

One Speech A Day 精彩英文演讲 2022-08-28



“我们已经知道,未来的十年将是历史上最重要的时刻。”剑桥公爵威廉王子(Prince William)如是说。受到约翰·肯尼迪总统“登月计划”的启发,他呼吁我们所有人迎接我们有史以来最大的挑战:“地球计划(Earthshots)”。“地球计划” 为地球制定了一系列雄心勃勃的目标,旨在保护和恢复自然、清洁空气,让海洋恢复生机,打造一个零垃圾的世界,并解决气候问题——所有这些目标都将在未来十年实现。要做到这一点,我们需要全球各地的人们怀揣着紧迫感、创造力和实现这一目标的坚定信念,共同努力。


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Hello, everyone. Growing up in my family gives you a certain sense of history. I'm simply the latest in a line that can be traced back generations. This oak tree is close to Windsor Castle, which has been home to my family for over 900 years. Thirty-nine monarchs have lived here and enjoyed these beautiful surroundings.

大家好。在我的家族中长大, 可以带给人一定的历史感。我是我们家族几十代人中的晚辈。这棵橡树靠近温莎城堡, 900 多年间, 我的家族有 39 位君主曾居住在此, 欣赏着这些美丽的风景。

I've walked here many times myself, and it always amazes me that some of the trees planted here, living organisms, dependent on soil, rain and sunlight, were here as they laid the first stones of Windsor Castle. That makes some of the oaks here almost 1,000 years old. These trees germinated during the reign of William the Conqueror in 1066, from a simple acorn like this. By the time that Henry VIII lived here, they'd grown into mature, impressive giants. And amazingly, some of those very same trees still survive here today. They're a bit gnarled and hollowed-out, but they're still very much alive.

我曾多次造访这里, 这里的一些树木 总是令我叹为观止。在温莎堡刚刚破土动工时, 它们就已扎根在这里,沐浴阳光雨露。有些橡树已有近千年的历史了。1066 年,在征服者威廉统治时期, 这些树木就开始 从这样不起眼的橡子中生根发芽。亨利八世住在这里的时候, 它们已经长成了参天大树。令人惊讶的是, 其中有些橡树今天依然存活着。尽管它们已饱经风霜, 躯干早已残缺不堪, 但是仍然绽放着顽强的生命力。

While these oaks have been growing, around 35 billion people have lived their lives on our planet. That's 35 billion lifetimes' worth of hope, love, fear and dreams. In that time, humankind has invented air travel, vaccines and computers. We've explored every part of the globe, sequenced the human genome and even escaped Earth's atmosphere. Our speed of innovation has been incredible, but so, too, has the acceleration of our impact.

在这些橡树的生命周期中, 约有 350 亿人 陆续生活在我们的星球上。那是 350 亿个生命 承载的希望、爱、恐惧和梦想。在此期间,人类发明了飞机、 疫苗和计算机。我们已经探索了世界的每个角落, 完成了人类基因组测序, 甚至成功的冲破了地球的大气层。我们的创新速度令人难以置信, 但是,我们的影响也在加速。

Over my grandmother's lifetime, the last 90 years or so, our impacts accelerated so fast that our climate, oceans, air, nature and all that depends on them are in peril. This oak has stood here for centuries, but never has it faced a decade like this.

在过去 90 年,我祖母的一生中, 我们的影响加速得如此之快 , 以至于气候、海洋、空气、自然 以及所有依赖于它们的一切, 都陷入了危险之中。这棵橡树在这里伫立了几个世纪, 但它从未经历过这样的十年。

We start this new decade knowing that it is the most consequential period in history. The science is irrefutable. If we do not act in this decade, the damage that we have done will be irreversible. And the effects felt not just by future generations but by all of us alive today. And what's more, this damage will not be felt equally by everyone. It is the most vulnerable, those with the fewest resources and those who've done the least to cause climate change who will be impacted the most.

我们早就知道, 接下来的十年 是历史上最重要的时期。科学结论是无可辩驳的。如果我们在这十年间不采取行动, 我们所造成的破坏将是不可逆转的, 不仅会影响子孙后代, 我们这一代人也难以幸免。而且,这样的破坏 并非对每个人都是平等的。那些最脆弱的、 拥有的资源最少、 以及那些对气候影响最小的人, 受到的冲击却是最大的。

These stark facts are terrifying. How can we hope to fix such massive intractable problems? It may seem overwhelming, but it is possible. Humans have an extraordinary capacity to set goals and strive to achieve them. I've long been inspired by President John F. Kennedy's 1961 mission to put a man on the moon within a decade. He named it the Moonshot. It seemed crazy. We'd only just launched the first satellite. Putting a man on the moon that quickly seemed impossible. But this simple challenge encompassed so much. He called it a goal to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills. In taking that giant leap for mankind, the team behind the Moonshot united millions of people around the world -- that this crazy ambition wasn't so crazy after all. And along the way, it helped the invention of breathing equipment, CAT scanners and solar panels.

