
APSMUSEUM x L+MALL联合主办视频作品 | 向振华《一片雪花》


APSMUSEUM荣幸宣布,将携手上海陆家嘴中心L+ MALL于2021年12月01日共同呈现视频作品《一片雪花》。本次作品由艺术家向振华创作,在上海陆家嘴中心L+MALL,位于浦东南路商城路交界处的正门大屏呈现。






艺术家向振华Artist: Xiang Zhenhua
开幕2021.12.01Opening: 2021.12.01
展期:2021.12.01 - 2021.12.31Duration: 2021.12.01 - 2021.12.31

“像”是“素”在⼀个时间节点的汇合。⼀张⻓宽⽐例固定的画⾯⾥,构成“像“的便是这些“素”。往往我们看到的是最后成像的结果。其中有⼀个运⾏的规则:⼀旦运⾏,时间会介⼊。那么像素就如同鲜活的⽣命体,在这空间⾥⾯产⽣运动。时间也能变成可被感知的“像”的⼀种。那么元素、规则、时间、空间在⼀个浓缩的体系下运⾏的时候,我们所能感知的是否就也能超越“像”本身所给出信息意义? “像”是“机缘”。所有看似混乱的元素从抽象到具象再到抽象,从不可认知到可以识别。我们往往识别的是通过这个机缘运⾏⽽固定下来的某⼀帧画⾯。但在这之前所运⾏的成千上万步的过程和轨迹并不⼀定能够让我们清晰地看到这个机缘是按照怎样的规则进⾏。⽽恰巧能被显影在眼前的准确的“像”是在规则的运⾏下所有元素的集合,当然也包括出现在这“像”⾯前的观看者。






2018,La pietà, 独角兽艺术空间,北京


2015,她告诉我她从哪来,地平线画廊,巴黎 AMBIGUITE ,Paris ,暧昧,巴黎 2014,大象无形,地平线画廊,巴黎

2013,N44° 07’56.36″” E5° 06’59.71,ECLATS 艺术节,法国


2020,当速度成为形式,在屏幕里生活 无语看波澜,新园林故事,沧浪亭,苏州2019,离岸,M 艺术空间,上海


2017,TO BE AN IMAGE MAKER, 集美 X 阿尔勒,厦门 所见非所见 ,Photofairs, 旧金山

2016,天真的与伤感的小说家 ,ASIANOW, 巴黎 不如跳舞 acation-imaged bodies, 影像上海艺术博览会,上海

2015 灰/刃/框/洋 Ash/Blade/Frame/Ocean, 集美 X 阿尔勒,厦门

2013,BLACK BOARD,Arles 阿尔勒摄影节 PERSISTANCE DU MODELE RELIGIEUX,Paris 宗教典范的余辉,巴黎 ce mot me la rendait ennuyeuse comme une exposition de photographies,Paris  这个词让我感觉像一个摄影展一样无聊,巴黎

2012,Exposition Les amis des beaux arts, Galerie gauche aux Beaux-Arts,Paris 美院的朋友们 - 人像,巴黎高等美术学院,巴黎 La Mtiére Du Corps ,Paris 身体的材质,巴黎 NIAN ,Paris 年,巴黎


APSMUSEUM携手上海陆家嘴中心冬季大展 | 《定数》

《彩色玻璃窗》线上论坛回顾 | 情智、机器与蜃景:生活在机械装置与算法之中

APSMUSEUM是由欣稚锋艺术机构(Art Pioneer Studio)及其创始人汪斌(Robin Wong)女士创立的非营利艺术空间。APSMUSEUM关注当代艺术、建筑、设计、时尚等不同领域,意在寻找、搭建和展示彼此相互融合的“空间”可能性。APSMUSEUM试图延展出更多元的艺术与建筑、设计之间的公共文化空间,艺术与时尚之间的文化消费空间,人与社会文化之间的心理空间。APSMUSEUM坐落在上海陆家嘴中心L+Mall商场三楼,由意大利著名建筑设计事务所Stefano Boeri Achitetti担任室内设计。由展览空间APSPACE、艺术设计商店APSTORE和会晤空间APSALON三部分组成。APSMUSEUM致力于塑造一个非常独特的展览空间,能够将艺术和文化带到充满活力的零售空间概念中。

APSMUSEUM is a non-profit art space founded by Art Pioneer Studio and its founder, Ms. Robin Wong. With focuses on contemporary art, architecture, design, fashion, and other creative fields, the APSMUSEUM aims to discover, build, and integrate these areas of interest into a “space” of possibilities. The APSMUSEUM attempts to extend diverse public cultural spaces that bring together art, architecture, and design, a venue of cultural consumption of art and fashion, a psychological space that addresses man and social culture. APSMUSEUM is located in the L+Mall of Lujiazui, Shanghai. The renowned Italian design firm, Stefano Boeri Achitetti, executes its interior design consisting of APSPACE for exhibition, APSTORE for art and design shop, and APSALON for meetings. APSMUSEUM aims to create an unconventional exhibition space that brings art and culture to a vibrant retail concept.

