

Chess 西南山地 2020-02-24

Following on from my last article about charities and organisations doing similar work to Swild in the UK, today I bring you three new organisations and charities, so you can find out more about the kind of work going on and how you could get involved!


4. WWF——世界自然基金会

The WWF does not just work in the UK, but is an international organisation that has projects throughout the world. 'WWF' stands for 'World Wide Fund for Nature'. Since the start of the 1960s, the WWF has worked to reduce the impact of humans on the environment.

WWF的全称是World Wide Fund for Nature,他们不止在英国开展项目,这是一家遍布全球的国际性组织。从19世纪60年代起,WWF就一直致力于减少人类生活对自然环境造成的影响。

It is the largest conservation organisation in the world, with 5 million supporters in over 100 countries. In the 21st century, WWF concentrates on restoring populations of 36 species which are of particular importance to their ecosystems or people (including the giant panda, elephants and whales).



There are many ways that you can get involved in the work of the WWF, one of which is to adopt animal. In return for a small monthly financial contribution, you receive a cuddly toy, regular updates about the species and also an information pack. 


Another way you might like to support the WWF, is through participating in 'Earth Hour'. Earth Hour brings people together all over the world in a coordinated event where they switch off their lights in support of climate change. Last year, 9 million people in the UK alone took part. The next event is happening Saturday 24th March 2018 at 8.30pm (British time)– put it in your diaries!



5. RSPCA——皇家防止虐待动物协会

The RSPCA is charity that specialises in animal rescue and furthering the cause of animals. The initials stand for 'The Royal Society forthe Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' and it was founded in 1824, making it one of the oldest animal welfare organisations in the world.

RSPCA的全称是The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal,专门从事动物救援的机构,并全力促进动物行业,成立于1824年,是世界上最古老的动物福利组织之一。


The RSPCA are the charity who are called in response to complaints of animal cruelty. They treat injured animals, educate the general public, raise awareness and lobby for animal rights. Last year, they rescued over 129,000 animals in England and Wales. Not only do they rescue pets like dogs and cats, but also farm animals like pigs and chickens and reptiles like snakes and geckos. During winter, they are often called out to help hedgehogs, like the one in the photo!

应对动物虐待的控诉是这个慈善机构成立的初衷,他们善待受伤的动物, 向大众宣传动物权利并提高大家的意识性。仅仅去年, 他们在英格兰和威尔士就拯救了至少12.9万种动物。除了狗、猫之类的宠物, 猪、鸡之类的饲养动物,还有蛇和壁虎等爬行动物也在RSPCA的工作范围内。冬天, 为了拯救刺猬,人们经常向RSPCA求助, 照片里的这位宝宝正是被救助的一只!

Although the RSPCA only works in England and Wales, they give some great advice that are applicable to all potential pet owners around the world. For example, the RSPCA always suggest adopting a pet and rehoming one from a rescue shelter rather than 'shopping' for a puppy. They also have many tips on their website about the best way to look after your pets!



6. WWT——野生鸟类和湿地基金会

In the UK, one of our favourite national pastimes is taking a walk to feed the ducks. This simple act is part of the ethos of the WWT. The 'WWT' stands for 'Wildfowland Wetlands Trust', a charity involved in the conservation of wetlands, which are home to many bird and plant species. It has been in operation since the mid-1940s.

英国人最喜爱的一项消遣就是散步去喂野鸭子,而这个不经意间的小举动正是WWT传播理念的一部分。WWT的全称是Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust,一家致力于湿地保护的公益机构,19世纪40年代成立后就一直在保护更多的鸟类栖息地和植物生存环境,免除或减轻这类环境遭受的破坏。


Something that makes this more important is the fact that 1 in 8 wetland species are threatened with extinction in the UK. There are ten WWT reserves across the UK – which I would recommend visiting if you’re ever in the UK. They are especially great for bird watchers, with lots of hide outs, meaning you get the best opportunity to see species up close or if you're looking for a family day out!



「 148种猛禽、攀禽与陆禽 」趣味袭来


岩羊 Pseudois nayaur 





