

One Speech A Day 精彩英文演讲 2023-01-02


2020年以来,特斯拉从年初的60美元一路飞升至661.77美元,一年跻身“十倍股”。也就在2019年,创始人马斯克(Elon Musk)还在和一众华尔街“大空头”大打口水仗,而到了2020年,如果哪个基金没有买特斯拉或新能源产业链的明星股,那么估计年终排名都会出问题。另外一个问题也来了,这一年,究竟是谁在帮马斯克封神?

12月1日,特斯拉首席设计师Franz von Holzhausen通过远程连线的方式,与中国媒体进行了深度交流。

特斯拉首席设计师Franz在对谈中表示:“总体来说,特斯拉没有具体的设计理念来限定特斯拉车辆的外观设计。”正是因此,我们才能从“火星车”Cybertruck上看到与Model 3等车型截然不同的设计语言,也理解了为何适用于Cybertruck的材料并不完全适用于Model 3等其它产品。关于特斯拉的设计理念,Franz强调“我们会用第一性原理,将一些工程设计的原则融合在我们的设计理念上,这样可以让我们用最好、最简单的方法来让设计理念真正落地。”





让我们通过一篇虎嗅网的一篇深度文章,来了解一下这位站在特斯拉马斯克背后的这个男人特斯拉首席设计师弗兰兹·冯·霍尔扎森(Franz von Holzhausen)

作者|张博文 来源|虎嗅

马斯克,特斯拉 CEO,时间管理大师,每周 80 小时工作,掌管多家公司,照顾 6 个孩子,还不耽误谈恋爱。

马斯克的时间有多宝贵,从他坐私人飞机的次数就能看出来,之前有个数据,马斯克在 2018 年乘坐私人飞机的航程达到了 150,000 英里(约241,401公里),大约有 250 个航班。

甚至在这一年的记录里,这架飞机有好几次只飞了 30 多公里就落地了,从洛杉矶南飞到洛杉矶北,就是为了去更近的机场接马斯克去下一个目的地。







2010 年,在特斯拉关于 Franz 任职首席设计师的声明中,马斯克总结了特斯拉品牌的三大特性:惊人的设计、突破性的科技和极致的服务。

看着相当激进,像是要吊打一切品牌。但实际上,Franz 作为首席设计师,在打造特斯拉车型时,其实有着相当理性的考虑。

举个例子,Model S 作为特斯拉第一辆大批量交付的车型,Franz 本可以设计出更有“未来感”的轿跑,但最终却还是选了较低调保守的风格。

Franz 给出的设计逻辑是:Model S 要养眼高级,但不该一味追求酷;产品得让人觉得舒服,有亲和力,感觉是自己能够长期拥有的东西。

除了这种看起来略微“假大空”、套在任何产品设计上都能用的话术,Franz 还说过一种更为具象的表述。他说自己的设计,是以环法自行车赛手为灵感的,因为这些自行车赛手,都不是肌肉型猛男。

这明显是一种权衡策略,Model S 的定位是对标宝马 7 系和奔驰 S 级的四门豪华轿车,售价不低,目标消费者年龄也并不特别年轻。这部分消费者,想要不一样的豪华车,但对特别酷的车型其实并不是特别买账。

所以 Model S 保持了相对保守的外观设计,当然,相对保守不代表 Model S 的设计循规蹈矩,即使在 2020 年,看老款的 Model S,也不会有特别落后的感觉。

对于这一点,Franz 明确说过很多次:电动汽车,并不需要多么奇特的造型来彰显自己的电动风格。

但后来,Cybertruck 发布,格外科幻的造型似乎一下打了 Franz 自己的脸,Cybertruck 的造型,之前只出现在科幻电影里。

于是在大量的中文媒体解读中,这样的设计被理解为,因为特斯拉靠 Model 3 已经名利双收了,所以人们更容易接受特斯拉“瞎搞”,再加上皮卡本来就是小众车型,所以设计怪一点也无所谓。

这其实是一种明显的井底观天式误解。要知道,特斯拉是一家美国公司,而在美国,皮卡是一种主流车型,Franz 设计 Cybertruck 的逻辑,也与当年在做 Model S 时一样,并非为了酷而酷。

Franz 说:皮卡在美国太普遍了,雪弗兰,克莱斯勒,道奇其实在皮卡上面都是很强的,但是他们的皮卡都长的差不多,似乎这个车型在过去五六十年都没有什么改变。而特斯拉有机会打破一些过去的范式。

