

2017-10-16 iNature iNature

iNature:在植物学主流专刊中,主要有Plant Cell,Molecular Plant,Plant Journal,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,NEW PHYTOLOGIST,Plant Biotech J,Plant Cell &Environ,Nature Plants等8种期刊。现在经过前期的测试,iNature决定每天遴选8大植物学主刊各1篇(福利版),共8篇文章,推送给大家,使大家能及时的了解植物学领域的动态。

Plant Cell: Usadel等人使用了纳米测序技术,进行组装西红柿基因组;

Nature Plants: Jones等人使用新的方法,使GA在体内的可视化;

Molecular Plant:黄继荣组MGT10锰离子运输通道新的生理学作用;

Plant Journal:张大兵等人发展了花药和花粉发育基因的基因共表达网络;

PLANT PHYSIOLOGY:严建兵等人使用GWAS方法研究玉米和水稻的种子的大小和重量;

NEW PHYTOLOGIST:西南大学Lailiang Cheng研究组证明山梨醇合成减少导致异常雄蕊;

Plant Biotech J:钱前研究组发表了“小花小穗”作为一种新型资源有可能提高水稻产量;

Plant Cell &Environ:施华中等人阐述了HDA6在拟南芥中抗病中的作用。

1Plant Cell:西红柿纳米测序技术


Updates in nanopore technology have made it possible to obtain gigabases of sequence data. Prior to this, nanopore sequencing technology was mainly used to analyze microbial samples. Here, we describe the generation of a comprehensive nanopore sequencing dataset with a median read length of 11,979 bp for a self-compatible accession of the wild tomato species Solanum pennellii. We describe the assembly of its genome to a contig N50 of 2.5 MB. The assembly pipeline comprised initial read correction with Canu and assembly with SMARTdenovo. The resulting raw nanopore-based de novo genome is structurally highly similar to that of the reference S. pennellii LA716 accession but has a high error rate and was rich in homopolymer deletions. After polishing the assembly with Illumina reads, we obtained an error rate of <0.02% when assessed versus the same Illumina data. We obtained a gene completeness of 96.53%, slightly surpassing that of the reference S. pennellii. Taken together our data indicate that such long read sequencing data can be used to affordably sequence and assemble gigabase-sized plant genomes.



2Nature Plants:GA在体内的可视化


The phytohormone gibberellin (GA) is a key regulator of plant growth and development. Although the upstream regulation and downstream responses to GA vary across cells and tissues, developmental stages and environmental conditions, the spatiotemporal distribution of GA in vivo remains unclear. Using a combinatorial screen in yeast, we engineered an optogenetic biosensor, GIBBERELLIN PERCEPTION SENSOR 1 (GPS1), that senses nanomolar levels of bioactive GAs. Arabidopsis thaliana plants expressing a nuclear localized GPS1 report on GAs at the cellular level. GA gradients were correlated with gradients of cell length in rapidly elongating roots and dark-grown hypocotyls. In roots, accumulation of exogenously applied GA also correlated with cell length, intimating that a root GA gradient can be established independently of GA biosynthesis. In hypocotyls, GA levels were reduced in a phytochrome interacting factor (pif) quadruple mutant in the dark and increased in a phytochrome double mutant in the light, indicating that PIFs elevate GA in the dark and that phytochrome inhibition of PIFs could lower GA in the light. As GA signalling directs hypocotyl elongation largely through promoting PIF activity, PIF promotion of GA accumulation represents a positive feedback loop within the molecular framework driving rapid hypocotyl growth.



3Molecular Plant:黄继荣-MGT10锰离子运输通道新的生理学作用


we provided several lines of genetic and physiological evidence supporting that MGT10 plays an important role in chloroplast development and photosynthesis. First, loss-of-function mgt10 mutants exhibit yellow reticulated veins and hypersensitivity of PSII activity to high light; second, chloroplasts in the yellow

section of mgt10 developed longer grana stacks with more layers of the thylakoid membrane, which may make the damaged PSII to move more difficultly to the stroma thylakoids for the repair of D1 protein or reduce photoprotection, and ultimately result in a significant decrease of PSII activity in high light; third, mgt10 chloroplasts accumulated a higher level of Mg 2+ , indicating that the envelope-localized MGT10 is a Mg 2+ transporter from chloroplasts into the cytosol; last, low light can significantly rescue the yellow cotyledon phenotype of mgt10. Since we also observed increased content of other ions such as Ca 2+ and Fe in mgt10, the possibility cannot be excluded

that the observed phenotype of the mutant is also related to the altered levels of these ions. It has been known for a long time that the light-induced increase of Mg 2+ in the chloroplast stroma is crucial for coordinated regulation of light and dark reactions in photosynthesis. Our discovery on the physiological role of  MGT10 in chloroplast development and photosynthesis lays a basis to elucidate molecular mechanisms by which Mg 2+ levels in the stroma are dynamically regulated in response to various stimuli in the future.