这些严峻的事实令人不寒而栗。我们应该如何解决 如此庞大而棘手的问题?这虽然令人感到束手无策, 但却依然有一线希望。人类非常擅长设定目标, 并去努力实现。多年以来,我一直 因约翰·肯尼迪总统 于1961 年宣告的使命而深受鼓舞—— 在十年内将人类送上月球。他将其命名为“登月计划”。这看似疯狂之举, 毕竟当时,我们刚刚 发射了第一颗卫星。这么快就把人类送上月球, 几乎只是异想天开。但是这个看似简单的挑战 却意义深远。他将其称作组织和衡量 人类的能力和技术极限的一个目标。为了人类的巨大飞跃, 登月计划背后的团队 团结了世界各地数百万人。从而让这看似疯狂的雄心 显得不再那么不切实际。一路走来,它推动了 呼吸设备、CAT扫描仪 和太阳能电池板的发明。

But now, rather than a Moonshot for this decade, we need Earthshots. We must harness that same spirit of human ingenuity and purpose and turn it with laser sharp focus and urgency on the most pressing challenge we have ever faced, repairing our planet. The shared goals for our generation are clear. Together, we must protect and restore nature, clean our air, revive our oceans, build a waste-free world and fix our climate. And we must strive to do all of this in a decade.

但是现在,我们需要的不再是 一个为期十年的登月计划, 而是“地球计划”。人类必须利用同样的 创造精神,众志成城, 以激光般的精准度 密切关注并紧急应对 我们所面临的最紧迫的挑战, 修复我们的星球。我们这一代人的共同目标很明确:我们必须共同保护和恢复自然, 净化空气,清理海洋, 建立一个无浪费的世界,并改善气候。而且,我们还必须努力 在十年内实现所有这一切。

If we achieve these goals, by 2030 our lives won't be worse, and we won't have to sacrifice everything we enjoy. Instead, the way we live will be healthier, cleaner, smarter and better for all of us.

如果到 2030 年, 我们能够实现这些目标, 我们的生活环境就不会继续恶化, 也不必牺牲自己热爱的一切。相反,我们所有人的生活方式 都会更健康、 更洁净、更智能、更美好。

The global response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the funds flowing into the economic recovery demonstrate how much can be achieved when those in positions of power come together and decide to act. We built hospitals overnight, repurposed factories, poured billions into the search for a vaccine and better treatments. And we've been inspired by heroes emerging in every community across the world. Young people no longer believe that change is too difficult. They witnessed the world turn on its head. They believe that the climate crisis and the threat to our biodiversity deserves our full attention and ambition. And they're right.

全球对新冠肺炎大流行的应对, 为推动经济复苏所投入的资金 都证明了, 若当权者凝聚在一起 并决定采取行动时, 我们可以取得多大的成就。我们在一夜之间 建造了医院,改造了工厂, 投入了数十亿美元研发疫苗 和更好的治疗方法。在世界各地的每个社区中, 英雄人物层出不穷。年轻人不再相信 变革是遥不可及的。他们目睹了全世界的改变。他们相信,气候危机 以及对我们生物多样性的威胁, 都应该得到大家的充分重视。他们是对的。

So now is the time for each one of us to show leadership. Whether you're a farmer in the US, a tech owner in China, a politician in Kenya, a banker in Britain, a fisherman in the Maldives, a community leader in Brazil or a student in India, every single one of us has a role to play in harnessing whatever opportunity we have. I'm committed to using the unique position that I have to help set those Earthshot goals and reward people across every sector of society and in every part of the world who do their bit to help achieve them. Some people are motivated to act by a crisis, but for many, the incentive to act only comes when they believe that change is possible, that it isn't a lost cause. If people really believe that these challenges, these Earthshots, are possible, just imagine all the potential we will unleash.

现在是我们每个人 展现领导力的时候了。无论你是美国的农民、 中国的技术所有者、 肯尼亚的政府人士、 英国的银行家、马尔代夫的渔民、 巴西的社区领袖, 还是印度的学生, 我们每个人都能 扮演好自己的角色, 去抓住我们拥有的任何机会。我致力于利用自己独特的优势, 帮助制定“地球计划”的目标, 并奖励社会各界以及世界各地 为实现这些目标做出贡献的人们。有些人受危机影响 而不得不采取行动, 但是对于许多人来说, 采取行动的动机只是因为 他们相信改变是可能的, 我们可以逆转现状。如果人们真的相信这些挑战, 相信“地球计划”是可行的, 不妨可以想象一下 我们所能释放的所有潜力。

I'm determined to both start and end this decade as an optimist. Whilst our generation represents just a blip in the lifetime of these magnificent oaks, we have the power and potential to ensure that they and all life on earth thrive for another thousand years and more. But only if we now unleash the greatest talents of our generation to repair our planet. We have no choice but to succeed.

我决心以乐观的态度 开启和结束这个十年。虽然在这些宏伟橡树的生命周期中, 我们这一代人的寿命 只是一个短暂的瞬间, 但我们有力量和潜力, 以确保它们和地球上的所有生命, 在未来的几千年中 依然可以健康的繁衍生息。但前提是,我们现在就要充分发挥出 我们这一代最伟大的才能, 来修复我们的星球。除了成功,我们别无选择。

Thank you.


— 往期精彩英文演讲集 —



