

2017-10-26 iNature iNature

iNature:在植物学主流专刊中,主要有Plant Cell,Molecular Plant,Plant Journal,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,NEW PHYTOLOGIST,Plant Biotech J,Plant Cell &Environ,Nature Plants等8种期刊,另外,加一个综合性的杂志,选定标准主要是IF>9(PNAS以上级别)以上。现在经过前期的测试,iNature决定每天遴选8大植物学主刊各1篇再加上综合性的杂志(IF>9,PNAS以上级别)一篇文章,共9篇文章,推送给大家,使大家能及时的了解植物学领域的动态:

Nature genetics:德国莱布尼茨植物遗传与作物植物研究所Reif等人揭示定量遗传框架突出了面包小麦籽粒产量杂种优势的上位效应作用;

Plant Cell:韩国首尔国立大学Park等人揭示E3连接酶ZEITLUPE在热胁迫条件下介导变性蛋白质聚集体的清除,从而提高昼夜节律钟的耐热性和热稳定性;

Nature Plants:中科院遗传发育研究所高彩霞等人发表在植物里面的基因编辑的进展及展望的综述;

Molecular Plant:华南农业大学刘耀光等人发表基因和顺式调控区域的靶向基因组编辑,改进了作物的定性和定量性状;

Plant Journal:德国霍恩海姆大学Leiser等人揭示现代绿色革命的一个基因,用于降低小麦的高度;

PLANT PHYSIOLOGY:中国农业科学院FuLu Chen等人揭示两种SUMO蛋白酶-发育相关的SUMO 蛋白酶1及2在 拟南芥中被需要发育过程;

NEW PHYTOLOGIST:山东农业大学张宪省等人揭示DNA 甲基转移酶MET1介导的芽再生,是由拟南芥中的细胞分裂素诱导的细胞周期调节;

Plant Biotech J:西班牙可持续农业研究所Barro等人使用CRISPR / Cas9设计的低麸质,非转基因小麦;

Plant Cell &Environ:法国的UMR LSTM中的Prin等人揭示巴西豆科植物Piptadenia gonoacantha中高效结瘤和丛枝菌根的相互依赖关系;

1Nature genetics:德国莱布尼茨植物遗传与作物植物研究所Reif等人揭示定量遗传框架突出了面包小麦籽粒产量杂种优势的上位效应作用


Increasing wheat yield is a key global challenge to producing sufficient food for a growing human population. Wheat grain yield can be boosted by exploiting heterosis, the superior performance of hybrids compared with midparents. Here we present a tailored quantitative genetic framework to study the genetic basis of midparent heterosis in hybrid populations derived from crosses among diverse parents. We applied this framework to an extensive data set assembled for winter wheat. Grain yield was assessed for 1,604 hybrids and their 135 parental elite breeding lines in 11 environments. The hybrids outperformed the midparents by 10% on average, representing approximately 15 years of breeding progress in wheat, thus further substantiating the remarkable potential of hybrid-wheat breeding. Genome-wide prediction and association mapping implemented through the developed quantitative genetic framework showed that dominance effects played a less prominent role than epistatic effects in grain-yield heterosis in wheat.



2Plant Cell:韩国首尔国立大学Park等人揭示E3连接酶ZEITLUPE在热胁迫条件下介导变性蛋白质聚集体的清除,从而提高昼夜节律钟的耐热性和热稳定性


Cellular proteins undergo denaturation and oxidative damage under heat stress, forming insoluble aggregates that are toxic to cells. Plants possess versatile mechanisms to deal with insoluble protein aggregates. Denatured proteins are either renatured to their native conformations or removed from cellular compartments; these processes are often referred to as protein quality control. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) act as molecular chaperones that assist in the renaturation-degradation process. However, how protein aggregates are cleared from cells in plants is largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that heat-induced protein aggregates are removed by a protein quality control system that includes the ZEITLUPE (ZTL) E3 ubiquitin ligase, a central circadian clock component in Arabidopsis thaliana. ZTL mediates the polyubiquitination of aggregated proteins, which leads to proteasomal degradation and enhances the thermotolerance of plants growing at high temperatures. The ZTL-defective ztl-105 mutant exhibited reduced thermotolerance, which was accompanied a decline in polyubiquitination but an increase in protein aggregate formation. ZTL and its interacting partner HSP90 were cofractionated with insoluble aggregates under heat stress, indicating that ZTL contributes to the thermoresponsive protein quality control machinery. Notably, the circadian clock was hypersensitive to heat in ztl-105. We propose that ZTL-mediated protein quality control contributes to the thermal stability of the circadian clock.