上海陆家嘴中心L+Mall位于上海陆家嘴核心区域, 邻近上海中心、环球金融中心等。体量超过140000平方米,地上10层商业,地下1层商业,坐落在“黄金角”地段,L+Mall已成为上海金融中心的新枢纽。L+Mall建筑由全球顶级建筑事务所SOM(Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP)设计,屡获国际殊荣的建筑设计事务所Benoy为这座上海核心金融区的大体量中高端购物中心提供了商业空间规划,室内设计及标识设计。

2019年,L+Mall引入巴黎老佛爷百货(Galeries Lafayette)旗舰店,同时拥有世界各大奢华品牌及小众精品等近600个品牌。融合了餐饮,休闲娱乐,跨界体验,艺术空间等多元业态。

L+Mall is located at the heart of Lujiazui, Shanghai, neighboring Shanghai Center, and Shanghai World Financial Center. Its more than 140,000 square meters of construction are divided into ten floors of retail space above ground and one underground. Situated at the "Golden Tip", L+Mall has become the new hub of Shanghai's financial center. Designed by the world's top architecture firm SOM (Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP), Benoy's international award-winning architecture firm has provided commercial space planning, interior design, and logo design for this sizeable mid-range and upscale shopping mall in the heart of Shanghai's financial district.
In 2019, L+Mall introduced the flagship store of Galeries Lafayette, which features nearly 600 brands from the world's major luxury brands and boutiques. It integrates diverse experiences such as dining, leisure and entertainment, crossover experiences, and art spaces.


欣稚锋艺术机构(Art Pioneer Studio)与国内外卓越的艺术家、设计师和建筑师合作,致力于为城市内外空间 策划、设计并制作独一无二的定制艺术品,将触动人心的艺术力量赋予建筑空间和城市环境,提升公共环境中的艺术氛围,以卓越的创造力打造非同凡响的公共艺术空间。 


APS已与来自全球几十个国家和地区的上百位艺术家开展合作关系,并受政府委托策划执行2019上海城市 空间艺术季(SUSAS 2019),实现了包括刘建华、Richard Wilson、Esther Stocker、Yusuke Asai、 Oscar Oiwa、Felice Varini、Yoshiyuki Kawazoe、Pascale Marthine Tayou、宋冬等二十多位国内外 一线艺术家的永久作品,为该地区注入新的活力。同时,欣稚锋艺术机构也在文华东方酒店集团、光明集 团、陆家嘴集团及政府的多个境内外地产项目中担任全程艺术策划及监制顾问。

Art Pioneer Studio collaborates with internationally-renowned artists, designers and architects both at home and from abraod. Our team is committed to planning, designing and executing customized artworks for the interior and outdoor spaces of cities. We are dedicated to enhance the artistic atmosphere in urban space and build an extraordinary public art space with outstanding creativity. 

APS constantly explores the possibilities of architecture and art and aims to establish a connection between artworks and the environment in which they are situated. We provide extensive curatorial and supervisional service for public urban space, luxury hotels, Grade A office buildings, indoor and outdoor spaces in shopping malls and residential buildings, and art season projects. We seek dialogue between art and other disciplines, organize and promote international interdisciplinary collaboration, especially in the field of architecture and art. We are enthusiastic about organizing cross-border cooperation, in which architects and artists can collaborate and create customized top-grade public artworks.

APS has collaborated with over one hundred artists from various countries and regions from the world, and was entrusted by Shanghai and Yangpu District People‘s Government to plan and execute 2019 Shanghai Urban Space Art Season (SUSAS 2019). Our team infused new energy into the local area by implementing public artworks by more than twenty internationally renowned artists, such as Liu Jianhua, Richard Wilson, Esther Stocker, Yusuke Asai, Oscar Oiwa, Felice Varini, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Song Dong, etc. Meanwhile, APS has served as a consultant overseeing the process of art planning & supervision in several real estate projects, including Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, Bright Group, Lujiazui Group and the government.

The Art to be continued…



