



APSMUSEUM delightly announces that the postponed forum "The Invention of Solitude" will take place on February 24th, 2021. The forum content and registration path are posted below. Thank you for your insterest and support. We genuinely welcome you to come and participate in the event!

APSMUSEUM开馆时间为:周二至周日(周一闭馆),10:00 - 22:00,21:30停止售票/入场,当前展览为“空间领导者ENSEMBLE  URBAIN” 。在此特殊时期,APSMUSEUM每天对馆内进行全面彻底消毒,出入场馆的所有工作人员均严格遵守个人防护守则,进出场馆测量体温并佩戴口罩。所有员工按照防疫要求对健康情况进行申报。 

APSMUSEUM runs from Tuesday to Sunday (closed on Mondays), 10:00-22:00, with the last admission at 21:30. The current exhibition is “ENSEMBLE URBAIN”. During this special time, APSMUSEUM will conduct thorough disinfection of the space every day. All staff entering and leaving the museum will strictly follow the protection rules, take body temperature measurements and wear masks all the time. All employees will report their health conditions in accordance with the requirements of the epidemic prevention.



孤独及其所创造的The Invention of Solitude


Forum Host: 

孙啟栋 (当代艺术策展人,艺术评论人,作者)

Sun Qidong (Curator, Art Critic and Writer)


Guest Speakers: 

Alice 陈 (艺术家, “正向艺术研究会“创办人, “露台计划之淮海中路1431号“发起者和主持人)

Alice Chen (Artist, Founder of “Positive Art Research Center”, Producer and Curator of Project Terrace @1431 Huaihai Rd)

施勇 (艺术家)

Shi Yong (Artist)

杨振中  (艺术家)

Yang Zhenzhong (Artist)



2021.02.24,3:00 - 4:30pm

欣稚锋艺术机构、L+MallArt Pioneer Studio, L+Mall



APSMUSEUM,陆家嘴中心 L+MALL, 3层 301

APSMUSEUM, L+MALL, Lujiazui Center, Level 3 301



 在艺直播             bilibili直播

2月24日下午,APSMUSEUM将邀请正向艺术研究会发起人Alice Chen女士,艺术家、香格纳画廊艺术总监施勇先生,艺术家杨振中先生,围绕“空间领导者”中参展艺术家施勇和杨振中的作品共同为大家带来新一期论坛——“孤独及其所创造的”。论坛将由上海民生现代美术馆策展人孙啟栋主持。

In the afternoon of February 24th, APSMUSEUM will invite Ms. Alice Chen, founder of Positive Art Research Centre (PARC) , Mr. Shi Yong, artist, Artistic Director of ShanghART Gallery; Mr. Yang Zhenzhong, artist, to have a conversation on the artworks of Shi Yong and Yang Zhenzhong, two of the participating artists of Ensemble Urbain. The forum will be hosted by Mr. Sun Qidong, curator of Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum.


The topic of the forum is the eponymous of the memoir by Paul Auster, the renowned American writer. In the book, solitude makes Paul Auster deviate from his pursuit of the self, which becomes a metaphor for the artist’s creation state.



“When everything is untraceable and isolated, all people can do is to observe. However, it is quite another matter whether people can find meanings from what they observe.”


The artist constantly has dialogue with material, time and space, and emotions, but the works he creates always leave the viewer in a state of aphasia, turning the viewer into an outsider. And then, the permanent image of an outsider—if not the only one—is a true portrayal of life in modern urban life with nowhere to stop. The forum, “The Invention of Solitude”, hopes to take the exhibited works and artistic practices of artists Shi Yong and Yang Zhenzhong as start point, together with all the audience, whether or not they attend the event, to abandon the single interpretation of art and think about what real art is.

施勇(Shi Yong),《一堆幸福幻想》(A Bunch of Happy Fantasies),2009,霓虹灯,500(H) x 500(W) cm

施勇(Shi Yong),《在另一个句子里忽隐忽现 - 消息不胫而走》(Flickering in Another Sentence - the Gossip Spread like Wildfire),2018

杨振中(Yang Zhenzhong),《栅栏》(Fence),2017.6.14-9.11,特定空间装置,箭厂空间,北京



In the exhibition of Ensemble Urbain at APSMUSEUM, Shi Yong presents the work Inside or Out. The concept of the work is derived from the spatial reorganization of the simplified Chinese character “Inside”: the strokes of “Inside” are dismantled, and the dismantled strokes are reconstructed in an enclosed way. A separate hinge is placed at each stoke connection, so that it can be closed inward (locking fasteners are set at the last two stroke junctions as a hint that it can be closed completely) or opened outward. The reconstructed spatialized font is set in the ambiguous state of the closed and the opened.

