
交换机|The 3rd Peking University Digital Humanities Forum

零壹Lab 2022-10-08

Incubation and Application: How Digital Humanities Projects Cater to Academic Needs

Digital Humanities (DH) is a new paradigm for using digital methods and tools for humanities teaching, learning, and research. In helping humanities scholars propose, redefine, and answer humanities research questions, it is transforming the study of the humanities. In May 2016 and May 2017, Peking University (PKU) hosted two international forums: The First PKU DH Forum, with the theme “Crossing Boundaries and Engaging Communities: Digital Humanities in A Global Perspective”, and The Second PKU DH Forum, with the theme “Interaction and Coexistence: Digital Humanities and Historical Research”.

In order to further engage the use of digital technologies in the humanities, and also to strengthen DH collaboration and communication, the 3rd Peking University Digital Humanities Forum will be held in Peking University on June 13-15th, 2018.

1. The Third PKU DH Forum Focus:

Incubation and Application: How Digital Humanities Projects Cater to Academic Needs


Topical Area 1: Needs of the Digital Academic

If you are a teacher or researcher in humanities and require the use of digital tools in discovering, annotating, comparing, referring, sampling, illustrating, and representing scholarly information, what ideas do you have for improving these tools? What are the specific needs for digital research in your field? What problems or difficulties have you encountered in the related research? Your paper or poster can discuss relevant issues and/or suggest solutions.


Topical Area 2: Best Practices for DH Projects

If you have ever taken part in DH projects, or if you have studied any DH projects (no matter their size), what insights can you share about their design, procedures, management, and outcomes? How can we learn from their best practices or experiences?


Topical Area 3: DH Tools and Research Infrastructures

How can digital technologies improve humanities research and teaching? Please give specific examples or use case studies to explain. We also welcome submissions about any aspect of building a cyberinfrastructure for DH research, such as studies on data standards.


Topical Area 4: Processing Source Material with DH Approaches

How do you deal with the digitization, visualization, and/or data mining of your scholarly materials? These may include the processing of maps, ancient rubbings, ancient books, etc. that are held in libraries, museums, and archives.


Topical Area 5: Other Topics

Any others relevant to DH teaching and research are welcome. 

2. Submissions Process

a) Please send your submission as a paper (Word document), PowerPoint presentation, or poster. Include with it (1) a title; (2) names of author(s), with information about their position(s), affiliation(s), and email address(es); (3) 3-7 keywords about your submission.

* There is no word limit for your submission, but you should include at least enough content to help the selection committee comprehend your research topic.


b) Please email all submissions and inquiries to: 3dh@lib.pku.edu.cn. Please name the subject of the e-mail in the format of "Title - Author - Affiliation".

3. Important Dates

Early Jan. 2018     Call for papers opens

Late Jan. 2018  Online registration begins

April 1st 2018 Deadline for submissions

Post the formal meeting announcement

April 15th 2018  Invitations to be sent out to selected authors

May 8th 2018 Deadline for online registration

June 6th 2018Deadline for submission of final papers and posters

June 13-15th 2018 Forum is held in Peking University

After June 15th 2018High quality submissions will be recommended to scholarly journals for publication. Outstanding submissions will be introduced to relevant DH institutions for incubation and collaboration.

4. Forum Registration

Please use the online registration form to register for the forum: https://www.wjx.top/jq/20615924.aspx

Or Scan the QR code:

5. Organizers & Co-Organizers


Peking University Library

School of Information Management, Peking University

PKU Center for Compilation of Ruzang 儒藏

The China Biographical Database Project (Harvard, PKU, Academia Sinica)


Editorial board of Journal of Academic Libraries (大学图书馆学报)

Editorial board of Library Tribune (图书馆论坛)

6. Dates and Venue

Dates: June 13th to 15th, 2018

Venue Location: Peking University, Beijing (Exact location TBD)

7. Languages Used

Chinese and English. Presentations and posters can be given in English.

8. Contact Information

Zhang Ning 张宁

Peking University Library

Tel.: 86-10-62753907

Email: zhangn@lib.pku.edu.cn


主编 / 徐力恒

责编 / 陈静 顾佳蕙

美编 / 傅春妍





