

One Speech A Day 精彩英文演讲 2023-01-03






How Covid’s Delta Variant Quickly Spread Globally

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- [Narrator] A COVID-19 variant first detected in India in October of 2020 has quickly spread around the world and been detected in nearly 100 countries within 10 months.

As of July, more than 80% of known COVID cases in the US are caused by the Delta variant.

- The Delta variant is currently the greatest threat in the US to our attempt to eliminate COVID-19.

- The Delta variant is both more transmissible and possibly more severe.

- [Narrator] Studies have shown that some COVID vaccines are effective at preventing symptomatic illnesses caused by the strain.

Nevertheless, as of July, cases are on the rise in countries where a large part of the population is vaccinated.

Even countries that have been previously spared from the pandemic are now battling a ferocious wave of infections.

We look at some moment in key countries to understand why the deadly outbreak of Delta is not just threatening the economic recovery but also the return to normal around the world.

First, we go back to October of 2020.

Health authorities say the Delta variant was first detected here in the state of Maharashtra in India.

By the spring, the number of cases in India began ticking up.

Then from March to May, infections jumped 20-fold, plunging the country in disarray.

- [Betsy] It ripped through the country.

Thousands and thousands of new infections every day.

Hospitals were completely overwhelmed and they were running out of oxygen for patients who needed help breathing.

- [Narrator] Public health experts blamed India's deadly wave on several factors.

There were political rallies for state elections that drew large crowds.

There was also a religious festival in April when millions of Hindus gathered to bathe in the Ganges River.

And then a few days later, the government relaxed safety measures like mask wearing and social distancing.

But scientists say what really helped accelerate the case load was Delta variant's molecular composition and its nine key mutations in the protein spikes that surround the virus.

Mutations on these spikes allow the varies to invade human cells more easily, making the Delta variant about 50% more transmissible than others.

By June 1st, the variant wasn't only in India but detected in more than 60 countries.

And the United Kingdom was one of the first Western countries to see an alarming increase in cases as Delta became the dominant strain.

- We're seeing cases growing by about 64% per week and in the worst affected areas, it's doubling every week.

- [Narrator] What surprised health officials was that around 75% of the adult British population had already received at least one dose of a vaccine and about 50% was fully vaccinated.

- The UK's a really unfortunate situation.

There are good levels of vaccination there but the variant took off anyway.

- [Narrator] And that was partly because vaccines were reacting differently to Delta than they had to earlier strains.

By mid-June, studies showed that one dose of some vaccines was 17% less effective at preventing symptomatic illnesses caused by Delta.

But two doses provided good protection.

- The more the Delta variant is allowed to spread, the greater the risk of mutations, which would evade the vaccines or evade treatments.

And we'd kind of almost be back to the beginning.

- [Narrator] By late June, Delta was detected in countries that had been slower to vaccinate, in part because they had been spared the brunt of the pandemic and cases began rising in these places.

Australia and Thailand imposed lockdowns.

Even Japan decided to ban spectators at the Olympics because of a new wave of infections.

- There are many, many, many countries that don't have access to vaccine yet.

Not many people in the population are vaccinated.

And this is the huge concern about this variant.

That it's just going to rip through these countries.

- [Narrator] Meanwhile, in the US, as people headed into their 4th of July weekend, the Delta variant had become the dominant strain.

People were traveling again and many stopped wearing masks after the CDC said it wasn't necessary for those who were fully vaccinated.

The variant has mostly spread to areas where vaccination rates have been slow.

In some parts of the country, like in Los Angeles, authorities have asked people to wear masks in indoor public places, regardless of vaccination status.

But some public health experts say the appetite for another lockdown is low.

- It's difficult to ask people to once again adopt these measures.

The message is everybody needs to get vaccinated.

- [Narrator] So on July 4th, Biden urged people to do just that as the administration planned to make it easier for people to get their shots, like sending more mobile clinics to festivals and sporting events.

- While the virus hasn't been vanquished, we know this, it no longer controls our lives.

It no longer paralyzes our nation and it's within our power to make sure it never does again.

- [Narrator] And that means it's a race against time to vaccinate more people around the world before the coronavirus mutates against.












她还补充道,‌‌ 近期病例报告增多主要还是跟这次疫情发生场所的特殊性,以及病毒的传染性强有关。"‌‌ 此次引发疫情的毒株传染能力强、传播速度快,本轮疫情发生场所的特殊性也导致了传播面的进一步扩大。"

‌‌另外,在当前阶段扩大管控、密集筛查,正在尽可能尽早的发现病例。‌‌ 本次疫情早期感染是出现在机舱的保洁人员当中,然后在保洁人群中快速传播,通过他们的社会活动或者是家庭接触以及对工作场所的污染,‌‌ 导致了进一步传播。"‌‌ 我们排查追踪到了大量的密切接触者和密切接触者,并且管理起来,通过对这些管控人群每天分不同时段进行检测,病例被不断发现。从发病日期来看,在26日上升很快,符合新冠肺炎的流行和传播的特点。" 丁洁说。‌







— 往期精彩英文演讲集 —

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