
APS | 现世中的极乐净土——了园

杨鑫夫 ART PIONEER STUDIO 2021-11-23


Liao Yuan (Liao Garden) is an ongoing project started in 2004 by contemporary artist Zheng Guogu. It was originally called “Age of Empires” and renamed to “Liao Yuan”.


Zheng Guogu is one of the pioneers of Chinese avant-garde and the founder of the renowned artists association Yang Jiang Group. His practice involves multiple disciplines, including performance art, photography, painting, sculpture, installation art, embroidery, environmental art, etc. The artist constantly explores the relationships between human and the nature, space and the universe. We were honored to visit and witness Liao Yuan, an ambitious combination of architecture and art. 


After passing the narrow country roads and graveled walls piles up by stones can people arrive at the unremarkable entrance of Liao Yuan. The Pyramid Tea House and intermingled water system rest on the left side of the central pond. On the right hand, the famous “Age of Empire” and “Museum of the Wind” stand amongst withered plants and the garden of succulents. The garden is filled with Zen spirits and the artist’s consistent exploration of architecture and art, leaving people overwhelmed by the artistic temperament and in awe of Liao Yuan’s grand beauty.  



The Pyramid Tea House functions as an “energy collector”, and the slope of the roof is 51.51°--designed after the Great Pyramid of Giza, oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex. The ascended roof immediately catches people’s attention. The width of the area is 12 meters, while the height is more than 10 meters. Part of the roof is left transparent and installed with a prism which collects the sunlight and directs it into the inside. It is well-known that ancient people were fascinated with the dome and sunlight, as we can see from the design of the Pantheon. The design shows Zheng Guogu’s consideration and exploration of art and architecture. Stepping inside, you will be attracted by an enormous piece of Thangka, which depicts the 108 Circles, and the pure land Shambhala. The Buddha says, “humans have six indriyas and six guṇas, qualities produced by the objects and organs of sense that are the cause of all impurity (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and idea).” The six indriyas and six gunas form our six parijñãnas, and all of the eighteen circles together compose everything in our cosmos. We replicate the eighteen circles in the time of the past, the current, and the future, thus developing the total of 54 circles. The 54 circles cross the living and the dead, therefore forming the final 108 circles of the universe. Once we understand the total of 108 circles can we arrive at the other side, the closest to the nihility and the ultimate wisdom. The other side is the pure land Shambhala. Shambhala is a mysterious land of Tibetan Buddism, the pure land of the mundane world. In Shambhala, people have the most developed technology, and the communities are filled with love and wisdom without the torture of disease, death, or the war. However, Shambhala only shows itself to the chosen ones. It is well known that Zheng Guogu is fascinated with Thangka, and that he uses many elements from Thangka in his works. The Thangka in the Pyramid Tea House embodies the artist’s detachment from the mundanity and his wish of the promising future.  



Stepping outside can we see the terraced water system, whose complexity can be compared to an eco-system. The artist says, “the velocity of the water currents resonates with our heart beats. We listen to it carefully. Feel it. This is how we find inner peace.” The ancient saying goes as “The highest goodness is like water.” Water is the beginning of every life; it brings everything and also takes it away. Year after year, it demands for nothing. The artist expresses his state of mind with the scenery.



Across the intermingled water system can we see the erect architecture, “Museum of the Wind”, which consists of some columns and scattered building floors. The vine leaves crawl all over the building and have become part of the architecture. Zheng Guogu wishes to “exhibit” wind here—to see the wind and listen to the wind—a unique and profound idea. Since the ancient times, people crave for a land of getaway paradise, and Zheng Guogu uses his own perception and understanding of architecture, art, as well as Buddhism, to create his own paradise. 




Between the wind and the water locates the famous “Age of Empires”. The artist was inspired by the popular game of the time. Compared to other buildings in the garden, Age of Empires is particularly exquisite and unique, with its irregular cannonball window and peculiar-shaped walls. The architecture also has roofs that light can go through and gardens that divide the day and the night. Many of the cannonball windows and door frames were designed with the tenon structure from ancient China. Surrounding area consists of withered plants, egg garden, and the garden of succulents, elevating the garden to another realm. The wither plants functions as the grey area of the architecture, also known as “Engawa”, an idea first introduced by Japanese architect Kisho Kurokawa. In other words, the Engawa is an area where people can enter and meditate. The space does not allow living plants and is piled up merely with grey rocks and stones. However, the existence of egg garden and succulents break the rule. “Without destruction there can be no construction”—this is probably one of the reasons why Zheng Guogu is one of the pioneers of avant-garde.  



The artist’s studio locates in Age of Empires, and his painting series “Brain Circuit” hang on the wall. He used the portraits of historical figures as background and paint strange signs on the top of the surface. The artist said, “This is their brain circuit, the part of the brain that controls human activity. The figures include Princess Diana and Daode Junzi in ancient China. He also created red brain circuit on pure black background and named them “Satan”. This is probably how the artist created works that passed beyond the realm of space. Pablo Picasso is one of the greatest artists of the world because he infused the element of time in the three-dimensional world. Likewise, Zheng Guogu also used his own method and created a series of thought-provoking works. 



著名艺术家郑国谷与欣稚锋艺术机构创始人Robin Wong


Zheng Guogu is indeed one of the pioneers of Chinese avant-garde, as he combines different elements of art and architecture, both Chinese and from the abroad, and expresses his constant pursuit of art and his exploration of space and time.  The homophonic form of Liao is Le, and Liao Yuan is probably the variant of Le Yuan (Paradise). Standing amongst mountains and waters, and intermingled with gardens, Liao Yuan is the pure land of the mundane world. 


文 / 杨鑫夫
Text / Yang Xinfu

杨鑫夫毕业于南京林业大学室内设计系,而后就读于佛罗伦萨美术学院艺术品设计与维护专业。曾工作于佛罗伦萨美术馆和palazzo strozzi基金会,在意大利期间曾参与过刘晓东、艾未未、玛丽亚·阿布拉莫维奇的艺术展览。

Graduated from Nanjing Forestry University as an Interior Design major, Yang studied Art Design and Preservation at the Academy of Fine Arts of Florence. He worked at La Galleria dell'Accademia a Firenze and the Foundation of Palazzo Strozzi. He also took part in organizing exhibitions for artists such as Liu Xiaodong, Ai Weiwei, and Marina Abramović during his time in Italy. 


Image courtesy by the artist and Art Pioneer Studio






欣稚锋艺术机构(Art Pioneer Studio)与国内外优秀艺术家、设计师和建筑师合作,致力于为城市与乡村室内外空间策划、设计并制作独一无二的定制艺术品,将触动人心的艺术力量赋予建筑空间和城市环境,以卓越的创造力打造非同凡响的公共艺术空间。


APS已与来自全球十余个国家和地区的40余位艺术家开展合作关系,并受政府委托策划执行2019上海城市空间艺术季(SUSAS 2019),同时在文华东方酒店集团、光明集团、陆家嘴集团及政府的多个境内外地产项目中担任全程艺术策划及监制顾问。

The Art to be continued…



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