
交换机 | 再思中国人文的数据化:数码人文网上工作坊

CityU 零壹Lab 2022-10-08

Date: 18 June 2021 (Friday)

Time: 9:30 am to 6:30 pm

(All sessions listed in this programme are scheduled in Hong Kong Time (UTC/GMT+8). Please use Time Zone Converter to check the local time in your area.)

Online on Zoom

All are welcome. Register for the workshop in READ MORE (阅读原文).

Opening Address

9:30 am - 9:45 am


Head and Professor

Department of Chinese and History, City University of Hong Kong

TSUI Lik Hang  徐力恆

Assistant Professor

Department of Chinese and History, City University of Hong Kong

Social Network Analysis, Literary Communities, and Women's Literature: Poetry Exchange Networks Among 18th-Century Women Poets in China

9:45 am - 10:30 am


Assistant Professor

Department of Chinese Culture, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Reflections on Close Encounters with Digital Humanities East and West

10:30 am - 11:15 am



Executive Director, Research Centre for Digital Publishing and Digital Humanities

Beijing Normal University at Zhuhai


11:30 am - 12:15 am

HE Jie 何捷

Associate Professor

Director, Spatial Humanities and Place Computation Laboratory

School of Architecture, Tianjin University


12:15 am - 1:00 pm

CHYU Shih-Wen 邱诗雯

Assistant Professor

Department of Chinese as a Second Language, National Taiwan Normal University

MCBD: A Biographical Database for Modern Chinese History

3:00 pm - 3:45 pm

Christian HENRIOT

Professor of Modern Chinese History

Aix-Marseille University



Postdoctoral Researcher

Aix-Marseille University

Fostering Digital Humanities Research in Hong Kong Literature: Data-Mining The Chinese Student Weekly

3:45 pm - 4:30 pm

Wendy H. Y. WONG

Research Data Librarian

Chinese University of Hong Kong Library

Engaging Scholars, Students, and the Public with Digital Humanities using Mobile Applications

4:30 pm - 5:15 pm

Eric H. C. CHOW


Apps Resource Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University

Workshop Session:

Collecting Historical “Big” Data from Chinese Local Gazetteers

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Shih-Pei Chen

Senior Research Scholar

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

In this workshop session, we will introduce LoGaRT, a suite of digital research tools that helps historians to study digitised local gazetteers (difangzhi 地方志). LoGaRT is designed with the philosophy of “treating the genre as a database for research inquiry” by using a large collection of digital gazetteers to statistically represent the genre. Practically, LoGaRT allows scholars to collect historical “big” data from digitised gazetteers via search or text-tagging. Once a historical dataset is collected, LoGaRT allows scholars to apply visual and statistical tools to obtain its overall distributions (the so-called “bird's-eye view”), which also serve as reading guides to understand the dataset in depth. Having the ability to quickly collect historical data brings scholars to confront the challenge of how to best interpret such data, which will be also discussed in the workshop.

Additional materials:

For those who would like to follow along during the workshop session, you are encouraged to register for a LoGaRT account at https://logart.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/LGServices2/. You are also welcome to watch the hands-on tutorial videos before the session (at https://youtu.be/VdILoBhzymI), but this is not required before you join the workshop.

Organiser: Department of Chinese and History, City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大学中文及历史学系

Enquiries: 3442 2054

Email: lhtsui@cityu.edu.hk / cah@cityu.edu.hk  

主编 / 徐力恆

责编 / 徐力恆

美编 / 张家伟

