

2017-12-03 原著共读

BBC news with Jerry Smit.

Jerry Smit为您报道BBC新闻。

President Trump is in China, the latest stage in his tour of Asia, with North Korea once again topping the agenda. He flew in from South Korea where he said in his speech to national assembly that Beijing, Pyongyang's key supporter was under no obligation to protect the North. Mr. Trump also reassured South Korea about the strength of its 60 years alliance with U.S, and praised the South as a place of progress and economic power, in contrast with what he called North Korea's cruel dictatorship.


Democrats in the United States have won the first state-wide election since Donald Trump came into power. After a bitterly fought campaign, the party's candidate for governor of Virginia Ralph Northam scored a clear victory over his republican rival Ed Gillespie. President Trump tweeted Mr.Gillespie has not embraced him for what he stood for. The democrats also won in New Jersey.

美国民主党人赢得了自特朗普总统上台执政以来首次州政府选举。经过激励的竞选之后,民主党佛吉尼亚州州长候选人诺瑟姆(Ralph Northam)以明显优势击败了共和党竞争对手埃德·吉莱斯皮(Ed Gillespie)。特朗普总统发表推文称,吉莱斯皮没有接纳他代表的立场和观点。民主党在新泽西州也赢得了胜利。

Several major roads and some rail lines in the Spanish region of Catalonia are reported to be blocked by pro-independence activists. Separatist groups also called a general strike in the region, in protest against the detention of former Catalan ministers sacked by Spanish central government.


The Somali government has asserted that it has won the military battle against Al Shabaab militants, enabling African Union forces to begin a gradual withdrawal from the country over the new two years. The first contingent of the 1000 soldiers will leave by the end of the year.


A senior U.S general has sounded the warning about further cuts to Britain's arm forces. Lieutenant general Ben Hodges said UK's role as the leading member of NATO could be undermined.

美国一名资深将军警告英国可能进一步裁军。陆军中将Ben Hodges表示,英国在北约的领先地位会被削弱。

All primary schools in the Indian capital Delhi have been shut because of high level of air pollution. All outdoor activities have also been banned across the capital schools. Dense smog crowded the roads for a second day in Delhi.


BBC news.


