
失信的仲裁 | 孙杨案36问 (7)

马服子 赵括辨法 2022-01-17

Doping control out of control

Arbitration waxingarbitrary


首先,细扣《国际泳联反兴奋剂规则》(“FINA DC”)的法条来确认WADA的逾期递交;接着,对照FINA DC的版本迭代来验证正确解读;最后,挑破仲裁书中的李代桃僵来破解仲裁庭的指鹿为马。

  • 《CAS体育仲裁规则》(“CAS Code”)规定:上诉状必须在FINA DC规定的上诉时限之后的10天内提交给CAS。[1]

  • FINA DC规定,向CAS提起上诉的期限为收到裁定书后的21天;但WADA和国际泳联(“FINA”)作为特殊机构,在上述期限之外享有额外的21天。[2]

  • 2019.1.7,WADA收到FINA反兴奋剂委员会的裁定书。[3]

  • 2019.2.22,仲裁庭给予WADA一次20天的延期。[4]

  • 2019.4.3,WADA向CAS提交上诉状。[5]

  • CAS Code自己规定的上诉时限为21天。[7]

  • 瑞士国际仲裁法规定上诉时限为30天。[8]

  • 瑞士民事诉讼法规定上诉时限也是30天。[9]




  1. 被上诉案件中的任何一方上诉时限之后的21天;或

  2. WADA获得案件完整资料后21天。


  1. 除WADA之外的任何一方的上诉时限之后的21天;或

  2. FINA获得案件完整资料后21天。

有朋友也许会问,FINA有那么神叨叨吗?在上诉时限的规定中特意区分“案件当事方”和“有权上诉方”。其实,FINA DC自身的版本迭代就是个有力的证据。上面援引的是2019年的适用版本,再来看一下2021年的修订版(见下图)。

首先,新版FINA DC将“案件当事方”改成了“有权上诉方”;这说明规则制定者明确知道这两者是不同的概念,区分使用是有意的选择。其次,新版FINA DC统一了对FINA和WADA的规定文字,都指向“有权上诉方”;这也印证了在旧版中,以“同样地”一词引导的对FINA上诉时限的规定也指向“案件当事方”。
看到这里,细心研究过CAS仲裁书的朋友一定会犯嘀咕:仲裁庭不是说本案的管辖法律是2021年版的FINA DC吗?那上面引用旧版本的法条岂不扯淡?对喽,这就是接下来要让大家见识的,道貌岸然的仲裁庭有多么心黑手辣。

CAS仲裁书中写道:本庭认为,鉴于2021年版的FINA DC的规则对运动员最为有利,罪刑从轻原则支持使用该版本;因此确认,本案的管辖法律为2021年版的FINA DC。[12]
乍一看,仲裁庭运用罪刑从轻原则,适用新版FINA DC是为了运动员好,因为新版规则的禁赛处罚条款更为宽松。[14]

仲裁庭为啥要顶着原则性错误适用2021年版的FINA DC呢?因为新版规则中,WADA上诉时限是以“有权上诉人”的期限为基础的;这样CHINADA的21天就可以计算进去,那么WADA在4月3日递交诉状就不算逾期了。
FINA DC好端端的干嘛要修订上诉时限条款呢?因为WADA在修订新版《世界反兴奋剂条例》(“WADA Code”)时,将上诉时限条款中的“案件当事方”改成了“有权上诉方”;然后,通过2020年6月下发的《国际体育组织2021年规则模板》,要求FINA依样画葫芦,也将“案件当事方”改成“有权上诉方”(见下图)。[16]

WADA在2019年修订WADA Code时并没有大动作,为何突然在2020年紧锣密鼓地调整文字呢?估计是在首轮仲裁结束后意识到,如果按照旧版FINA DC的规定,以“案件当事方”的上诉时限作为计算基础,诉状递交必然逾期;因此,WADA及时促成FINA修订新规,CAS乱用罪刑从轻原则,上下其手以应对运动员方面在期限计算上的发难。



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失信的仲裁 | 36问-Q4:IDTM法律报告呢

失信的仲裁 | 36问-Q3:ADAMS授权书呢
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西媒急需普法 | 36问-号外:违规训练调查

失信的仲裁 | 36问-引子:不破不立

[1] CAS Code of Sport-related Arbitration (2019), R51 Appeal Brief, “Within ten days following the expiry ofthe time limit for the appeal, the Appellant shall file with the CAS Court Office a brief stating the facts and legal arguments giving rise to the appeal, together with all exhibits and specification of other evidence upon which it intends to rely.”