所以你看,Cybertruck 的 Cyber,并不是为了致敬赛博朋克设计风格,而是本身的诞生过程就很赛博朋克:“街道会为自己找到用途。”设计的前卫也是脱胎于对功能的思考。

类似的功能引导设计的考量还出现在 Model X 代表性的鹰翼门上。

特斯拉的设计哲学其实就是这样,是一种建立在实用主义上的创新。Franz 也强调了作为设计师和作为艺术家之间的区别:艺术家可以只考虑美的问题,而设计师则要考虑美感和实际功能的双重层面,这一哲学很明显的体现在每一辆特斯拉车型中。



估计没多少人听过席德·米德(Syd mead)这个名字,但就是这个人,定义了赛博朋克的影像风格。





Franz 曾经谈到过自己过往经历对自己的影响:在大众集团的经历让我学会如何将设计和品质相结合,在那里我学会的是严谨。而在通用,我体验的是自由精神,和品牌能做什么。马自达的任务(当时Franz 在马自达的任务主要是做概念车)有点不一样,它要求你做的是超前一点的,超出消费者期待的东西。

而加入特斯拉,在马斯克的支持下,Franz 才有了更多在传统汽车工业看上去匪夷所思、但一定在以后会被验证正确的设计选择。

在 Model 3 上,特斯拉大胆取消了传统汽车的仪表、方向盘上的复杂按键,以及中控台繁琐的多媒体和空调控制按钮,取而代之的,是一整块横向放置的大屏幕。

这样的设计直到现在,依然让很多人难以理解。尤其是对于新车主来说,斜着眼睛看一眼时速,总是不太方便的。但实际上,Franz 想要实现的,是一种在驾驶辅助系统的帮助下,更舒心的出行“驾驶体验”。


其实现在再看 Franz 这样的表述,就不难理解 Model 3 如此设计内饰的逻辑了。

在 Model S 时代,特斯拉的 autopilot 逐渐被人接受,而直到 Model 3 开始普及,特斯拉的 autopilot 从驾驶辅助功能慢慢进化到 FSD,一个接近全自动驾驶的高级别驾驶辅助。

如果说传统汽车的仪表盘是能让驾驶员在开车的过程中快速了解车辆的状况,而在开启驾驶辅助的 Model 3 上,仪表的必要性就没那么大了,方向盘后尽可能简约的设计,是为了留出更多的空间,让驾驶员能把视线尽可能集中在道路上,确保驾驶辅助正确与安全的运行。

所以 Franz 才会说,我们是刻意保持这种极简主义的风格,而取消掉各种实体按键,也是特斯拉认为,信息娱乐系统是车内最关键的东西,其他硬件不要那么喧宾夺主。



对于 Franz 来说,也只有在特斯拉,在马斯克的支持下,才能实现这一点,回过头看 Franz 的前东家们:大众正在极力学习特斯拉,希望不在这个时间段掉队。以通用为代表的美系品牌,似乎还得努力多卖 SUV 车型,来支撑生存。


当你出生时曾经有的任何科技是平凡的,都是天下本来秩序的一部分;当你 15 到 35 岁之间诞生的任何科技都是新颖的,是令人振奋能改变天下的革命性产物,你能够在其中寻找到本身的事业;当你35岁以后诞生的任何科技,都是不遵守事物发展的自然规律的。

很显然,无论是马斯克,还是 Franz,都看透了定律,抛开了过去的行业范式,用合理的颠覆,让特斯拉成为了大量百年车企眼中“不遵守事物发展的自然规律”的异类。

Franz 说:“在特斯拉有一点非常好,跨学科、跨部门合作非常顺畅,我们的设计师也有工程思维,工程师也会考虑设计,大家都是开放的,我们都是以问题为导向的,而不是个人英雄主义,我们是团队解决问题的。大家有问题互相一起解决。”


3 Insights From Holzhausen 

You Can Apply to Life and Business

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Tesla has disrupted the automotive market and helped shift major carmakers towards producing electric vehicles at an accelerated pace. The company always seems to be up to something innovative, like it's newest announcement about an electric pickup truck to be released sometime in 2020 or thereabouts.

You always hear Elon Musk’s name when people talk about these developments, but one of the major keys to all that success is the unique car design of the company’s Chief Automotive Designer Franz von Holzhausen. He designed the Model S starting in 2008.

While you will probably never design a car, you can apply the principles von Holzhausen used in designing an electric vehicle from scratch to design your life as well. Read on to learn more about the principles used by the man who created something so new and innovative yet still heavily steeped in old school appeal.

