
我要怎么办《Sociological Theory》杂志?Emirbayer的八条寄语

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-02




1. 不能光要长论文,也要短论文才行!


Blumer’s “Race Prejudice as a Sense of Group Position,” which wasonly five pages…We need more flexibility, a greater range of acceptable,legitimate options,
including occasional long pieces but also some very short ones. We need avariety that reflects the diversity of ways in which good theorizing can bedone. Sometimes good ideas fail to come out because authors feel they need towork up a standard 20-30 pp.


2. 让研究生和助理教授的稿子更优先更及时地被审!

And simple human thoughtfulness and recognition of the burdens allscholars face, particularly young scholars who can ill afford a year’s wait,also can make a difference whenever delays are unavoidable. I would institute asystem of prioritizing the timely turnaround of papers submitted by graduatestudents and assistant professors, making sure that, barring the most unusualcircumstances, they got their papers reviewed on time and decisions returned.


3. 搞些讨论版,能收短论文也能提升讨论水平,它将比newsletter更聚焦比标准长论文更辩论

I would designate one or another of these deputy editors to takethe lead in putting together specific symposia….I envision symposiaanswering the need for intellectual debate somewhere in the intermediate zonebetween the informal discussions periodically printed in the ASA Theory SectionNewsletter and the standard, article-format contributions that ST typicallypublishes. In other words, something more formal than the former but moredebate-and issue-oriented than the latter.


4. 记住Abbott的吐糟审稿人为什么越来越教学范而不是咨询顾问范呢!审稿意见都写短点(1页纸),快交来!

Abbott has written in Department and Discipline thatreviewers increasingly view their role as pedagogical rather than advisory. Ifencouragement of shorter, more advisory rather than pedagogical reviews wereseen as a good idea, I would let reviewers know (when first inviting them toreview a paper) that a one-page, succinct review would be more than sufficient.



My criterion for publishing something in ST simply wouldbe, “Does it raise the level of the intellectual debate?”



——要超越一些老的划分:beyondthe old divisions between, say, quantitative and qualititive inquiry; or workthat primarily is disciplinary in focus and work that is more public-oriented;or research that is empirically rich and work whose hallmark is theoreticalsophistication.



As for the management of my time constraints as ST editor,the typical workload of 1-2 days per week for editing ST would beentirely doable within the framework of my regular teaching schedule.


8. 我将组建的编委还可以会关注前沿的、跨界的:芝加哥风格的、布迪厄式民族志、实用主义导向的、机制解释的、分析社会学……

sociological theory as a field thatdoes not limit itself to the conventional topics(e.g., study of canonic authors) but rather is, or ought to be, vitallyinvolved in the most cutting-edge lines of thinking andresearch in the discipline. I would try to have representation ontheboard of areas such as historical and cultural analysis; Chicago-style as wellas Bourdieuian ethnography; pragmatism-inspired research; andmechanisms-based, analytic sociology.