施勇(Shi Yong),《内或者外》(Inside or Out),2020,铝 ,256 x 210 x 120 cm


Yang Zhenzhong presents the video work Light and Easy 2 in the exhibition. In the work, he arranged the video of cityscape along the Bund upside. Beneath the appearance of urbanization, Yang realized the change in physical weight of the city and therefore defined its weightlessness as a descriptive element in this piece by holding the crucial construction upside down. In this very series, Light and Easy encourages the awareness accompanied by significance. The series smashes the inside and the outside, which are previously separated, and produces a drama which is both amusing and thought-provoking.


杨振中(Yang Zhenzhong),《轻而易举2》(Light and Easy 2),2003,单频影像 彩色,有声,1'00''


By discussing space, the inside and the outside, the two artists express different understanding of urban landscape changes, human consciousness, knowledge, text, and materials.


Extract by pressing on the QR code to register for this event

-  本次活动免费预约参与,仅开放限量名额;
-  请于活动开场前半小时到达,并于APSMUSEUM前台核对预约信息;
-  为保障活动秩序及活动体验,活动全程请保持手机静音。

-  Free registration and participation of this event; due to limited venue capacity, registrations will be confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis.

-  Please arrive half an hour prior to the start of the event and check the reservation information at the APSMUSEUM front desk.

-  To ensure order and experience, please keep your mobile phone silent throughout the event.

论 坛 主 持 人

    Forum Host

Sun Qidong


他2014年起担任上海民生现代美术馆策展人,并负责管理展览部至今。上海民生现代美术馆成立于2008年,是国内首家由民营银行——中国民生银行赞助的美术馆,被誉为中国最具领导力的当代美术馆之一。他长期致力于当代艺术策展和理论研究之间的工作,探讨审美、政治和经济之间的关系。过去五年,他策划许多当代艺术的群展,包括:持续终点 (2018), 绿光终将消失 (2015), 非形象 (2015)等。其中,非形象展示了徐震、 杨振中、 张恩利、 郑国谷等中国当代艺术代表性艺术家的作品。另外,他也策划了许多艺术家的重要的回顾展以及个展,包括杨振中,宫岛达男(Tatsuo Miyajima),塞莱斯特·布谢-穆日诺(Céleste Boursier-Mougenot),施勇,娜塔莉·杜尔伯格与汉斯·博格(Nathalie Djurberg&Hans Berg)等,亦曾为艺术家施勇,张鼎,宫岛达男(Tatsuo Miyajima),阿德里安·比利亚尔·罗哈斯(Adrian Villar Rojas),杨振中等艺术家撰写画册文章。


SUN Qidong is a curator, art critic and writer.

He has been curator in charge of the curatorial department at the Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum since 2014. Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum is considered one of the most leading public contemporary art museums opened in 2008 in China, supported by China Minsheng Bank, the first private bank in China to sponsor contemporary art. He has long been committed to work and studies between curatorial practice and theoretical research, in which he explores the relationship between aesthetics, politics and economy. Over the past 5 years, Sun has organized group exhibitions including Continuous Terminus (2018), Do you wanna play with me (2015), and Non Figurative (2015). Non Figurative incorporated interactive and immersive works by artists such as Xu Zhen, Yang Zhenzhong, Zhang Enli, Zheng Guogu; he has curated important retrospectives and solo exhibitions by Yang Zhenzhong, Tatsuo Miyajima, Céleste Boursier-Mougenot, Shi Yong, Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg. He has also written numerous articles for the catalogues of artists Shi Yong, Zhang Ding, Tatsuo Miyajima and Adrian Villar Rojas, Yang Zhenzhong etc.

 论 坛 嘉 宾

Guest Speakers

Alice 陈
Alice Chen

Alice 陈,艺术家。 

2018年创办 「正向艺术研究会」,其工作方向是:研究、实践、和推广能够为人类和社会带来正向推进力的艺术。

2020年发起并主持 「露台计划之淮海中路1431号」。Alice 陈邀请上海艺术家们来到淮海中路1431号,就 “正向艺术”,结合官邸露台之特定场域,进行艺术实践、 研究并交流。截至目前,“露台计划”已经举办至第四期。它们分别是:第一期:张鼎「无回响」;第二期 :于吉「她山之石」|上午「······」;第三期 :施勇「谨慎!你的介入将对其产生影响,也对你产生影响」,以及特别演出:刘亚囡「衡 」;第四期 :殷漪「露台上的音乐」。第五期很荣幸邀请到艺术家杨振中先生,敬请期待。

Alice Chen, artist.