3Nature Plants:中科院遗传发育研究所高彩霞等人发表在植物里面的基因编辑的进展及展望的综述


The emergence of sequence-specific nucleases that enable genome editing is revolutionizing basic and applied biology. Since the introduction of CRISPR–Cas9, genome editing has become widely used in transformable plants for characterizing gene function and improving traits, mainly by inducing mutations through non-homologous end joining of double-stranded breaks generated by CRISPR–Cas9. However, it would be highly desirable to perform precision gene editing in plants, especially in transformation-recalcitrant species. Recently developed Cas9 variants, novel RNA-guided nucleases and base-editing systems, and DNA-free CRISPR–Cas9 delivery methods now provide great opportunities for plant genome engineering. In this Review Article, we describe the current status of plant genome editing, focusing on newly developed genome editing tools and methods and their potential applications in plants. We also discuss the specific challenges facing plant genome editing, and future prospects.



4Molecular Plant:华南农业大学刘耀光等人发表基因和顺式调控区域的靶向基因组编辑,改进了作物的定性和定量性状


The Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-associated protein 9 (CRISPR/Cas9)-based genome editing system is a revolutionary technology for targeted mutagenesis in molecular biology research and genetic improvement of traits in crops . Agronomic traits of crops are controlled by major genes and quantitative trait loci (QTL). Therefore, the CRISPR/Cas9 system can be used to effectively and rapidly produce mutant traits by different strategies .



5Plant Journal:德国霍恩海姆大学Leiser等人揭示现代绿色革命的一个基因,用于降低小麦的高度


Wheat yield increases during the late 20th century Green Revolution were achieved through the introduction of Reduced height (Rht) dwarfing genes. The Rht-B1 and Rht-D1 loci ensured short stature by limiting response to the growth-promoting hormone gibberellin and are now widespread through international breeding programs. However, this interference with the plants’ response to gibberellin also ensues adverse effects on a range of important agronomic traits and consequently modern Green Revolution genes are urgently required. In this study, we revisited the genetic control of wheat height using an association mapping approach and a large panel of 1,110 worldwide winter wheat cultivars. This led to the identification of a major Rht locus on chromosome 6A, Rht24, which substantially reduces plant height alone as well as in combination with Rht-1b alleles. Remarkably, behind Rht-D1, Rht24 was the second most important locus for reduced height, explaining 15.0% of the genotypic variance and exerting an allele substitution effect of -8.8 cm. Unlike the two Rht-1b alleles, plants carrying Rht24 remain sensitive to gibberellic acid treatment. Rht24appears in breeding programs from all investigated countries of origin with increased frequency over the last decades, indicating that wheat breeders have actively selected for this locus. Taken together, this study reveals Rht24 as an important Rht gene of commercial relevance in worldwide wheat breeding.



6PLANT PHYSIOLOGY:中国农业科学院FuLu Chen等人揭示两种SUMO蛋白酶-发育相关的SUMO 蛋白酶1及2在 拟南芥中被需要发育过程


In plants, the post-translational modification small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) is involved in regulating several important developmental and cellular processes, including flowering-time control and responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. Here, we report two proteases, SUMO PROTEASE RELATED TO FERTILITY (SPF) 1 and SPF2, that regulate male and female gamete and embryo development and remove SUMO from proteins in vitro and in vivo. spf1 mutants exhibit abnormal floral structures and embryo development, while spf2 mutants exhibit largely a wild type phenotype. However, spf1 spf2 double mutants exhibit severe abnormalities in microgametogenesis, megagametogenesis and embryo development, suggesting that the two genes are functionally redundant. Mutation of SPF1 and SPF2 genes also results in mis-expression of generative- and embryo-specific genes. In vitro, SPF1 and SPF2 process SUMO1 precursors into a mature form, and as expected in vivo, spf1 and spf2 mutants accumulate SUMO-conjugates. Using a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified EMBRYO SAC DEVELOPMENT ARREST9 (EDA9) as a SPF1 interacting protein. In vivo, we demonstrate EDA9 is sumolyated and in spf1 mutants EDA9-SUMO conjugates increase in abundance, demonstrating that EDA9 is a substrate of SPF1. Together, our results demonstrate that SPF1 and SPF2 are two SUMO proteases important for plant development in Arabidopsis thaliana.