4Plant Journal:张大兵-用于鉴定花药和花粉发育基因的基因共表达网络


In plants, normal anther and pollen development involves many important biological events and complex molecular regulatory coordination. Understanding gene regulatory relationships during male reproductive development is essential for fundamental biology and crop breeding. In this work, we developed a rice gene co-expression network for anther development (RiceAntherNet) that allows prediction of gene regulatory relationships during pollen development. RiceAntherNet was generated from 57 rice anther tissue microarrays across all developmental stages. The microarray datasets from 9 rice male sterile mutants, including msp1-4, ostdl1a, gamyb-2, tip2, udt1-1, tdr, eat1-1, ptc1 and mads3-4, were used to explore and test the network. Among the changed genes, three clades showing differential expression patterns were constructed to identify genes associated with pollen formation. Many of these have known roles in pollen development, for example 7 genes in Clade 1 (OsABCG15, OsLAP5, OsLAP6, DPW, CYP703A3, OsNP1 and OsCP1) are involved in rice pollen wall formation. Furthermore, Clade 1 contained 12 genes whose predicted orthologs in Arabidopsis have been reported as key during pollen development and may play similar roles in rice. Genes in Clade 2 are expressed earlier than Clade 1 (anther stages 2-9), while genes in Clade 3 are expressed later (stages 10-12). RiceAntherNet serves as a valuable tool for identifying novel genes during plant anther and pollen development. A website is provided (h t t p s://w w w.cpib.ac.uk/anther/riceindex. html) to present the expression profiles for gene characterisation. This will assist in determining the key relationships between genes, thus enabling characterization of critical genes associated with anther and pollen regulatory networks.



5PLANT PHYSIOLOGY:严建兵-使用GWAS方法研究玉米和水稻的种子的大小和重量


Maize (Zea mays) is a major staple crop. Maize kernel size and weight are important contributors to its yield. Here, we measured kernel length, kernel width, kernel thickness, hundred kernel weight, and kernel test weight in 10 recombinant inbred line populations and dissected their genetic architecture using three statistical models. In total, 729 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were identified, many of which were identified in all three models, including 22 major QTLs that each can explain more than 10% of phenotypic variation. To provide candidate genes for these QTLs, we identified 30 maize genes that are orthologs of 18 rice (Oryza sativa) genes reported to affect rice seed size or weight. Interestingly, 24 of these 30 genes are located in the identified QTLs or within 1 Mb of the significant single-nucleotide polymorphisms. We further confirmed the effects of five genes on maize kernel size/weight in an independent association mapping panel with 540 lines by candidate gene association analysis. Lastly, the function of ZmINCW1, a homolog of rice GRAIN INCOMPLETE FILLING1 that affects seed size and weight, was characterized in detail. ZmINCW1 is close to QTL peaks for kernel size/weight (less than 1 Mb) and contains significant single-nucleotide polymorphisms affecting kernel size/weight in the association panel. Overexpression of this gene can rescue the reduced weight of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) homozygous mutant line in the AtcwINV2 gene (Arabidopsis ortholog of ZmINCW1). These results indicate that the molecular mechanisms affecting seed development are conserved in maize, rice, and possibly Arabidopsis.



6NEW PHYTOLOGIST:山梨醇合成减少导致异常雄蕊


  • Sugars produced by photosynthesis not only fuel plant growth and development, but may also act as signals to regulate plant growth and development. This work focuses on the role of sorbitol, a sugar alcohol, in flower development and pollen tube growth of apple (Malus domestica).

  •  Transgenic ‘Greensleeves’ apple trees with decreased sorbitol synthesis had abnormal stamen development, a decreased pollen germination rate and reduced pollen tube growth,which were all closely related to lower sorbitol concentrations in stamens. RNA sequencing and quantitative RT-PCR analyses identified reduced transcript levels during stamen develop-ment and pollen tube growth in the transgenic trees of a stamen-specific MYB39-like transcription factor, MdMYB39L, and of its putative target genes involved in hexose uptake, cell wall formation and microsporogenesis.

  •  Suppressing MdMYB39L expression in pollen via antisense oligonucleotide transfection significantly reduced the expression of its putative target genes and pollen tube growth. Exogenous sorbitol application during flower development partially restored MdMYB39L expression, stamen development, and pollen germination and tube growth of the transgenic trees. Addition of sorbitol to the germination medium also partially restored pollen germination and tube growth of the transgenic trees.

  •  We conclude that sorbitol plays an essential role in stamen development and pollen tube growth via MdMYB39L in apple.



7Plant Biotech J:钱前-“小花小穗”作为一种新型资源有可能提高水稻产量


Yield in rice (Oryza sativa) is determined by three major components: panicle number per plant, grain weight, and grain/spikelet number per panicle (Zhou et al., 2015). Grain number per panicle is one of the main targets, and mainly results from the number of spikelets. Traditionally, rice breeders have focused on the improvement of spikelet number per panicle and rarely focused on the number of florets because a normal rice spikelet has one fertile floret and produces one seed.



8Plant Cell &Environ:施华中-HDA6在拟南芥中抗病中的作用


Plant defense mechanisms are suppressed in the absence of pathogen attack to prevent wasted energy and growth inhibition. However, how defense responses are repressed is not well understood. Histone Deacetylase 6 (HDA6) is a negative regulator of gene expression, and its role in pathogen defense response in plants is not known. In this study, a novel allele of hda6  (designated  as shi5) with spontaneous defense response was isolated from a forward genetics screening in Arabidopsis. The shi5 mutant exhibited increased resistance to hemi-biotrophic bacterial pathogen Pst DC3000, constitutively activated expression of pathogen responsive genes including PR1, PR2, etc, and increased histone acetylation levels at the promoters of most tested genes that were up-regulated in shi5. In both wild type and shi5 plants, the expression and histone acetylation of these genes were upregulated by pathogen infection. HDA6 was found to bind to the promoters of these genes under both normal growth conditions and pathogen infection. Our research suggests that HDA6 is a general repressor of pathogen defense response and plays important roles in inhibiting and modulating the expression of pathogen responsive genes in Arabidopsis.


















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