Founded “Positive Art Research Centre” in 2018, which aims to to research, practice, and promote art that brings positive force to human beings and society. 

In 2020, she created “Project Terrace @ 1431 Huaihai Middle Road.” As the host of the project, Alice Chen invites Shanghai-based artists to 1431 Huaihai Middle Road to create site-specific works that interact with the terrace, and allow them to practice, research, and exchange ideas based on the concept of “Positive Art.” Until now, the project has been held for four terms: Term I “Zhang Ding: No Echo”; Term II “Yu Ji:「Stones in her Pocket」 | am「······」”; Term III “Shi Yong: Caution! Your Intervention will make an impact on it, as it will also make an impact on you”, and special performance “Liu Yanan: UN-balance”, Term IV “Yin Yi: Music on the Terrace”. Term V is pleased to invite artist Yang Zhenzhong; please stay tuned for more information.


Shi Yong

施勇(1963 年出生)作为中国较早从事装置与影像媒介的代表人物之一,自1993 年起, 施勇的作品就在国内外被广泛展出。他创作媒介包括装置,行为,摄影及录像。施勇的早期创作致力于揭示现实的暧昧性以及系统内部的张力,九十年代末开始集中讨论中国改革开放神话下的当代上海的转型概念,继而引向更宏观的全球化,消费文化等层面,2006 年,从作品“2007 没有卡塞尔文献展“开始,施勇将质疑的目光最终落在了其所处的艺术界本身,思考如何在创作中传递出一种更为理性的态度。2015 年个展“让所有的可能都在内部以美好的形式解决“,既是之前创作的延续,又传达了其未来意图在表面“抽象”之下展开对于“控制”的反思与实践。

Shi Yong (born 1963) is a representative figure of contemporary Chinese artists who first started working with installation and video media. Since 1993, his works have been widely exhibited both in China and abroad. His earliest artistic practices focused on revealing the subtlety of our reality and the inherent tension of the "system". Since the end of 1990s, Shi began focusing on the idea of Shanghai’s transformations under the Chinese economic reform, which contributed to a discussion of globalization and consumerism. Since 2006, with the work "Sorry, There will be no Documenta in 2007", he turned his attention to the art world itself, pondering how to provide a more rational perspective through his creative works. Shi Yong’s 2015 solo exhibition "Let All Potential Be Internally Resolved Using Beautiful Form" continues his artistic practice, disclosing his intention to expand the reflection and practice of “control” under the seemingly “abstract” future. 


Yang Zhenzhong

 Yang Zhenzhong was born in 1968 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, and is currently based in Shanghai. As a practicing artist, Yang works primarily in the field of conceptual art with media that span from video, photography and installation to painting and sculpture. For decades, he is an active member of the international contemporary art scene and has showcased twice in the Venice Biennale (2003 and 2007). As a curator, he has collaborated with artists in Shanghai since the late 1990s and planned and initiated exhibitions including “Art For Sale”, “Dial 62761232: Express Art Exhibition” “Hipic”, and dozens of other important contemporary art shows and projects. Yang’s creations have always been centring on the issue of life and death and highlighting the multitude of contradictions and disorders in the society with a cynical attitude on one hand. On the other hand, he translates and recycles the people, objects and landscapes in everyday urban life and political space.



空间领导者 | APSMUSEUM开馆展
展览日期:2020.11.12 - 2021.02.28参观时间:周二至周日(周一闭馆),10:00 - 22:00,21:30停止售票/入场展览地点:APSMUSEUM,上海陆家嘴中心L+MALL三楼301















空间领导者 | APSMUSEUM开馆展



General Organizer: Robin Wong


Curator: Xu Zhen


Artists:Anish Kapoor, Ding Yi, Mona Hatoum, He An, James Turrell, Li Hanwei, Lu Xinghua, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Qiu Anxiong, Shi Yong, Wang Jianwei, Wang Ziquan, XU ZHEN®, Yang Zhenzhong, Zhan Wang

展期:2020.11.12 - 2021.02.28

Duration: 2020.11.12 - 2021.02.28


Venue: APSMUSEUM, No.301, Floor 3, L+MALL, Shanghai


Organizers: Art Pioneer Studio, L+MALL


Support: Shanghai International Cultural Exchange Association, The Architectural Society of Shanghai China, Chinese Culture Promotion Society, Shanghai Xinhua Media Co.,LTD