[2] FINA Doping Control Rules (2017), DC 13.7.1 Appeal to CAS, “The deadline to file an appeal to CAS shall be twenty-one (21) days from the date of receipt of the decision by the appealing party…The above notwithstanding, the filingdeadline for an appeal filed by WADA shall be the…[t]wenty-one (21) days after the last day on which any other party in the case could have appealed…Similarly, the filing deadline for an appeal by FINA shall be…[t]wenty-one (21) days after the last day on which any other party (except WADA) could have appealed before CAS…”
[3] CAS Award II, 2019/A/6148, 22 June 2021, para. 184, “On 7 January 2019, the FINA Doping Panel decision was transmitted to WADA.”
[4] Id., para. 154, “WADA also received a 20-day extension of the usual time limit in a letter from the CAS on 22 February 2019.”
[5] Id., para. 168, “WADA submits that its Appeal Brief, filed on 3 April 2019, was timely.”
[6] Id., para. 174, “Accordingly, the deadline for filing WADA’s Appeal Brief is calculated as: 7 January 2019 (transmittal of decision) + 21 days (other parties’ deadline) + 21 days (FINA’s deadline) + 21 days (WADA’s deadline, ordinarily) + 20 days (CAS extension) = 10 April 2019.”
[7] CAS Code of Sport-related Arbitration (2019), R49 Time limit for Appeal, “In the absence of a time limit set in the statutes or regulations of the federation, association or sports-related body concerned, or in a previous agreement, the time limit for appeal shall be twenty-one days from the receipt of the decision appealed against.”
[8] Swiss Private International Law Act (2021), art. 190(4), “The time limit for the challenge is 30 days from the notification of the award.”
[9] Swiss Civil Procedure Code (2018), art. 311 Filing of appeal, “The appeal must be filed in writing and with a statement of the grounds with the appellate court within 30 days of service of a decision…”
[10] CAS Award II, para. 157, “The alternative deadline is calculated as follows: 7 January 2019 + 21 days (other parties’ deadline) + 21 days (FINA and WADA deadlines) + 10 days + 20 days = 20 March 2019.”
[11] Id., para. 188, “Had the drafters of the FINA DC intended to impose the same deadline on WADA and FINA alike – something which, WADA has argued, would have violated FINA’s obligations to craft its rules consistent with the World Anti-Doping Code – then there would have been no need to separate out FINA’s and WADA’s deadlines into two independent subsections of the rules.” See also, Id., para. 190, “The positions of FINA and WADA are indeed ‘similar’ – they both enjoy more time than other parties, such as the China Anti-Doping Agency – but their positions are not identical. Under the rules, FINA can appeal after the expiry of the deadline for appeal by any other party, except WADA. WADA, in contrast, can appeal after any other party – including FINA.”
[12] CAS Award II,para. 211, “In the Panel’s view, the 2021 FINA DC constitute the more favorable set of rules, and the principle of lex mitior therefore supports their application. Accordingly, the FINA DC (2021 edition) and the ISTI (2017 edition) govern…”
[13] Swiss Criminal Code (2020), art. 2, “Any person who commits a felony or misdemeanour prior to this Code coming into force is only subject to its terms in the event that the penalty hereunder is reduced than the penalty that would otherwise apply.”
[14] FINA Doping Control Rules (2021), DC 10.3.1, “…in all other cases, if the Athlete or other Person can establish exceptional circumstances that justify a reduction of the period of Ineligibility, the period of Ineligibility shall be in a range from two (2) years to four (4) years depending on the Athlete or other Person’s degree of Fault…”
[15] 4A_620/2009, 7 May 2010, para. 4.3.2.

[16] 2021 Model Rules for International Federations, June 2020 v. 2.0, art. 13.6.1, “The above notwithstanding, the filing deadline for an appeal filed by WADA shall be the later of: (a)Twenty-one (21) days after the last day on which any other party having a rightto appeal could have appealed…” See also, Id., p. 2, “The attention of each International Federation is drawn to the clauses in these Model Rules which must, in all circumstances, be reproduced without substantive change in the International Federation’s Anti-Doping Rules. Such clauses, which are specified in Article 23.2.2 of the Code, are highlighted in yellow in the text of the Model Rules.”