1. Efficiency In Planning

It only took Tesla around eight months to release the Model S prototype in 2009 after announcing it. This is a process that takes years for most carmakers. Sure, there were a lot of sleepless nights, but Von Holzhausen and his team are said to have also streamlined their approach to maximize results and avoid wasting time on what they felt were unnecessary steps.

You can take this approach to your work projects. Here are some areas you can start with.

Focus: Science shows that multi-tasking kills productivity. So, avoid it. Cut down distractions, isolate yourself and focus on one task at a time. Employ tools that aid you in this, but mind how they drag your attention away. These can detract as much as help.

Delegation: Taking on too many tasks does not lead to efficient work. It creates a stressed worker who refuses to let go of projects and burns out. People in positions of power often break this rule and, worse yet, expect the same from those who want to move up in the world. A true leader understands when to hand stuff off to a team and when to stay out of their way. If you remain so involved in a project that you might as well do it yourself, you haven’t properly delegated.

Track your time: If pressed, can you give an accurate measurement of how much time you spend being productive versus wasting time? Keeping track of your time spent working versus being “busy” could enlighten you as to where you are truly investing yourself. To be efficient, you need to plan activities and projects. Set a time for a task, say a phone call, and end it on time. If you cannot complete the work on time, schedule more time tomorrow and keep that in mind in the future when allotting time for projects.

Downtime: Despite what many career-driven people think, all work with no downtime does not equal more productivity. Your body needs rest and time away from work to recharge and attack each day anew.

2. Mind the details

Von Holzhausen’s approach zeroes in on details other car manufacturer’s take for granted to capitalize on areas often overlooked. He focused on the door handle, for example, changing the design to improve the first contact a driver has with the car.

Thorough completion of a task requires you to give every aspect of the project some level of solid attention, regardless of how small. What’s the “door handle” in your current project? As you work, you may discover certain parts require more attention. Your focus may shift, but remember to go back and attend to everything else too.

What does attention to detail look like during and after a project?

It usually shows up as precise, consistent results on everything you need to report, while giving something to interested parties in a form they can use. You can do this using a schedule, with help from checklists and shared calendars. This helps prevent small details from falling into cracks. This level of attention also lets you monitor the specifics and quality of work, all while providing an avenue for expressing concerns and making course corrections.

Finally, it frees you to work unsupervised as your results give supervisors confidence in your skills.

3. Try something new

When von Holzhausen moved from Mazda to Tesla, he made a choice many experts questioned. Leaving an established automobile manufacturer took him off the road to the top, according to traditional thinking.

Instead of staying safe, he took a chance on a company many thought would go under before it made good on any of its future promises. That choice set him on a different path, which led him to incredible results.

You may not have the option of changing careers or employers, but you can employ new approaches to the same effect. This can mean something as simple as changing your work environment through either rearranging things or working someplace different altogether. Your team can make use of technology it didn’t have before.

If you are the project lead and recently learned some new management tricks, try them out to see what works. Try testing team member skills in areas outside of their normal areas of focus.

Knowing where your “box” is can help you examine new ways to work both inside and outside of it. Von Holzhausen didn’t invent entirely new ways to design cars; he changed venues and explored new ideas in design approaches he already understood. He used new technology to complete the same processes more efficiently.

特斯拉首席设计师名言Historically, there has been a gap between single-purpose racecars and street-legal models - commonly called supercars - that emulate the real racers on the road.Tesla is changing the paradigm. We're going to turn the world on its ear and create high demand through design.There is a new hunger in the air for automotive design and looking to where automobiles are going in the future. Tesla will capture this through good design and engineering.People want to feel good about the choices they make. They want to know they're choosing material that's not going to harm the environment.We still see that people don't really realize that electric cars are here right now. And when we show up with an actual vehicle, and you see it drive away under its own power, it's still kind of a jaw-dropping moment for a lot of people.My sister has kids, including two in baby seats, and she drives a minivan. I had to climb over the car seats to get into the back seat, and it seemed ridiculous to have to do gymnastics to get in and out of the car.My mom marched into the reservation tent and reserved a Model X for herself. She drives a Jeep; she has four grandchildren. She didn't ask my dad. She just went ahead and did it.We're looking for the early adopter who considers style to be an important part of the purchase decision. But they'll be getting a practical car with plenty of trunk space they can use for picking up building supplies at Home Depot.The thing I love about electric vehicles is not stopping in gas stations. We're so accustomed to that... Now I'm in control of when I refuel.

— 往期精彩英文演讲集 —
马斯克家族的百年创业史: 共出道9位企业家,成功并非偶然!



