出,并受邀与Drumcell (Dystopian), Arjun Vagale (Odd records, Suara)等艺人同台献艺。参与欧洲演出 "Deficit", "Red Light Radio", "Rbl radio", "Golden Gate", "Gram Rec", ADE. 现居住在德国柏林并在当地进行演出。

MLRV is a young blood member of Russian underground society. He started to collect music in 2006. 

In 2008 Mlrv start to travel and share his music taste from famous places of Thailand as B52, Lima Lima club. Motorroom and White room. His audience becomes bigger and grew into music festivals: "Most Rave" and Tesla Music Festival" He was inspired by the sound of analog synthesizers and flat bassline of Detroit techno.

In 2015 with his friends he created community called «Listen to Detroit». This is successful project which still working and brought for the first time to Far East of Russia dj s like: Sodeyama (TRiP) Agraba, Zabelin, Martin Eyerer (Kling Klong). In 2017 he moved to Shenzhen (China). He and Moon created party label "Techno motel”. It’s a regular event which monthly organizing in Oil club with local dj s and also international guests. Was resident dj of Sector club (Underground room. Shenzhen) and Hilton Hotel rooftop bar.

LINK: https://soundcloud.com/mlrv



音乐对于Moon来说是一种信仰般的存在!作为音乐圈里的一名新鲜血液,她热爱旅行,并在旅行中吸收各地的文化把它融入到音乐中。同时她非常热爱收集各 种不同的音乐作为自己的素材库。

Moon一直享受音乐派对的乐趣,经常出现在墨西哥的一些地下音乐派对里表演。2016她抓住了一个到中国体验的机会,来到中国后在许多非常有名的地下音乐俱乐部进行疯狂的派对演出(Oil, Lantern, DADA, Hangover, Window etc),在这一趟的旅行中,她对音乐的理解得到了更高纬度得提升!随后与好友Mlrv创立了音乐派对厂牌"Techno Motel".

接着她开始了"Techno Motel"的中国巡演活动,走遍了7个多的城市。 在巡演后又紧接着欧洲巡演,走遍了"Red Light radio", "RBL radio", "Golden Gate", "Gram Rec", ADE等大大小小的演出。现居住于柏林,目前正在进行音乐创作和学习电子合成器。

Moon is considered as fresh blood but for her, music is religion. Her passion for travel helped to build up her music taste, adding vinyls from each destination she visits from across the world. 

Moon has always been involved in the music scene, having previously been a PR for several Moscow clubs. Through this line of work she has managed to build up her knowledge of the community, giving her access to work with some of the most talented underground DJs and producers in Moscow. In 2016, she had a chance to expand out of Moscow and visit China. The vastly different music scene in China opened up new opportunities, allowing Moon to get her foot in the door. Bringing her underground Russian style music across to China, it wasnt long for people to start adopting this new sound and following her trend. She played in several of China's most well known clubs like Oil, Lantern, DADA, Hangover, Window, Echobay, Taiga etc.

Moon and Mlrv founders of "Techno Motel". This was created with the vision of developing musical culture in Shenzhen and bringing some of the most well known labels, to debut in Southern China. 

Drumcell (Droid behavior, Dystopian) and Arjun Vagale (Suara, Odd recordings) are some of the familiar names that Techno Motel have been responsible for bringing to the music scene in Shenzhen. 

In May 2019 Techno Motel held a tour across 7 cities in China. After a recent trip to Europe, Moon played at “Red Light Radio” Amsterdam, “RBL Radio” Berlin, “Golden Gate” Berlin, “Gram rec” Prague, ADE event Amsterdam. For now she’s based in Berlin, focusing on music production and studying modular synthesizers.


Date : 11月07日 Thu,7,Nov.

Time : 22:00 
Address : 杭州市上城区中山南路77号313室 
313, 77 Zhongshan South Road 
Tickets : 50RMB(预售presale /现场doors) 

Artists : Mlrv / Moon



Long press the program to buy ticket



Presale Untill 02:30,08,Nov.

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