Acknowledgement: Pace Gallery, Lisson Gallery, GALLERIA CONTINUA, Madeln Gallery, ShanghART Gallery, Long March Space, White Cube, Spurs Gallery

APSMUSEUM是由欣稚锋艺术机构(Art Pioneer Studio)及其创始人汪斌(Robin Wong)女士创立的非营利艺术空间。APSMUSEUM关注当代艺术、建筑、设计、时尚等不同领域,意在寻找、搭建和展示彼此相互融合的“空间”可能性。APSMUSEUM试图延展出更多元的艺术与建筑、设计之间的公共文化空间,艺术与时尚之间的文化消费空间,人与社会文化之间的心理空间。APSMUSEUM坐落在上海陆家嘴中心L+Mall商场三楼,由意大利著名建筑设计事务所Stefano Boeri Achitetti担任室内设计。由展览空间APSPACE、艺术设计商店APSTORE和会晤空间APSALON三部分组成。APSMUSEUM致力于塑造一个非常独特的展览空间,能够将艺术和文化带到充满活力的零售空间概念中。

APSMUSEUM is a non-profit art space founded by Art Pioneer Studio and its founder, Ms. Robin Wong. With focuses on contemporary art, architecture, design, fashion, and other creative fields, the APSMUSEUM aims to discover, build, and integrate these areas of interest into a “space” of possibilities. The APSMUSEUM attempts to extend diverse public cultural spaces that bring together art, architecture, and design, a venue of cultural consumption of art and fashion, a psychological space that addresses man and social culture. APSMUSEUM is located in the L+Mall of Lujiazui, Shanghai. The renowned Italian design firm, Stefano Boeri Achitetti, executes its interior design consisting of APSPACE for exhibition, APSTORE for art and design shop, and APSALON for meetings. APSMUSEUM aims to create an unconventional exhibition space that brings art and culture to a vibrant retail concept.

上海陆家嘴中心L+Mall位于上海陆家嘴核心区域,邻近上海中心、环球金融中心等。体量超过140000平方米,地上10层商业,地下1层商业,坐落在“黄金角”地段,L+Mall已成为上海金融中心的新枢纽。L+Mall建筑由全球顶级建筑事务所SOM(Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP)设计,屡获国际殊荣的建筑设计事务所Benoy为这座上海核心金融区的大体量中高端购物中心提供了商业空间规划,室内设计及标识设计。

2019年,L+Mall引入巴黎老佛爷百货(Galeries Lafayette)旗舰店,同时拥有世界各大奢华品牌及小众精品等近600个品牌。融合了餐饮,休闲娱乐,跨界体验,艺术空间等多元业态。

L+Mall is located at the heart of Lujiazui, Shanghai, neighboring Shanghai Center, and Shanghai World Financial Center. Its more than 140,000 square meters of construction are divided into ten floors of retail space above ground and one underground. Situated at the "Golden Tip", L+Mall has become the new hub of Shanghai's financial center. Designed by the world's top architecture firm SOM (Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP), Benoy's international award-winning architecture firm has provided commercial space planning, interior design, and logo design for this sizeable mid-range and upscale shopping mall in the heart of Shanghai's financial district.

 In 2019, L+Mall introduced the flagship store of Galeries Lafayette, which features nearly 600 brands from the world's major luxury brands and boutiques. It integrates diverse experiences such as dining, leisure and entertainment, crossover experiences, and art spaces.


APSMUSEUM论坛回顾 | 安尼施·卡普尔的幻象空间以及与建筑、公共空间的关系

APSMUSEUM论坛 | 安尼施·卡普尔的幻象空间

APSMUSEUM论坛回顾 | James Turrell从光与色彩到空间与城市


欣稚锋艺术机构(Art Pioneer Studio)与国内外优秀艺术家、设计师和建筑师合作,致力于为城市与乡村室内外空间策划、设计并制作独一无二的定制艺术品,将触动人心的艺术力量赋予建筑空间和城市环境,以卓越的创造力打造非同凡响的公共艺术空间。


APS已与来自全球十余个国家和地区的40余位艺术家开展合作关系,并受政府委托策划执行2019上海城市空间艺术季(SUSAS 2019),同时在文华东方酒店集团、光明集团、陆家嘴集团及政府的多个境内外地产项目中担任全程艺术策划及监制顾问。

The Art to be continued…



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