

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-03



1. Martin, J. L. (2017). Thinking Through Methods: A Social SciencePrimer. Chicago; London:University Of Chicago Press.


芝加哥大学社会学教授J.L.M.的写作非常有风格。他是唯一一位以两本著作《Social Structures》和《The Explanation of Social Action》,获得两次美国社会学会(ASA)的theory section的社会学理论家。



《Sociological理论大缸》曾对《Social Structures》作过介绍,见第25期:Randall Collins书单:21世纪社会学理论的十大著作



虽然这是一本教科书,是《Thinking Through Theory》(2014)的姐妹篇。他的文笔很犀利,也不乏幽默和黑人~。《爱尔兰社会学杂志》(Irish Journal of Sociology)对他有过一篇访谈,也不少犀利俚语。


又比如2016年的《Towarda Nightmare-Resistant Sociology》一文里第一段:


What Do Sociologists Do All Day?
American sociologists have a number of things in common. They find, or create, data. They focus on some parts of the data in some structured projections, often by comparing cases to one another. They interpret the patterns that they produce in the data. And then they develop stories about why certain things have happened. This is a reasonable way to spend one’s days.

The problem is that at night, they toss and turn, trying to banish from their minds a vision of the way the world may be, one that, or so they assume, would undermine all that they do in their daylight hours.


2. Wagner-Pacifici, R. (2017). WhatIs an Event? Chicago; London:University Of Chicago Press.


Wagner - Pacifici于2010年在AJS上发了一篇事件理论的作品,theorizing the restlessnessof event,批判和重构了William H. Sewell Jr.的事件社会学。其提出的政治语义学机制,是在2007年作品已有框架(《The Art of Surrender: Decomposing Sovereignty at Conflict's End》)中发展的。


从W-P的2015年作品《A Manifestion for a Quantum Sociology of Events》来看,可能是更进一步,发展出来新的框架,以此作为2017年这本书的导论,并且超出了2010AJS那篇的案例范围(911事件)。值得期待,她会给事件社会学带来什么新的冲击。





3. Benzecry ,Claudio, Monika Krause and Isaac Reed. (2017). Social Theory Now. Chicago; London:University Of Chicago Press.






Introduction: Social Theory Now

1. On the Very Idea of Cultural Sociology

2. Varieties of Micro-sociology

3. Globalizing Gender

4. World Capitalism, World Hegemony, WorldEmpires

5. Postcolonial Thought as Social Theory

6. On the Frontiers of Rational Choice

7. Systems in Social Theory

8. The Patterns in-Between: ‘Field’ as aConceptual Variable

9. Poststructuralism Today

10. Networks and Network-Theory: PossibleDirections for Unification

11. Actor-Network Theory

12. The Sociology of Conventions and Testing

13. Norms and Mental Imagery 

4. Granovetter, M. (2017).Society and Economy: Framework and Principles. Cambridge, Massachusetts:Belknap Press: An Imprint of Harvard University Press.



5.Levine, D. N. (2017). Dialogical Social Theory. Transaction Publishers.



据介绍,是希望将德国存在主义哲学家马丁布伯(Martin Buber)在《我与你》真正的对话(Genuine dialogue)概念带到社会学中。


6.Rojas, F. (2017). Theory for the Working Sociologist. Columbia University Press.



I have been thinking about this since I got a hostile peer review for an early draft of Theory for the Working Sociologist. In the  first draft of the book, I began with a very uncontroversial stance. In the mid-20th century, Parsons attempted to unify sociology through structural functionalism. That was rejected and now we have a world of competing schools of thought. The book would then be a guide to the"post-Parsons" world. Even though no one disputed the truth of this approach, the reviewers thought it was horrible to bring this up. In a later version of the book, a separate reviewer went ballistic because I had "too much Parsons" - a total of 3 paragraphs out of 70,000 words! People were touchy. 



1. What Counts as SocialTheory for This Book?
2. Power and Inequality
3. Strategic Action
4. Values and Social Structures
5. Social Construction
6. Combining Different Theories


7.Norman Blaikie, Jan Priest. (2017). Social Research: Paradigms in Action. Polity Press.

这本书重点在paradigms。它是从Neo-positive,Interpretive and the Critical Realist来谈科学解释的问题。目录如下:


1 Fundamental Choices inSocial Research

2 Road Maps for Research

3 Principles of Neo-positive Research

4 Two Illustrations of theNeo-positive Research Paradigm in Action

5 Principles of Interpretive Research

6 Two Illustrations of the Interpretive Research Paradigm in Action

7 Principles of Critical Realist Research

8 Two Illustrations of the Critical Realist Research Paradigm in Action

9 Multiple Paradigm Research

10 And Another Thing

Appendix: Review Questions




8. Bourdieu, Pierre.(2017). Uprooting. Polity Press【写是2016年12月出,到现在还没】


9. Jeffrey C. Alexander. (2017). The Drama of Social Life.Polity Press.

10.Anthony Giddens, Philip W. Sutton. (2017) Sociology, 8th Edition. Polity Press