7NEW PHYTOLOGIST:山东农业大学张宪省等人揭示DNA 甲基转移酶MET1介导的芽再生,是由拟南芥中的细胞分裂素诱导的细胞周期调节


DNA methylation plays a critical role in diverse biological processes of plants. Arabidopsis DNA METHYLTRANSFERASE1 (MET1) represses shoot regeneration by inhibiting WUSCHEL (WUS) expression, which is essential for shoot initiation. However, the upstream signals regulating  MET1 expression during this process are unclear.We analyzed the signals regulating  MET1  expression using a number of established strategies, such as genetic analysis, confocal microscopy, quantitative real-time PCR and chromatin immunoprecipitation.MET1 expression patterns underwent dynamic changes with the initiation of WUS during shoot regeneration. The cell cycle regulator E2FA was characterized as an upstream factor directly promoting  MET1  expression. Moreover, cytokinin promoted MET1 expression partially by enhancing CYCD3 expression.Our findings reveal that MET1-mediated shoot regeneration is regulated by the cytokinin-induced cell cycle, and provide new insights into the regulation of DNA methylation in shoot regeneration.



8Plant Biotech J:西班牙可持续农业研究所Barro等人使用CRISPR / Cas9设计的低麸质,非转基因小麦


Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder triggered in genetically predisposed individuals by the ingestion of gluten proteins from wheat, barley, and rye. The -gliadin gene family of wheat contains four highly stimulatory peptides, of which the 33-mer is the main immunodominant peptide in celiac patients. We designed two sgRNAs to target a conserved region adjacent to the coding sequence for the 33-mer in the -gliadin genes. Twenty-one mutant lines were generated, all showing strong reduction in -gliadins. Up to 35 different genes were mutated in one of the lines of the 45 different genes identified in the wild type, while immunoreactivity was reduced by 85%. Transgene-free lines were identified, and no off-target mutations have been detected in any of the potential targets. The low-gluten, transgene-free wheat lines described here could be used to produce low gluten foodstuff and serve as source material to introgress this trait into elite wheat varieties.



9Plant Cell &Environ:法国的UMR LSTM中的Prin等人揭示巴西豆科植物Piptadenia gonoacantha中高效结瘤和丛枝菌根的相互依赖关系;


Tripartite interactions between legumes and their root symbionts (rhizobia, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)) are poorly understood, although it is well established that only specific combinations of symbionts lead to optimal plant growth. A classic example in which to investigate such interactions is the Brazilian legume tree Piptadenia gonoacantha (Caesalpinioideae), for which efficient nodulation has been described as dependent on the presence of AMF symbiosis. In this study we compared the nodulation behaviour of several rhizobial strains with or without AMF inoculation, and performed analyses on nodulation, nodule cytology, N-fixing efficiency and plant growth response. Nodulation of P. gonoacantha does not rely on the presence of AMF, but mycorrhization was rhizobial strain-dependent, and nodule effectiveness and plant growth were dependent on the presence of specific combinations of rhizobial strains and AMF. The co-occurrence of both symbionts within efficient nodules, and the differentiation of bacteroids within nodule cells were also demonstrated. Novel close interactions and interdependency for the establishment and/or functioning of these symbioses were also revealed in Piptadenia thanks to immunocytochemical analyses. These data are discussed in terms of the evolutionary position of the newly-circumscribed mimosoid clade within the Caesalpinioid sub-family and its relative proximity to non-nodulated (but AMF-associated) basal subfamilies.






重磅|植物学新专刊-Plant Direct,将比肩植物学顶尖杂志(推荐)




Science Singaling|白藜芦醇在免疫应答中双重的作用(推荐)








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